PHP Login Script Update
New Php Login Script update gives you ability to select password hash between MD5 or Argon2. Please note MD5 is not a secure password hashing method anymore. If you change your password hashing in running installation then you will need to reset passwords. Because script do not store original passwords that’s why password reset cannot be done automatically on Hashing change. Also Argon2 requires at least PHP 7.2 so make sure you are upto date and secure. PHP login script is more secure now and more powerful.
What’s Special in it?
Very nice user information bar is included now where user can see their information for all users admin and any other membership level user.
Effective Dashboard
Very effective dashboard for admin users. Please check out demo to know all about the script.
User Levels
Only admin can add new user levels in this system and specify the pages for those user levels. Users of that level can be redirected to that user level page as well and admin have option to send message with one click to all members of specefic user level.
Notes Module!
As every user have his/her own message center every user have their own notes section as well where they can manage some important stuff they want to keep note about.
Better user management.
Admin can add, deactivate, activate, ban suspend, delete a user , admin can send message to any user, admin can turn on or turn off the email verification for system as well. Admin can turn off registration of users so only admins have to add users manually.
PHP Message Center
PHP Message center is powerful message center so users can communicate with each other. Message center helps admins to send message to any user and user level on other hand users can send message to only other users they know email or username of. PHP message center support sent items, inbox, new message, reply in same thread and other main features.
New announcement module let admins to add announcement for specific group, or for all users. You can add unlimited announcements, edit them to deactive or assign other group of users. you can delete announcement as well. The visitor can see announcement and click close button to close announcement.
Webful Login and User Management system is very easy system to use. This is PHP,MySQL powered system which have very easy installation by its installation wizard.
This user management system give you ability to make your own pages accessible by all users, or specific user levels only.
Visitors can register themself and login to their profiles where they can handle their account details. User can upload his/her picture as well.
User can register themself in this php login system where they can activate their account by verifying their email address. Users can reset their passwords by their email id as well. Admin have ability to edit,activate, deactivate, ban or delete any user anytime.
How a user can receive message?
There are 3 Ways a user can receive message
- A user can send message to other user entering their Email/ Username.
- An Admin user can send message to whole group of Subscribers or all system users.
- A manager who have access to that level of users can send them messages.
And the receiver will see number with message box, of unread messages.
and they will also receive Email notification if they have not turned that off from their Profile.
New Features.
- Email notification on new message can activate or deactive every user have its own setting to get email notification on new message.
- Used MD5 Hash Security for password to make it more secure.
- Set Maximum login attempts on wrong login tries
- Set account lock time on wrong logins.
- Last logon time.
- IP Where user loged in last time.
- Notification to user group on new registration (can be activate/deactivate) when a new user on same groupd added by admin or register.php notification to all members of same group can be activate/deactive.
- Admin can set session timeout if you set 60 minute session timeout user would be loged out after that time period from login time.
- Redirect on logout selection.
- Disable login temporary.
- Disable registration. from rerigster.php form.
- Select default user type for registration form.
- Update is made easy. Version tracking.
Main Features |
Admin Features |
Crop profile pictures.
Now users can upload pictures of any size and system give them ability to crop their pictures while they are uploading pictures. This jquery crop feature is very easy to crop the pictures and use in your profile thumbnail.
Login with facebook
If you already have account in this system you can click login and login with facebook one click button, if you do not have account system will register you first in our system and login via facebook. Register casue in case you dont want to login with facebook.
You can visit demo here.
Admin Demo user
password: 4798
Subscriber User Demo
password: 4798
Only accessable to subscribers and admin users.
Accessable to all users when they are loged in only.
Only accessable to admin.
Support and New features
Check if user is loged in or not? Click here
How to secure a page for specific level? Click here
How to print specific values e.g name, last name status, type, profile image? Click here
How to secure specific content area in a page Partial content security. Click here
Creating forms to register for different user level? Instead of subscriber default level. Click here
How visitor can select his user type on registration from multiple user types? Click here
Please contact me from envato contact form Contact me I can provide you free help to make this script working and installation issues if you face any. Reply time is 12 hours.
Helpful Feature
PHP Login system have options table so user can save some information like option key and option value in that table. Using following functions in php login system user can add and get values from options table. Key should be unique.
<?php //using set function you can save value of any key. set_option('key_name', $key_value); ?> <?php //using get function you can get value of any key saved. echo get_option('key_name'); ?> Getting information about user from users table. System have a new function in class users called get_user_info which takes a term of database table like first_name, or last_name, and second argument user id, and returns value related to that user. like below for this you have to create a user object. <?php $new_user = new Users; $first_name = $new_user->get_user_info('first_name', $_SESSION['user_id']); //above line will return first name from database for loged in user. $country = $new_user->get_user_info('country', $_SESSION['user_id']); //above line will return country for loged in user. //Note: You can send any user id to this function and get related information. ?>
Future Updates
We keep working on keeping this script uptodate and having all features a user management can have. We keep looking for user’s suggestions and requests if you have any suggestion or recommendation please let us know. So we can make this more better together. Future updates would be completely free for buyers.
Get in touch!
08-04-2015 * New Version Released 3.0 * New Bootstrap Theme with sidebar Menu Included. * Old Version is available on request to download. * Updated bootstrap, Jquery and other all plugins. * Improved PHP Code to make it more secure and efficient. Enhanced OOP. 16-06-2014 * Fixed installation wizard issue. (Creating database nicely now.) * Fixed croppic work in all other skins where that was not working. * Redirect on logout selection.(page selection) * Update is made easy. Version tracking. * Disable login temporary. * Disable registration. from rerigster.php form. * Select default user type for registration form. * Session timeout. * Notification to user group on new registration (can be activate/deactivate) * User meta table added Fields (user id, last login time, last login ip, message email notification, login attempts, account lock) * Function get_client_ip(), send_email(), random password, * Last login on time, * last login from IP, * Maximum login attempts on wrong login tries. * account lock time on wrong logins. * Use MD5 Security. * Email notification on new messages (can active, deactive.) * New announcement module. (add announcement for all users or for specific user group. Can active, deactive, and delete as well.) 08-06-2014 * Facebook connect login and register feature. * Logout user if blocked by admin while session is active. * Improved my notes design. * Message all users feature. * Improved dashboard. * Crop profile pictures. 29-05-2014 * Added Italian language (Credit: Davide Gialli * Fixed some bugs in security. * Made sure not user can register itself as admin anyhow. * Updated German Language by a German client (Credit: Alexander Krämer 30-04-2014 * Added new function to get user table info easily by sending user id. * Added 15 Skins to get more color and look options. * Added 3 Languages, German, French, Dutch * Adding new language made easy. Just editing 1 file. * Added tinymce to messages textarea. * Server side validation for messages. 29-12-2013 * Can register or login using username * Powerful PHP message center included so users of system can communicate with each other and admins can send message to all. 23-12-2013 * Improved design with bootstrap * New feature of My Notes so users can save their notes online 16-12-2013 * General Settings section. New file general_settings.php, /includes/recaptchalib.php , effected file register.php * Recaptcha implementation. 04-12-2013 * Fixed php variable notice classes/userleve.php effected. 08-11-2013 * Change default user registration type from subscriber to any other type you create in user level. * Give your users access to register as any of multiple user type options. 26-10-2013 * Partial content access. Change content on specific part of page according to user type. 17-10-2013 * Initial Release
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