Latest version [Nulled] , powered by itdev88
I lowered the price for the 5 fastest buyers. Normal price 79 dollars, special 5 fastest buyers will get a price of 64 dollars. After that we will increase the price back to 79 dollars.
Free application installation and build services. Free stock opname feature…
New Update - referral System Feature. - now users can print daily reports as well as sales reports.. - now Users can change their own currency. open the store and branch menu to change it, after changing the currency you have to logout and re-login. please delete your demo application and reinstall the application in codecanyon. - now users can download and also share sales reports and accounting reports. - I have added the QR Code feature, users can share QR Codes so that buyers can open an online store by scanning the qr code, please delete the demo application and reinstall it, for buyers of this code you must request via email (FREE).
future updates:
Coming Soon, Special Update, Select Product by Voice Feature… Cashiers only need to press the Audio button and call the product, the product will automatically add to the basket….
Make sure you buy this sourch at codecanyon only. I don’t sell anywhere else. if you buy from elsewhere, I assure you that you will not get continuous updates. because most of the updates we will send via email for users who buy this product at codecanyon.
Platinum POS is made to meet your needs, Users can still make transactions even though there is no internet connection, and when they are connected, users can synchronize data
This application is perfect for:
- Retail Store
- Wholesale shop
- Grocery store
- Pharmacy
- Workshop
- Salon
- Rental
- and others
By purchasing this script, you can become a new entrepreneur who provides the most complete Point of sale application for users in your country
by purchasing the Platinum Point Of Store with Online Store, you will get:
- Android Source Code.
- Rest Api with php and mysql.
- Online Store Script for this POS user with php mysql.
- Backend.
- Web user Panelto manage a business other than using the application.
- Landing Page, to make your business easier.
- documentation.
if you want to have other scripts with Full Online features without Offline Features, you can buy them in the button below
if you want to have another script at a cheaper price you can buy it at the button below
if you want to buy restaurant-specific POS Products
Platinum POS with Online Store is a Point of sales application with the most complete and best features. with an application size that is small and light but has complete and sophisticated features
This application can be used for various businesses with a small and large scale.
You can have an application with features that other applications don’t have. This application is equipped with expense features, barcode scanning, Bluetooth printing, attendance features, payroll features, Offline Feature and other features.
In addition, this application is equipped with a complete and integrated system of accounts payable, debt repayment and financial reports.
with this application you can find out where employees work, where to sell and where they are in realtime attendance
This system is equipped with a master admin to manage all features, sales to manage sales and admin to help master managing products and so on, all can be done on a smartphone that has this application installed
in the application there is an online store management menu, users can change the color of their online store and change any information from the application
Users who use this application can have a sophisticated automated online shop, where orders will go directly to the online shop owner’s WhatsApp
by having this script, you can change the splash icon, logo or appearance and color you want easily and quickly
Main Features:
- Offline Feature with signal Online or Offline
- Shift feature that can be activated or not by the user
- QR Code feature to share with customers
- subscription system that can be managed on the backend
- when the subscription period is over, it will automatically return to basic member member
- Manage multiple Store.
- Manage multiple Branch.
- Manage Online Store (add manage products to display in online stores or just for POS purposes only).
- manage products to display in online stores or just for POS purposes only.
- available master, sales and admin with different features.
- managing employee positions.
- managing customer and supplier debts
- manage employee salaries and attendance
- Create customers and suppliers.
- Create product information with image.
- Edit product information
- Print receipt by POS printer
- Share receipt to customers via social media
- Add product using Barcode code
- Product stock management system
- Product Stock count
- Product by category
- Search product using QR and Barcode
- Point of sales system with cart.
- Create expense list.
- Add/Edit product category
- Add/Edit payment method
- Attractive User Interface.
- Product based Tax and discount system
- You can add a service fee as well
- Android 10 compatible
- Programmed in Android Studio IDE
- Development language is Java and kotlin
- Enhanced documentation.
- Admob support.
- Multi Language.
- online chat feature to serve users with FREE freshchat
- point system for customer membership.
Demo Apk:
you can register yourself
Demo Web User:
Please open the following link
use your account Master in the app
Demo Backend:
Please open the following link
User: admin
Password: 123456
Demo Landing Page:
Open Demo Landing Page
Demo Online Store:
Open Demo Online Store basic
Open Demo Online Store Premium
For help, change and add features and others, please use the contact us feature at codecanyon or contact us via email:
v1.0.1 - Augustus 23, 2021 - Add Shift Feature; - Add Upload Banner Feature; - bug fix; - other; v1.0.0 - Augustus 19, 2021 - First Release;
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Platinum Point Of Sales (POS) complete package, Android and Online Store with Offline Feature from the The Developer ( itdev88 ) website. Thank you.
Download = Platinum Point Of Sales (POS) complete package, Android and Online Store with Offline Feature-[Updated].zip