Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM PRO is complete Customer Relationship Management and Accounting And Billing Software that is a great fit for almost any company, freelancer or many other uses. With its clean and modern design, Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM PROCRM can help you look more professional to your customers and help improve business performance at the same time by using some awesome feature.
Most Important Feature is Goal Tracking and Leads and Tickets Email Intigration
In goal Tracking, you just set a goal for achieving it auto calculation and send confirmation by email for many modules.
you can set goal by using start and end for deposit,expense,invoice,tasks,bugs,project and more.
in email integration, you can get you server mail like Gmail,yahoo,whatever mail by using this service. it helps to not check your email again and again.
Sales and transaction are important and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM in several ways:
Project Management
You can easily track your project by adding comments,attachment,tasks,bugs,milestone,private and public note,project wise invoice,time management and track your activity in most feature is you can set your goal to complete you project with start and end date with awesome progress wise. you just create it nothing to work everything manage it. not only that you can export and import project.
Invoice Management
You can easily create and manage invoice with more than 6 payment can set this invoice by recurring , you can send the overdue invoice,payments ,invoice payment reminder refund issue and much more.
Import Option
You can import your CSV or excel file to the following menu
Sales and transaction are important and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro in several ways:
Keep track of leads in one place and easily follow their progress.
Create good looking proposals for leads or customers and increase sales.
Records your company expenses and have the ability to bill to your customers and auto convert to invoice.
Know more about your customers with powerful CRM.
Use the Goals Tracking feature to keep sales goals in mind.
Build professional, great looking estimates and invoices.
Powerful support system with ability to auto-import tickets and leads
Custom fields can store extra information for customers, leads , deposit,project and more.
Follow-ups, reports, notes, files and many more features.
CRMs need to focus on customers and Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro CRM does that with a powerful support system that helps you track and resolve issues quickly via the integrated ticket system and customer reminders. Assign reminders to yourself, one or many staff members and with one click, reminders can be sent to email and in-app notification system. These features and more can take customer satisfaction to the next level.
Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro CRM has many features designed to fit many applications. Read more about the features below and try the demo to see how Project Manager With Billing accounting CRM Pro CRM can help you succeed.
More Product
In BACS lite only is Billing and Accounting Management Just client and BACS PRO is a total Billing , Accounting with CRM like Project , Opportunity,Project Basis Tasks,Opportunity Basis Task,Leads Management,Bugs management , email intigration to incommint tikctes and leads using IMAP,Manage goal tracking , set terget achievement wise goal,added custom fileds and many more
The most complete and easy to use PHP Invoice, Customer and Project management system available for companies and freelancers. Features rival some of the other biggest software providers on the market. Host the application on your own website or in-house server.
What Client Says
BACS Product Comparison:
BACS Key Featured
Update History
17 June 2017
-- added dynamic pagination in datatable in system settings -- added Max filesize in system settings -- added Google key for map in system settings --- added passport option in user -- added only admin can delete salary list. -- added only admin can delete timechange request. -- Added export report as pdf into project. -- Added Billable and unbillable Task option into project. -- Added Billable and unbillable expense option into project. -- Added ability to add attachment in project comments. -- Added ability to add estimate into project. -- Added export report as pdf into tasks. -- Added taks billable and unbillable option into tasks. -- Added kanban option into tasks. -- Added all not started,inprogress,complete,deferred,waiting for someone option into tasks. --added billable option into expense. --added option to view expense details into expense. --added name/title for personal use into expense. --added name/title for personal use into Deposit. --Abbily to convert into invoice if the expense is billable into expense. -- Added kanban option into Leads. -- Added Abbily to Filter option by leads status and leads source into Leads. -- Added Order no into leads Status. -- view how many leads by status,and source. -- Added Abbily to Filter option by paid,non paid,partially paid,draft,cancelled,overdue,reccuring into Invoice. -- added create contact button when add client into client. -- added client permission option when create contact into client. -- added customer group option. -- Added Dynamic customer group option into client. -- view how many client by customer group. -- added Latitude,Longitude and map option into client. -- modify client table added view option total project,due amount,received amount,total expense into client. -- added filtering option by group into client. -- added file manager into client details.client can upload and shareing file. -- added save and add more button into departments. -- added create,edit,delete,view option for all menu into departments. -- added All settings menu under permission.into departments. -- added client permission when adding the client user into user. -- added permission option to all under the settings menu. -- added private chat enable/disable option int menu allocation. -- Fixed all bugs
2 Aug 2016
.- add Invoice starting number option. .- add invoice footer text option. .- add estimate starting number option. .- add estimate footer text option. .- add invoice new pdf design. .- add invoice url and share and make payment option to anywhere. - extimate approve / decliend button add in client panel - item add bugs fixed - other some bug fixed .
27 Jun 2016
-Add project expense - added leave and absent into calendar with color - added pinned option - bug fixed
20 June 2016
-add project hourly rate with tasks and wihout task timer. -added autometic database backup . - added unlimited database backup and restore option. - fixed all language issue. -Bugs Fixed.
6 June 2016
-add option to manu allocation . -add option to active / deaction manu . - added complete 3 language transations -Bugs Fixed.
16 April 2016
-add attachment and import option to the deposit . -add attachment and import option to the expense. -add attachment option into the transfer . -add a new module name as Goal Tracking. - import option into the deposit - import option into expense - import option into tasks - import option into leads - import option into the project - import option into the client this Goal Tracking module targeted goal 1.Based on total income 2.Based on bank wise income 3.Based on total expense 4.Based on bank wise expense 5.Based on the invoice date. 6.Based on estimate date. 7.Based on the payment date. 8.Based on task done. 9.Based on bugs resole. 10.Based on lead convert to client date. 11.Based on a cleint date. 12.Based on a project done. - add custom field option for each and show the custom field option to details . this custom field module can add new filed like can create custome into Deposit can create custome into Expense can create custome into Tasks can create custome into Project can create custome into Leads can create custome into Bugs can create custome into Tickets can create custome into Opportunities can create custome into Invoice can create custome into Estimates - add google calendar option in the calendar. - change the currency position and currency format into each module. - add an option to create single and multiple project invoice. - IMAP email integration to save tickets and leads information from email server. - add a cronjob to send recurring invoice,overdue project,overdue invoice,expire estimate and goal tracking result. - add the end date on the report by date add option When received the payment transfer automatic for TRANSACTIONS / DEPOSIT - add client can import option add my tasks and my project into the dashboard add goal report (bar chart) into the dashboard - add a statistic like base on targeted goal and last 7 days and show pending goal and done percentage into each module like deposit,expense,invoice,estimate,tasks,project,payment,client,bugs. -bug fixed and much more
16 April 2016
- leads import option. - leads convert to client option. - Dashboard invoice tab fixed currency fixed - Private Chat Error Fixed - Delete user error fixed - System settings error fixed - Payment PDF Option added - Fixed all permission error.
9 April 2016
- Change it a New Theme. - Set Project Timer. - Project Notes - Set every module new permission - added into task related into project,leads,opportunity,bugs when create new tasks. - fixed transaction module currency i - added a chart option for all transaction - added search option into transaction report - fixed transaction debit,credit and balance error - added search type project,tasks,leads,opportunity,bugs,invoice,estimate,payment into calendar - added bugs report into calendar - fixed add more button into project module - add client registration option into settings module - added clone invoice - added option show client into tasks,milestone,bugs - added project report - added project wise tasks report - added project wise bugs report - added individual tasks report - added individual bugs report - added individual tickets report - added individual client report - added a bug option into client panel - fixed private chat - added dynamic currency option - and Bug Fixed
8 January 2016
- Bug Tracker Module - Set Tasks Timers. - Set Tasks create,Update,assign,comments.attachment with email. - Add bugs module into project - Set Project create,Update,assign,comments.attachment with email. - Bug fixes
23 December 2015
- Initial Release
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