

Download ReForce – User Registration Pop-Up Nulled


ReForce is a lightweight, highly customizable template driven user registration and login pop-up. ReForce pop-up has been specifically designed for WordPress, BuddyPress, BBpress and WooCommerce web-shops to force visitors to signup and log-in to browse through the site or shop and helps convert visitors into leads.

ReForce pop-up can be used just as custom login pop-up or it can be configured as all-in-one solution to covert your valuable traffic to leads that can be used further for email marketing.

ReForce will gracefully lock the screen with login/signup pop-up. Site owner can set time delay for pop-up to appear on specified pages;

ReForce does not require any plugins and will work without WooCommerce, BuddyPress or Bbpress, it can be used just for simple WordPress blog as Sign-Up / Sign-In pop-up.

PopUp can be enabled just on specified pages or it may be disabled on specified pages like privacy policy for example. Timer can be disabled as well, in that case pop-up can be triggered by click on button or specified menu item.

Visitors who have FaceBook and Google+ can sign-up to the site just with one click. YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos can be used on pop-up.

All user registrations can be synchronized with mailchimp opt-in process or with any other email responder that provides wordpress plugin with sign-up synchronization.


  • Full site lock with Login/SignUp pop-up
  • Unlock by SignUp, Login, FaceBook or Google connect
  • Triggered by click or by time delay
  • White-List, keep specified pages locked/unlocked
  • Any Language, all plugin text is editable
  • Responsive, optimized for mobile
  • Redirect to any page after Login/SignUp/Logout
  • Editable pop-up responsive grid template
  • SEO friendly – ReForce triggered for humans only, plugin has no impact on your current on-site SEO and does not prevent search engines from accessing the content.
  • Videos (Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion) on pop-up
  • MailChimp synchronization
  • Advanced typography – Google Fonts, captions/text shadows, colours, all adjustable.

Compatibility – Required (Last Tested)

  • WordPress 3.7+
  • WooCommerce 2.1+
  • BBpress 2.0+
  • BuddyPress 2.0+


Version 0.3.3, released Jul 12, 2016:

fixed logout issue with blocked wp-login page
fixed 100% width and top margin removed on mobile devices
fixed remove all javascripts for logged-in users to prevent errors
fixed few minor bugs
updated - documentation

Version 0.3.2, released Apr 29, 2016:

added - mobile background to templates
added - popup width in % to templates
remove - group and rearrange some menu and templates options
added - optional user/username attribute/field in qtsignacc shortcode
added - optional password attribute/field in qtsignacc shortcode
fixed IE PopUp container centering.

Version 0.3.1, released Apr 20, 2016:

added - new more stable and flexible core
added - new back end template engine and editor
added - new registration and login engine
added - unlimited number of templates to use
added - visual composer grid support for templates
added - google connect
updated - mailchimp list controls, opt-in status, etc..
updated - pop-up close button changed to cross
added - opacity control
added - few advanced options (grid load, cookie load, buddypress support, etc)
fixed drop-down page selector on menu click
added - drop-down page selector to redirects
fixed few bugs
updated - documentation

Version 0.2.56, released Dec 14, 2015:

updated - Documentation has been updated
fixed few minor bugs

Version 0.2.53, released Nov 9, 2015:

fixed FaceBook SDK replaced with direct OpenGraph calls
fixed FaceBook registration UserName generation for WP
fixed Video and Lite templates
fixed few minor bugs

Version 0.2.23, released Oct 23, 2015:

fixed FaceBook redirection
added - Video; more sources added: Vimeo, DailyMotion
added - Video frame on/off button
added - Video on/off button
added - Options Tabulations
fixed All templates layout
fixed few minor bugs
updated - Better Default options

Version 0.2.19, released Oct 12, 2015:

fixed BuddyPress 2.3.4 compatibility issue
added - Video autoplay option
added - ADVANCED - Youtube-nocookie and regular Youtube source selector
fixed Lite theme cookie
fixed Footer appearance (all templates)
fixed Standard template layout
fixed Video template layout
fixed few minor bugs
updated - Better Default options

Version 0.2.11, released Sep 25, 2015:

fixed Close button Enable/Disable option
fixed Warning on saving options
updated - Options order rearranged

Version 0.2.03, released Sep 8, 2015:

updated - WordPress 4.3 compatibility with password setup and reset
fixed FaceBook SignUp/SignIn and redirect
fixed FaceBook MailChimp opt-in
removed - Option: Plugin Enable
updated - Reset Options menu (Options reset on plugin deactivation has been removed)
updated - New more secure Plugin Core and Options, better user submit validation, value selectors for all integers and floats.
updated - Plugin Code has been re-structured.
updated - Options Saved indication
updated - Options Version has been added
updated - Description added to all settings
updated - Settings fields has been re-arranged
updated - Template name "small" has been changed to "lite" 
updated - Welcome email body lines replaced with full text
updated - Welcome email on/off option
updated - Custom Logo (and site link) on standard wordpress login page will appear
updated - Pop-Up List items functionality - Only filled items will be show up, number of items has been extended to 5
updated - Menu click items filter for Custom Links only
updated - Google Fonts drop-down selector
updated - Documantation has been updted
updated - New demo with working FaceBook SignUp
fixed - Short-Codes: on Pop-Up Support
fixed - Short-Code: ReForce Pop-Up Button, SignOut if user Logged added
added - Option: Default Login Page, ability to Enable/Disable default WP login page
added - Option: Cover Background Image
added - Option: Text Shadow
added - Option: Text Shadow Color
added - Option: Enable Google Font pre-load
added - Option: Pop-Up top margin
added - Option: Google Fonts repository selector (advanced)
added - Option: ID/Class pop-up menu (advanced)

Version, released Jun 16, 2015:

fixed FaceBook redirection
fixed FaceBook MailChimp opt-in
added - Option: Background fixed - ed
added - Option: Background Alignment
added - Option: Top ShortCode
added - Option: Bottom ShortCode
added - ShortCode: ReForce SignIn Button

Version, released Jun 5, 2015:

fixed Avada theme font conflict
fixed Pop-up buttons
fixed Pop-up css encapsulation
fixed Templates pop-up css encapsulation
Tested - Most popular themes and plug-ins has been tested - Avada, X, Salient, Yithemes, many others..

Version, released May 23, 2015:

updated - Click menu behaviour

Version 0.1.9, released May 22, 2015:

added - Option: PopUp active page
added - Options: Page after signin,signup,logout
updated - Page after signin/signup behaviour
updated - Templates: SignUp button behaviour and redirects

Version 0.1.8, released May 21, 2015:

added - Option: Youtube video
added - Option: FaceBook button text
added - Option: Desktop popup max width
added - Option: Mobile title top margin
added - Option: Use background image
added - 2 templates: simple and video
updated - template load: change template 1 to standard
updated - regroup some options for better usability
fixed - 2 minor warnings

Version 0.1.7, released May 20, 2015:

added - FaceBook Connect Button: one click login/signup
improved - code structure
added - Option: Overlay Color
added - Option: Show Forms
added - Option: Main text and background Color
updated - popup template look&feel
fixed - popup css encapsulation
fixed - some minor bugs

Version 0.1.6, released May 18, 2015:

improved - code structure
reorganized - source code structure
removed - Option: timer/click switch
removed - Option: SignIn button
added - Option: Enable Click
added - Option: Menu Item Click
added - Options: Buttons Color Picker (both text and background)
added - Option: Main Logo Upload
added - Option: Font Family and Weights
updated - popup template look&feel
fixed - popup css encapsulation
fixed - popup timer functionality
fixed - some minor bugs

Version 0.1.5, released May 12, 2015:

improved - code structure
reorganized - source code structure
added - Option: plugin enable/disable switch
added - Option: timer/click switch
added - Option: SignIn button position
added - Option: PopUp close button on/off switch
added - Option: Pages Whitelist Disable switch
updated - overlay class
updated - popup template look&feel
fixed - popup css encapsulation
fixed - some minor bugs

Version 0.1.4, released May 7, 2015:

Initial Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = ReForce – User Registration Pop-Up
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy ReForce – User Registration Pop-Up from the The Developer ( alvimedia ) website. Thank you.
Download = ReForce – User Registration Pop-Up-[Updated].zip

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