

[Download] Rewind – Location based News and Entertainment Social Media Application


Download Rewind – Location based News and Entertainment Social Media Application free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by codegente

Rewind v2.1 is released

As per now you need to get a purchase code from our team for installation, You simply mail us your codecanyon purchase code to and we will revert back to you with installation purchase code, We mostly revert back within 60min with installation purchase code. If you need more information on this you can contact us any time

Rewind is location based news and entertainment social media application, where user can post any local news based on location and entertainment content

User can create post with Text and description and attach Video, Image or Audio, user can also post only with attachment

User can replace audio in attached video with out powerful integration on in app voice recorder or can attach any audio file from storage

Application have all the social media related features such like post, comment on post and follow/unfollow a user

We also integrated wallet system in the application so if you want to give rewards to content creator according to view you can do that from admin panel, in admin panel you can see unique views for each post

Application also have Admob integration to earn money

This is a full features solution for news application and short video application

Location based news application recent caught a big popularity in play store some of the apps also gain some big funding’s, so you can take your shot with our readymade solution


Changes in v2.1 -

1. UI Improvements to get make unified 2.0 look

2. Major bug fixes

3. Major performance improvement with more than 25% ram usage reduced

4. Textlocal integration removed and firebase auth is integrated for OTP

Changes in v2 -

1. Fresh and Modern UI

2. Support users from all countries

3. No hassel to add tons cities from admin panel, applicaton already have city data for whole world

4. No need to pay anything to Google, We removed Google maps integration entirely and appliaction is only dependant on Open Street Maps

5. You asked for native ads in post list, we added it for you

6. No worries about play store approval, Application is now fully DMCA compliance according to Google Play Policies

7. Why stuck to only two categories, now add any number of categories from admin panel

8. Now users can right colorful and well formated posts to attract more reader

9. Control offensive post from admin, view user reported post and decide your self that post needs to stay to remove

10. Share post directly to other users, application now support app link so you can click on link and open the post directly

11. Side menu now show which city is selected

12. Better ad placement for more earnings

13. A tons of bugs fixes and performance improvments

14. Ram usage reduced upto 30%

15. 1 Click installer


Admin Panel Demo –
Visit Admin panel
Email –
password – admin
APK – Download APK


Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Rewind – Location based News and Entertainment Social Media Application from the The Developer ( codegente ) website. Thank you.
Download = Rewind – Location based News and Entertainment Social Media Application-[Updated].zip

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