

[Download] Ringtone Maker – SwiftUI Ringtone App – No iTunes or PC needed


Download Ringtone Maker – SwiftUI Ringtone App – No iTunes or PC needed free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by Apps4World


Ringtone apps have been around for a long time, but did you that this ringtone app made $1m in July 2021? Maybe these numbers don’t seem right to you, however, ringtone apps are in high demand, especially if you can install a ringtone without iTunes or a computer. Yes, that’s right, this app template allows users to install ringtones without iTunes or PC. And of course, the entire library of ringtones on this app is fetched from Firebase, so you can easily manage what ringtones to upload, without updating the app.


You will get the source code of the app that you can see on the video demo. Nothing more or less than what the video demo shows. Feel free to ask questions before buying. The app is built using SwiftUI and supports iOS 14+.

 The app uses Firebase Firestore and Firebase Storage to host all ringtones in .mp3 format. You will get a bonus project called “RingtoneUploader” that will help you to drag & drop your .mp3 files, then with a tap of a button, upload them on Firebase into the appropriate categories. All ringtone categories are managed inside the app, so you have to define your categories in the AppConfig file and assign a local image for each category.


You will need a Mac computer with Xcode 12 installed. This app requires iOS 14+. All app templates on this website are for iPhones, with no iPad support.
The entire app is built using SwiftUI. The app has Google AdMob Ads, so you will need an AdMob account and a Firebase account to host your ringtones in .mp3 format with a duration of 30 seconds.


– The user starts with the first ringtone category for free, while the rest of the categories can be unlocked via in-app purchases.

– All ringtones are stored in the Firebase, so whenever the user taps to play or install a ringtone, the app will get the URL for that ringtone from Firebase, the play/download it.

– Once a ringtone is ready, the app will present the tutorial screen for the first time only, so the user knows how to install it.

– To install a ringtone, the user must have the GarageBand app installed (it’s a free app from Apple).

– A ringtone will always present the native bottom share view, where the user must select the GarageBand app, where they can export the ringtone file into the iPhone’s ringtone library.

– There is an option for users to import their own .mp3 files from the native iOS Files app. We’ve implemented a native MP3 Cutter feature, that allows users to cut their .mp3 files and convert them into a ringtone. You can only cut a .mp3 file for a maximum duration of 30 seconds.

– To add more ringtones, see the bonus RingtoneUploader project, where you can simply drag & drop your files, then upload them automatically to Firebase.

– To mark a ringtone as Featured (so it shows on the main screen of the app), just go to your Firebase Firestore, the ringtone that you want, and change “featured” to true.

– The app has in-app purchases to allow users to unlock all ringtones categories. In-App Purchases are handled via a private framework. This framework doesn’t support subscriptions. You can use this framework for any other games/apps that you want to add in-app purchases. You will not get the source code for the in-app purchase framework. 


The app uses a private framework that takes care of many things like mp3 trimming, converting mp3 files, downloading and sharing/saving the ringtone files. You must configure the app with your own CodeCanyon license code, this means that the app requires an internet connection in order to verify your purchase code. We are doing this to avoid fraud and allow only legit buyers to use this app template. If you want a version without the framework, internet connection requirement, and license code validation, then make sure you contact us before buying this product.


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If you need any assistance or custom work, don’t hesitate to send us an email at 

As always, we wish you good luck with this product and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, so you could be the first one to know when a new app template is released.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Ringtone Maker – SwiftUI Ringtone App – No iTunes or PC needed from the The Developer ( Apps4World ) website. Thank you.
Download = Ringtone Maker – SwiftUI Ringtone App – No iTunes or PC needed-[Updated].zip

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