

Download Salt | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Nulled


Salt is an awesome WordPress Theme which has 20+ unique demo home pages. It is a versatile, high-performance theme comprising of an extensive array of styled elements to fulfill all your website requirements. Create an attractive and user friendly website in a snap. The bundled features will make a clean and modern design for your website. The portfolio range is vast and diversified to cater to all set of customers and meet the requirements of the clients.

Main features:

  • 170+ demo pages
  • 20+ Awesome Home Page Demos
  • 10+ Modern Business Homepage Layouts
  • Over 1200+ Font Icons
  • Diversified Range of Portfolio
  • Intuitive Landing Pages
  • On Scroll Animations
  • Translation ready
  • SEO optimized
  • Mega menu & Side navigation included
  • Visual Composer Page Builder (Save 30$+)
  • Slider Revolution included (Save 14$+)
  • WooCommerce compatible
  • Easy Tables – Table Manager for Visual Composer included
  • Codestar Framework Theme Options
  • MailChimp integration
  • Sleek Mobile & Touch Friendly Slider
  • Based on Bootstrap 3.3.6
  • Video Embedded Slider
  • Gradient Background
  • Light-box & modal gallery
  • Developer Friendly Coding
  • Parallax Scrolling
  • Word Typer, Word Rotator
  • Sticky Footer
  • Fully responsive, smooth experience on all platforms
  • Retina ready
  • Contact Form 7 plugin integration
  • One click plugins and demo installer
  • Custom CSS & JavaScript option
  • Custom 404 page
  • Perfect design
  • Cross browser compatible – tested in IE 9,10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome and Opera
  • Documentation included
  • Professional and fast support
  • and much more!


If you need support, please send us a ticket using our support ticket system.

We usually respond to support requests within 24 hours on weekdays, depending on the number of requests in queue.

Some awesome themes we recommend


 v 1.2.8 (02/02/2017)
- Fixed: Footer issue.
- Fixed: Issue with more than one "Team" shortcode on the page.
- Some minimal improvements.

 v 1.2.7 (13/01/2017)
- Fixed: Woocommerce loader centered (checkout page).
- Fixed: Single post tag - displaying correctly.
- Fixed: Issue with alignment on Checkout page.
- Added: Opportunity to change banner.
- Added: Links for categories and tags.
- Added: Opportunity to click to breadcrumbs.

  v 1.2.6 (06/01/2017)
- Fixed: Slider Revolution issue.
- Fixed: Theme Color issue.
- Fixed: Single post issues.
- Fixed: Single portfolio bugs.
- Fixed: WooCommerce problems.
- Fixed: WooCommerce layout on responsive devices.
- Added: Favicon upload option.

  v 1.2.5 (27/12/2016)
- Fixed: Page scroll up issue.
- Fixed: Menu typography issue.
- Fixed: Header light option.
- Fixed: Top header "other menu links".
- Fixed: Text logo not readable for Header Side menu.
- Fixed: Duplicated content for Header SideMenu Dark.
- Fixed: Header menu type issue.
- Fixed: Text logo font size problem.
- Fixed: Social links issue.
- Fixed: "Disable" sidebar option.
- Fixed: "Disable" footer option.
- Fixed: Italic Font Style issue.
- Fixed: Slider Revolution navigation issue.
- Fixed: "Accordian" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Alert" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Banner" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Blockquotes Block" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Blog" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Buttons" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "CTA" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Carousel" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Charts" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Clients" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Contact Info" shortcode bug.
- Fixed: "Count Up Number block" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Date counter" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Dropcaps" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "FAQ" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Icon Text" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Contact form" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Icons" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Labels" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Lightbox" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "List" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Google Maps" shortcode problems.
- Fixed: "Mega tabs" shortcode issues.
- Fixed: "Modal" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Panel block" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Popover & tooltips" shortcode issues.
- Fixed: "Portfolio" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Pricing" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Progress Bar" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Progress Bar-2" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Content Slider" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Star Rating" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: "Step List" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Sticky Sidebar" shortcode issue.
- Fixed: "Tab" shortcodce bugs.
- Fixed: "Team" shortcode bugs.
- Fixed: Slider Revolution problems on responsive devices.
- Updated: translation file.

  v 1.1.0 (07/12/2016)
- Added: typography settings.
- Added: theme colors change options.
- Added: MailChimp integration.
- Some minimal improvements. 

  v 1.0.0 (01/12/2016)
  Initial release.

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Salt | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Salt | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme from the The Developer ( QodeArena ) website. Thank you.
Download = Salt | Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme-[Updated].zip

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