

Download Schedule Report For Advanced CF7 DB Nulled



Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the ‘Advanced Contact Form 7 DB’ plugin. View Advanced CF7 DB plugin.

We’ve made this add-on especially for businesses that have required daily, weekly or monthly reports. This plugin will do the same and send the email as per schedule set(Daily, Monthly, Weekly or Yearly) with report attachment..

You can manage the email content by defining TO, FROM and email body content for each scheduling event.

Provision to filter the data while creating the scheduled event for the particular report.


Easy Schedule Builder :

Schedule an event for daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. You will get an option to set particular weekday if you schedule for weekly, monthly or yearly.

Enquiry Form Selection :

You will find the list of enquiry forms (Of Contact Form 7) whose data already stored at Advanced CF7 DB plugin. You can select any one enquiry form for generating a report for the particular scheduled event. You will need to create more than one event to get different enquiry form data report.

Report Column selection :

Once you select any of enquiry form there will be displaying all the form data fields list underneath of the form selection. Using this column section, You can set which field column will be displayed at which order in report sheet.

Advanced Filters :

We have also provided the option to filter the enquiry form data while creating the report. E.g Have to get user data only. You can do this by set email filter option.


  • Automatically generating the CSV report Send an email with report attachment based on the scheduled time.
  • Option to create more than one scheduling event to get different enquiry form data report.
  • Option to select report datasheet columns from enquiry form field.
  • Provision to filter the data while creating the scheduled event for the particular report.
  • You can manage the email content by defining TO, FROM and email body content for each scheduling event.
  • The added schedule event will be added to WordPress cron schedule and accordingly will be fire at the scheduled time.


This plugin is an add-on that requires the ‘Advanced Contact Form 7 DB’ plugin. View Advanced CF7 DB plugin.

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Demo = Schedule Report For Advanced CF7 DB
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Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Schedule Report For Advanced CF7 DB from the The Developer ( websiteXpress ) website. Thank you.
Download = Schedule Report For Advanced CF7 DB-[Updated].zip

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