Serenity {CC} is a light-weight, online client management web application built on the Slim 3 framework. Focused on the direct relationship freelancers have with their clients, Serenity {CC} has been completely redesigned and re-imagined to take client management to new heights. No matter the distance, no matter the job – Serenity {CC} will meet the goal.
How to install
I have created an easy to follow screencast to help you get up and running! View installation screencast
You must have PHP version 7.0 or greater! I do not offer refunds for PHP version requirements!
What’s New!
Everything has been built from the ground up using the Slim 3 PHP micro-framework. With this comes a whole new world or opportunities. Here’s some of the new features:
Custom / multiple themes
Now you can create your own custom themes! Version 2 comes with the new modern: Serenity 2016 Default Theme and Element, a minimal blank-slate for you to start your own theme from. Future themes are sold separately. Themes are built using Twig.
Multiple Language Support*
Language support is ongoing in the early releases, but essentially all system messages and responses are able to be customized.
Stripe payments
Fully integrated with Stripe single checkout. Supports all currencies currently supported by Stripe. More information is located in the config.php file.
Helpline and built in support
Request support without ever having to leave your application. No more looking me up on CodeCanyon or my website. Just fill out a simple form and it gets sent right to me!
What’s Coming
- Language support enhancements
- More powerful task and job statistical reports
- Automatic update check
- Job file ratings
More Information
- Serenity Product Page
- Serenity Support Page
- Serenity Development Blog
Login Details:
pass: admin
pass: test
Version 2.1.1, Build 28 November 2017
# Changes:
- Added ability to manually mark an invoice as paid without going through Stripe
- Added email notification to clients when an invoice is created with new custom language message
Version 2.1.0, Build 02 July 2017
# Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with wrong date being recorded when creating a new user note
- Patched reports route to properly check for authenticated user access
- Fixed bug where invoice due date could be a past date
- Fixed duplicate slug issue when creating users with same name
# Changes:
- Added ability to send notifications to configurable addresses when a new user registers for an account
- Added ability to send notifications to configurable addresses when a user requests a password reset
- Added new free "Element" theme to CodeCanyon package
- Optimized theme data handling in routes
- Restructured app folder for enhanced PSR4 autoloading
- Upgraded Vendor libraries (Now requires PHP 7.0 or greater)
- Enhanced error log report capturing
- Completely redesigned media page and added user-based file access
- Added 301 redirect for all routes containing a trailing slash
- Streamlined and unified styling of certain UI elements in the default theme
- Redesigned installation pages
- Added ability to search through and remove user notes
- Added theme and version info to helpline email for easier debugging
Version 2.0.1, Build 11 March 2017
# Bug Fixes:
- Patched problem causing fatal error / 500 server error when trying to access delete user route
- Fixed issue with overdue tasks not showing up properly on admin dashboard
- Fixed issue where controls on job page didn't respond when a job was complete
- Fixed issue with days remaining method in Job class
- Updated PHPMailer to prevent remote code execution security risk
- Fixed issue with reset password email not being sent
- Fixed issue where user couldn't permanently delete an invoice from archives
- Fixed issue that threw a PHP warning if the user had no directories in their upload folder
# Enhancements:
- Enhanced performance in route controller files
- Added easy enabling of display errors in main index.php file
- Added progress indicator for forms submitted with AJAX
- Added easy way to see if theme is compatible with running version of Serenity
- Added quick way to show PHP errors in local environment
- Added ability to choose active theme during session to override default and added ability to toggle functionality in configuration file
- Updated default theme layout for helpline page
- Updated vendor dependencies
Version 2.0.0, Build 09 October 2016
- Codebase built on Slim 3 PHP Framework
- Simplified and refined the entire UX & GUI
- Custom theme support added
- Multiple language support added
- Simplified installation, no need to upload .sql file
- Added enhanced upgrade engine to modify database and streamline changes
- Leveled up the file manager
Version 1.0.4 Hotfix 1, Build 02 March 2015
# Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with index.php file when using DEBUG mode
- Fixed issue with password reset
Version 1.0.4, Build 28 February 2015
# Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue with avatar(s) displaying when file is no longer on the server
- Enhanced file upload function injection security
- Fixed a javascript error on user page when resetting the user's password
- Fixed an issue with downloading files with spaces in the name
# Enhancements:
- Added registration form, can be included or not depending on whether you want people to be able to register
- Added password reset for users that are currently not logged in
- Updated documentation
Version 1.0.3, Build 10 November 2014 (IMPORTANT SECURITY UPDATE)
# Bug Fixes:
- Fixed file injection hole (Security++)
- Fixed password reset functionality
- Fixed initialization state from a bad response on the change avatar button(s)
# Enhancements:
- Added automatic updates check
- Added link to developer blog on documentation page
- Updated documentation
Version 1.0.2, Build 08 November 2014
# Bug fixes:
- Implemented ability to disable to disable Stripe payment option
- Corrected display of latest job image on admin workspace so that large images scale properly
- Corrected the amount shown on a user's page to correctly relay how much user owes with taxes applied
- Corrected date completion percentage display glitch where value was outside the progress bar
# Enhancements:
- Added option to configure the currency
Version 1.0.1, Build 22 October 2014
# Bug fixes:
- Fixed user page bug where profit and amount due were not displaying correctly
- Fixed invoice delete
- Fixed create invoice dropdown(s) to reflect paid by as only clients and paidto as only staff
# Enhancements:
- Implemented Delete User functionality
- Implemented Delete Group functionality
Version 1.0.0, Build 03 October 2014 – Launch version
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Demo = Serenity Client Management Portal
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Serenity Client Management Portal from the The Developer ( zenperfect ) website. Thank you.
Download = Serenity Client Management Portal-[Updated].zip