Latest version [Nulled] , powered by kaushikmak9
- Built on Xcode 14+ with Swift 5
- Make sure your Mac has the CocoaPods already installed since this is a minimum requirement to install some frameworks
What will you get?
- Clean user interfaces
- Lottie Animations
- Well-structured code
- 100% Swift coded
- Textfield Validations
- Stand-alone XIB files
- Compatible with iOS 13 (or higher)
- Using native iOS Auto Layout
- Easy-to-customize theme colors
- Model Class for All API Response
- JSON file for All Related APIs
- Singletone API Manager
- Google, Facebook & Apple Social SignIn
- No backend connectivity
- No user authentication included
- Supported devices: from iPhone 7 to iPhone 14 Pro Max
- Login Screen
- Sign Up Screen
- Forgot Password Screen
- OTP Verification Screen
- Side Menu Screen
- Wallet Screen Screen
- User Profile Screen
- Order List Screen
- Order Details Screen
- Dashboard Screen
- OTP Verification Screen
- My Offers Screen
- Address List Screen
- Add / Edit Address Screen
- Refer & Earn Screen
- Earning Reward Point Screen
- Refund Request List Screen
- Conversation List Screen
- Conversation Detail Chat Screen
- Support Ticket Screen
- Support Ticket Detail Chat Screen
- Product List Screen
- Brand List Screen
- Category List Screen
- Product Details Screen
- Write Review Screen
- Review List Screen
- My Wishlist Screen
- My Cart Screen
- Delivery Info Screen
- Checkout Summary Screen
- Select Payment Method Screen
- Order Placed (Thank you) Screen
- Contact Us Screen
- Country Select Screen
- Code Scanner Screen
- Offline Recharge Wallet Screen
- NewsLetter Popup
- Delete Account Popup
- Wallet to Wallet Transfer Popup
- Recharge Account Popup
- Create Support Ticket Popup
If you need any assistance, send us an email at
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy ShopZone E-commerce & Shopping iOS App Template – Swift from the The Developer ( kaushikmak9 ) website. Thank you.
Download = ShopZone E-commerce & Shopping iOS App Template – Swift-[Updated].zip