Latest version [Nulled] , powered by one-ion-games
Take control of 3 combat ships to fight your enemies Fight as a squadron or assign a position to each ship to defend your base. Every ship can be set to aim automatically or manually.
Gather resources to purchase new ships, upgrade weapons and armor. Available ships: fighters, escorts or cruisers.
If you get ambushed by several enemies, just activate your shield to escape or to push forward.
Infinite levels, enemies get stronger every level. Game autosaves your progress.
Easy to customize ships attributes: damage, armor, and speed.
To make changes to the game you need Construct 3 or Construct 2. The C3p and capx files include an extremely useful testing tool that resets saved values: purchased ships, purchased weapons, levels, and gold earned.
If all you want is customize how it looks you can just change the images.
Included files: C3p, Capx, and HTML ready for upload.
“HD Ready” resolution1280×720px.
Laser cannons, missiles, shields.
Fighters, Escorts and Cruisers ships available.
Autosaves progress and ships specs.
Playable on all platforms
Contruct 2 and Contruct 3 files included
Touch, mouse and keyboard controls.
Full Screen Button
Sound/mute button
Facebook, Twitter share for desktops
All Social Media share for Mobile Devices
Construct 2 third party bevaviors used: rex_moveto and rex_rotateto. These are not needed in Construct 3.
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Space Supremacy – HTML 5 Construct 3 & Construct 2 from the The Developer ( one-ion-games ) website. Thank you.
Download = Space Supremacy – HTML 5 Construct 3 & Construct 2-[Updated].zip