

Download Themeqx Advanced PhP Laravel Classified ads cms Nulled


Looking for powerful classified cms? The most advanced Themeqx PHP Laravel classified (PHP classified script) will meet your requirement. It has many powerful features with a free blog with multi-language support. Thanks, classifieds is responsive, designed based on Laravel PHP Frameworks and bootstrap CSS. This Laravel classified and Its built-in social login, Amazon S3, SEO, and Microdata will impress you for sure.

You can set YouTube video or Vimeo video with every ad that will attract more customer. Most important things are you can switch themes with a single click, we will release new and modern theme continuously, currently, there are two preloaded themes you will get.

Satisfied customers says about us

Some Features

  • Premium Ads Support
  • Urgent Ads Support
  • Multiple theme (We will released theme regularly, currently there are two theme integrated)
  • You tube or vemio video as feature video
  • Image count or video at ad preview box
  • Related ads in ad details
  • DISQUS Comment for ads details page (Control in your hand)
  • SEO and Micro data ready for better search engine rank
  • Report from frontend for guest or registered user, if they think ad is offensive
  • Blog Integrated
  • Unlimited categories and brand create, edit, delete
  • Slider (Bootstrap carousel in homepage, you can switch it off or on from admin panel)
  • Location (Create, edit, delete)
  • Contact message will save into database
  • Switching file storage between Local and Cloude without loosing previous resource (Images, files)
  • Page management (You can create any page, such as About Us, Terms and condition, etc)
  • Quick Sign In
  • Icon changable for top categories (Font-Awesome Included)
  • Clean and Modern Design
  • Multilingual Support
  • PayPal Integrated
  • Stripe Integrated
  • Google Adsense supported
  • Bootstrap 3 Css Frameworks
  • SEO optimized
  • Translation Support (You need to add language from admin panel))
  • Facebook Login
  • Google Plus Login
  • Email Notifications
  • Social Share for Ads
  • Well commented code.
  • Fully Responsive
  • Image or Text, both support in Logo
  • Amazon S3
  • Anti fraud payment algorithm, made by us
  • Free update and support
  • and much more..

Before purchase, Please make sure your server meets the following requirements

  • PHP >= 5.6.4
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

Any advice?

Please tell us about your thought to be improve it by clicking here

Demo Credential
Password: 123456

Change Log

Version 3.3.2 [25 April 2018]

1. Fixed: ajax request during states and city search at admin dashboard, Location Settings
4. Fixed: Known bugs

Version 3.3.1 [17 January 2018]

1. Fixed: a language translation issue in at details page
3. Improved: performance
4. Fixed: Known bugs

Version 3.3 [18 Oct 2017]

1. Update: Updated core laravel version to 5.4
2. Update: Social Login Package Socialite
3. Improved: performance
4. Fixed: Known bugs

Version 3.2 [31 May 2017]

1. Update: some of features improved
2. Fixed: some bug
3. Improved: performance

Version 3.1 [01 April 2017]

1. Update: all of package and its dependencies
2. Fixed: Social Loggin issue

Version 3.0 [15 March 2017]

1. Fixed: blog query issue. We have checked post status with integer, but it will be data type number as string. So Laravel able to query from enum field type

Version 2.9 [11 March 2017]

1. Fixed: a curly bracket issue in the footer
2. Fixed: pages in the menu

Version 2.8 [11 January 2017]

1. Upgraded: Upgraded to Laravel version to 5.3
2. Added: Easy installation wizard
3. Added: Ad id beside ad slug, for preventing Unicode error, it will be open now only for ad id and generate nice URL
4. Added: customer can choose for only one country, and country list dropdown will be hidden if there only one specific country select, as well as multiple countries will be same as previous
5. Added: After user registration, success and error message will be show
6. Added: user email now can be verified via settings, if you active this, the user must verify their email address after registration. Without this, s/he can't Log In
7. Fix: some bug
8. Improve: performance and reduce some query

Version 2.7 [14 November 2016]

1. Fixed: some bug.

Version 2.6 [9 November 2016]

1. Fixed: a little bug at ads preview box and ad details page

Version 2.5 [7 November 2016]

1. Added: Manually mark feature ads from admin, as well as urgent ads
2. Added: urgent ads with chargeable, it's more profitable for website owner
3. Added. First image feature in ads. If you don't mark any of image during ad create. then the first image will be featured image
4. Added: Vimeo and Youtube Video as the feature for ads. It will show in ad details page. Remember, if you add video, then image gallery will be disabled for that ads
5. Added: A brand new theme. with more user interaction and profitable with nice UI and design. switch theme instantly applicable in the site
6. Added: Image count in and video indicator at ad preview box in modern theme
7. Changed: a nice ui progress bar during image upload in ads
8. Performance improved
9. Some small bug fixed

Version 2.0 [28 October 2016]

1. Added: Change country in profile edit
2. Added: Add Additional Admin
3. Added: Block Admin
4. Added: Related Ads in Single Ad page
5. Change: Public directory content to application root
6. Added: Currency List in General Settings
7. Fix: Paypal payment confirmation callback route
8. Fix: Currency input in Paypal and Stripe payment form
9. Improve: Lots of features
10. Fix: Several bug fix

Version 1.5 [21 October 2016]

1. Fixed: Dashboard object not found error, weird behavior
2. Fixed: IE and Chrome image thumbnail issue
3. Fixed: Save button suddenly is frozen in chrome
4. Lot of query optimized and performance improved

Version 1.4 [19 October 2016]

1. Fix: Slider full width
2. Fix: Terms and condition page link at user registration page
3. Added: Phone number validation at user registration page
4. Added: Full country list dropdown at user registration page
5. Fix: Browser compatible issue
6. Fix: some minor bug

Version 1.3 [17 October 2016]

1. Fix: infinity loading for slider and ads image upload (cause directory permission denied)
2. Fix: error handled if there is no city
3. Fix: dynamic currency sign in ad posting page
4. Fix: others Bug

Version 1.2 [15 October 2016]

1. Performance improved
2. Fix: some minor bug

Version 1.1 [14 October 2016]

1. Added Enable /Disable Language Switcher feature from the main menu, go to settings>language to get it
2. Fixed some minor bug

Version 1.0 [10 October 2016]

1. Initial release 

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Demo = Themeqx Advanced PhP Laravel Classified ads cms
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Themeqx Advanced PhP Laravel Classified ads cms from the The Developer ( themeqx ) website. Thank you.
Download = Themeqx Advanced PhP Laravel Classified ads cms-[Updated].zip

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