Social Media for Videos, Events & Contest
Tiktuk is a mobile Application which run under Android platform that can be used for your own Social media app as well as Video application. This app is ultimate itself because it has all the features like social media from creating profile & uploading videos to, like, share, comment and follow options.
It can be used for the particular events and contests also. Where you can declare multiple videos as winner. And those winning videos will have the winner tag on them for life time and those videos will be shown in users winning tab. Users can share their particular profile also through the Profile share button on his profile. Also users can link their Instagram profile and YouTube channel.
More Over It has three tabs on home screen:
Popular -: Here users will get random videos from all the uploads so that they will see newer videos every time they come.
Live Contest -: Here users will get the videos of particular running contest.
Following -: Here users will get videos from the creators they have followed.
Responsive and Powerful Admin Panel can manage and edit & delete videos, events, contests, users profile, sliders, and whole application control .By using this application you can handle the complete social media platform smoothly.
Password: admin
Any Questions ??.. Don’t Hesitate to Contact us.
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Tiktuk The Complete Video Social Media
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Tiktuk The Complete Video Social Media from the The Developer ( darshak_golakiya ) website. Thank you.
Download = Tiktuk The Complete Video Social Media-[Updated].zip