

[Download] Treweler GeoJSON Addon


Download Treweler GeoJSON Addon free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by Aisconverse

The Treweler GeoJSON Addon extends the Treweler Pro plugin by adding advanced features for loading, displaying, and styling GeoJSON data on WordPress maps. It supports the primary GeoJSON geometry types, including Polygon, Point, and LineString, enabling the representation of various geographic features. GeoJSON files can be easily uploaded and managed through the WordPress admin panel, simplifying the integration of geospatial data into mapping projects.

The addon provides full customization of GeoJSON feature styling, allowing the modification of both default and hover styles to achieve the desired visual appearance. Additionally, links can be configured to open when interacting with GeoJSON features, enhancing interactivity. For a more informative experience, popups displaying GeoJSON attribute data can be configured and customized, showing relevant metadata when hovering over or clicking on specific features on the map.

Complete Features List
  • Extends the Treweler Pro plugin to add advanced features for loading, displaying, and styling GeoJSON data.
  • Supports Polygon, Point, and LineString GeoJSON geometry types.
  • Upload and manage GeoJSON files through the admin panel.
  • Customize default and hover styles for GeoJSON features.
  • Configure links to open when clicking on GeoJSON features.
  • Display and customize popups with GeoJSON attribute data.
  • Well-documented for easy setup and use.
## [1.0] - 27-12-2024
### Added
- Import GeoJSON files.
- Support for polygons, points and linestring features.
- Default feature styles.
- Feature styles on hover.
- Opening link on click.
- Popup with feature attribute information.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Treweler GeoJSON Addon from the The Developer ( Aisconverse ) website. Thank you.
Download = Treweler GeoJSON Addon-[Updated].zip

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