

Download Udera – Online Teaching Marketplace Nulled


Udera is an innovative online Teaching Marketplace that connects Teachers and Studuents from around the world. Udera is a Learning Platform, where Teachers share there resources (Free or Paid) and Student can Learn by purchasing. Its comes with all common features needs to run a online Learning website or business. its Built to be beautiful, fast and powerful. its comes with a one-click installer that’s help to install our system within 5 minutes without any technical knowledge. We also offer FREE installation facility to those people who have Cpanel Based Hosting. so, if you are a non-technical person then don’t worry, we are here to assist you.

User Features:

Browse / Search / Share Course’s.
Online Click Course Download / Purchase.
Newly Uploaded Course’s.
Comments & Reviews about Course’s.
Browse Course Category.
Course Favourites & Enroll.
Free & Paid Both Course’s.
Easy to Signup & Signin.
Informative User Dashboard.
Profile Management.
Deposit Management. (18+ Automated Gateway)
Deposit History.
Wallet History. (100+ Currency)
Course Purchase History. (Download / View)
Paid Course Enroll Facility.

Instructors Features:

Easy to Signup & Signin.
Secure Instructors Dashboard.
Informative Dashboard.
Profile Management.
Deposit Management. (Automated & Manual)
Course’s Boosted Facility. (Sticky As Featured)
Deposit History.
Unlimited Course Creation.
Course’s Management.
Course Purchase History. (Sales History)
Easy to Withdraw Income.

Admin Features:

100% secure Latest Admin Panel.
Informative Admin Dashboard.
Users / Student Management. (7 Features)
Instructors / Teachers Management. (7 Features)
Course Management. (8 Features)
Withdraw Management. (5 Features)
Deposit Management. (6 Features)
Advertise Management.
Subscribers Management.
A-Z Report Hostory.
General Settings. (3 Features)
Plugin & Extensions Management.
Frontend Manager. (13 Features)
Email Notification Management.
SMS Notification Management.
Support SMTP & Others Email Method.
Email & SMS Template Manager.
Google Analytics Available.
Google Recaptch Available. (Version 3)
Tawk Chat Plugin Available.
SEO Manager Available. (Latest)
Multi-Language Available. (Unlimited Language)
And More….

Script Comes With:

Cross Browser Optimized Responsive Template.
Excellent support with a fast response rate.
Fix any bugs or broken content.
Help get you setup and installed!
Secure Database that uses prepared statements so no SQL Injection!
Protects against CSRF attacks!
HTML Filter to protect against XSS attacks!
Built using the latest Strong LARAVEL Framework.
Passwords are encrypted By bcrypt encryption.
We Offer FREE Installation Service for Cpanel Based Hosting Only.
No Refund If Item has been Downloaded.

Demo Access:

Admin Access:
Admin Login: Username: admin || Password: admin

Support Facility:

Please send us your product presale query, after sales developer support request, customization project and any other queries to our dedicated support:

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Udera – Online Teaching Marketplace from the The Developer ( IdealBrothers ) website. Thank you.
Download = Udera – Online Teaching Marketplace-[Updated].zip

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