The User Management System can control unauthorized access in your project. Highly secured access control that created using CodeIgniter Framework. Multi-level user access, user communication by internal message system and fully customized. All registered users are viewed in report page that creating pagination automatically.
- Twitter Bootstrap design
- Cross browser pass
- 100% Object Oriented(CodeIgniter)
- Seo friendly URL
- Auto pagination
- Captcha integration
- Public profiles
- View timestamps when users login
- Custom user profiles
- User can upload their own avatar (can be disabled in admin panel)
- Social icons used to link to your other sites and sections
- Each can be disabled in the admin panel if you do not need them to be displayed
- Multiple user levels per user (Admin, Special, User)
- Login expiration – Control default time before a user is logged out
- Modal forgotten password screen
- Email activation – Avoid false signup!
- My Account (“Settings”) page
- Extremely easy to integrate! Just run our Install Wizard
- Reliable and secure MySQL database backend
- Automatic HTML5 & PHP field validation
- Forgotten password reset
- Integrated FREE Simple Contact Form
- Auto Sortable columns
- Auto Pagination
- Mailbox System allows users on your system to send messages to each other
- Here is possible to reply on each mail
- Get notifications when you receive new mail
- Users can delete mail
- Block list & Suspend list allows users to block other users from contacting them
- Customize the access, denied, register, forget password, activation link messages
- View list of recently registered users
- Search through all users
- Add new user manually
- Reset any user’s password
- Edit any user’s level or access
- View list of user levels
- Search through user levels to edit
- Supper admin can change site name, site email and site logo
Updates Guide
If you are use User Management System 2.0.1 we really apologize for the inconvenience, there is NO way to update that script into version 3.0.0 You need to setup new verion from sketch.
If you are use User Management System 2.0.1 this version please ignore this process.
Update guide – User Management System v1.0.0 and v2.0.0
If You are using “User Management System v1.0.0 and v2.0.0” and if you want to update on “User Management System 2.0.1” then go to this and download the zip file and follow the instruction.
Step-1: Extract file then you will get the update.php file Step-2: Copy update.php file and paste the file in your project root Step-3: Run your update.php file ( Ex: Step-4: when your address bar will stop reloading then login your account and see the update message on your update menu under setting.
Updates Note
Version 3.0.0 – 01 July 2016
- Brand new responsive design - Fix some security issue - Make 100% responsive - Fix development bugs - Use latest version of codignator - Ajax based login and registration system - More user friendly design - Create powerful documentation
Version 2.0.1 – 06 April 2015
- User access control. - Some security issue. - Mail system issue. - Quick update option to next version.
Version 2.0.0 – 11 February 2015
- Mail replay system. - Quick update option to next version.
Version 1.0.0 – 09 December 2014
- Initial release.
- CodeIgniter
- Bootstrap
- jQuary
- NiceEdit
Support and Documentation
With purchasing the User Management System you will get first class support! Please feel free to contact me by email at any time if you run into problems.
You need to confirm your purchase from to get any support.
Email Us:
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Demo = User Management System
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Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy User Management System from the The Developer ( AtiqueIT ) website. Thank you.
Download = User Management System-[Updated].zip