Start your own Video Subscription Platform ! This Premium PHP script is the perfect way for any type of Video Streaming Portal. Customize your video portal easily and add unlimited videos, posts and pages.
You can choose to make the videos available for free or only for subscribers and generate significant revenue.
This video CMS comes with blog, pages, themes, translations, subscriptions, payments, newsletter, social login, email templates, API, and much more…. You can easily connect your site with Stripe to accept recurring subscriptions and payments. Learn more about this premium script bellow…
Amazon S3 Servers and Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront is a global content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers videos to your viewers with low latency and high transfer speeds. CloudFront is integrated with AWS Amazon S3 servers.
Amazon S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere and simply and securely store their data at a massive scale.
Subscriptions and Payments
The Stripe payment platform has been fully integrated into our script allowing you to accept recurring payments from your subscribers, simple payments or offer trial periods to your members.
Add Unlimited Videos and Series
Add unlimited videos and series from anywhere : Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or any other video platform. You can also upload your own video files and use the built-in player to watch your video or upload your videos and series to Amazon S3 servers and serve the video stream using Amazon CloudFront as a global content delivery network (CDN). This way you can use a classic web server to host your website and deliver your videos from another Amazon cloud server.
Smart Playlist System
A smart playlist system is used to play videos or episodes one after the other without ever interrupting your video stream. Playlists of videos of the same category or lists of the following episodes and chapters if it is a series.
Add Posts & Pages
This script is a complete CMS that allows you to create unlimited content for your site. Add posts and pages to your site and use different layout to completely customize it.
Categories & Menus
Create categories and keywords pages to include your videos and posts, create your own menus by simply drag and drop using each of your pages and categories and use them wherever you want in your theme.
Statistics & Analytics
View detailed statistics for your website and analyze the behavior of your users and subscribers. Easily view daily and monthly sales, recurring payments, subscriber locations, website activities and more…
More Features
iOS and Android – detection of iOS and Android to activate the native player of the device. supports video streaming to AppleTV and ChromeCast.
API System – Easily create plugins for your video platform using the included API and allow your users to easily integrate your content on their own websites.
Video Distribution – Allow other videos platform to fetch your videos ! Create your own video distribution system and be a video provider!
Tons of Features – Recent comments, best comments, new users, last video players, recent searches, custom pages, online users, category management, language management, social sharing, notifications!
Mailchimp API – Keep in touch with your subscribers by adding them to your newsletter and connect your website to the Mailchimp API to automatically send your Newsletters.
Cache – Greatly improves the site loading time and lessens the database load for a better user experience.
Multi Language – Easily translate your website to your own language! Every possible strings in the system are translated to provide better user experience!
Control Panel – Manage everything in the dashboard ! Configure a wide range of settings, check statistics, manage users, manage reports, manage pages, manage categories and much more!
Responsive Themes – 2 beautiful bootstrap themes easily to customizable built to look great on different devices.
SEO Optimized – Everything has been designed thinking to SEO optimization, from URLs to meta tags. Automatic generation of the meta and open graph tags for social sharing. Pretty URLs, sitemap generation, cache system, urls and titles settings, pagination…
Social Login – Easily connect to your website with your facebook, google or twitter accounts!
User Features – Registration, login, forgot password, user comments, avatars, profile covers, playlists, notes, favourites and more.
Video Features – Add to favorites, add to playlists, report a video, comments, fullscreen mode, star ratings, embed, related videos, user who like this video and more.
Comments Moderation System – Approve, mark as spam or delete pending comments from your users and subscribers.
Live Demo and Login details :
- Login page:
- Admin:
- Password: password
Payment Testing
- Card Number: 4242424242424242
- MM/AA: 02/2020
- CSV: 123
Support & Bug Report on GitLab
Is there a feature you would like to see ? We will go through all your feedback and pick the most requested features to be included in a future update !
This is the place to search through existing bug reports (called “issues”), you can open a new issue or view the current work in progress.
Access our repository and get the latest version of the code.
Your access to the repository will be grant for 6 months for a “Standard license”, 12 months for “Extend support to 12 months” or unlimited for an “Extended License”.
Update History
All the update to :
ver 1.4.0 Added: Add video support from Amazon S3 Servers Added: upload video from web server to Amazon S3 (browser -> server -> amazon s3) Added: upload video from browser to Amazon S3 (browser -> amazon s3) Added: serve video stream from Amazon CloudFront Added: add option to disable site payments (free site) Added: add menu titles to the mobile menu Added: Add video type on table “All Videos, All Episodes” on dashboard Fixed: reorganize the general parameters Fixed: bug on menu creation that prevented saving after multiple changes. Fixed: paypal payment settings visible when Stripe is used Fixed: trailer feature doesn’t work on darktheme Fixed: issue with the description in the playlists when using the character “. Fixed: the second page of the posts displays a header image Fixed: post links on the search page do not link to the post Fixed: display problem in login page when background is empty Fixed: change background color of the mobile menu on darktheme Fixed: missing a string translation on the dashboard Fixed: display problem on video pages when the demo bar is displayed Update translation for 1.4.0 ver 1.3.0 Added: support to third party extensions Added: verifies that the PHP version is higher than 7.0.0 during installation Added: removes the playback bar at the bottom of the video player after a while Fixed: solves a display problem in video player sidebar Fixed: the episode title was not clickable on the series Fixed: problem displaying scores on the video page Fixed: the search bar disappeared under certain resolution Fixed: solves some minor display problems for mobile Updates: translation updates ver 1.2.0 Added: new subscription page (html template) Added: detection of iOS and Android to activate the native player of the device Added: support for AppleTV & ChromeCast Added: default image on videos Updating translations Fixed: problem with the logo on smartphone Fixed: error if the api facebook field in the backend is empty. Fixed: error that could prevent the functioning of embed videos. Fixed: problem that prevented the menu from displaying on video pages. Fixed: issue with facebook sdk on PHP 7.1.x ver 1.1.2 Fixed: database update ver 1.1.1 Fixed: Problem that does not display images correctly on profile pages Fixed: Adjusting thumbnails on the “members” page Fixed: Adjustment of sidebar widgets on “members” page Fixed: Errors with the latest update Added: Added members page on the menu edition ver 1.1.0 Added: Support new video format (mp4 | mov | ogg | webm) Added: Playlists of related video Added: Custom youtube player Added: Advertising in the video player Added: Ads in content website and sidebar Added: Series Support (seasons, episodes) Added: Ability to deactivate e-mail confirmation for validation of registrations Added: Notification informations and links Added: Swedish translations Added: Option to change the color of the player Added: Possibility to edit video source paths (FTP upload) Added: Option to permanently hide the advertisement in dashboard Update: Translation strings Fixed: Maximum width for the video container Fixed: Problem preventing deletion of a post category Fixed: Support for languages including symbols (Chinese, Arabic, etc.) Fixed: Create a post when no category exists Fixed: Style adjustments for the mobile version of the video player Fixed: Close the mobile menu when loading the page Fixed: Display of certain text strings Other minor corrections and adjustments ver 1.0.1 Fixed : second custom menu in smartphone menu Fixed : problem in dashboard with location of members Fixed : problem in dashboard with number of result (location) Fixed : sort comments by date in dashboard Fixed : style demo bar in smartphone Fixed : style footer in smartphone Fixed : link on video page when not subscriber Fixed : image background on category page and keyword page Fixed : style fix in user page when no content Fixed : error when leaving a comment on a post Fixed : error when editing the custom description of a keyword Fixed : display of sidebar on post keyword Fixed : modal display on darktheme
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = VideoPlay – Video Subscription Platform
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
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Download = VideoPlay – Video Subscription Platform-[Updated].zip