Are you thinking on having such a website for which you don’t have to invest a single penny for hiring a social media marketer or internet marketer? And the website will be spread in hand to hand of the people over internet due to its viral sharing characteristics.
How is it if people play quiz and poll and more funny stuffs over your website and share it to their social timeline? If you see over your Facebook news feed that some of your friend are playing such a poll like ”Have you ever had a cold coffee in the breakfast?” or something like “Do you like if your gf/bf says some nasty sexy words?”
If you are active on internet as well as some social media for instance Facebook, you might have seen that people play Quizzes of general knowledge like ‘’ what is the biggest planet in our solar system?’’ or Quizzes of IQ Test like ‘’ If Monday is to Sunday then Fall is to which season?’’ If Am I not wrong, you are definitely going to grab and play these quizzes and polls and share it on your timeline to see how your other friends do think and play those stuffs.
Vinnorokom quiz and poll website script meets all of the above mentions queries questions. We need you only to take a look at the feature list and the DEMO given below to have an idea.
If you like our script , don’t forget to rate it 5 stars
See Demo Link
Website :
Admin Demo :
Admin user :
Pass : 12345678
Admin end feature
Easy installation process.
100% customizable code.
Fully customizable real time preview homepage design.
Spammy user blocker/unblocker.
Google analytics and adsense setter.
Unlimited quiz creation.
Powerful Dashboard.
Simple Ajax page process .
Poll manager
Media file manager
Scheduled quiz activation.
Lead generation and viral marketing friendly.
User database as CSV download.
User end feature
Quiz play history .
Quiz progress count.
Complete result board.
Poll vote and share.
More features coming soon in our next release.
Responsive design for PC, Netbook,Phone,Tablet .
Browser compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari.
We are very happy to support you any time 24/7. We appreciate your advice and suggestion for further development.
Change Log :
Release version – V.3.0.0 , Date : 19 August 17
- Facebook Fun Application - Add Youtube Video in poll section - Quiz category section added - Poll pagination upgrade - Some minor issue fixing.
Release version – V.2.1.3 , Date : 24 September 15
- Facebook share page analytic code script tag added and fixed - Login panel null data fix - Show quiz group in home page. - Public quiz option from admin - Guess number - Email configuration - New signup user mail send to user - Top 4 scorer show - wow animation added
Release version – V.2.1.1 , Date : 03-06-2015
- .htaccess file updated - New Analytic code tab added in admin panel - Homepage recent registered user list sorting - Admin panel selected tab fixed
Release version – V.2.0.0 , Date : 24-05-2015
-Javascript Login via facebook. - Full web page view. - Very simple, Light and quick load user interface. - Unlimited poll voting and facebook sharing. - Poll short url - Unlimited Quizzes play and facebook share opportunity. - Upgraded user profile with all quizzes and polls activities history. - Page / Blog - Poll Manager. - Media file manager ( JPG , PNG files). - More powerful tools in dashboard like daily quiz graph , FIlter user data - Quiz group Open graph photo changing option. - Multiple quiz group scheduled activation. - Custom share text setter. - Customized page and blog creator - Page and blog custom header and footer image. - Group-wise user base CSV download option. - Affiliate Advertisement link option. - Home page Slider changer option. - Fully dynamic home page by featured selection. - New Tinymce Editor - Some bug fixing
Release version – V.1.0.0 , Date : 28-03-2015
Initial version
Server requirements:
PHP >= 5.3.7
MCrypt PHP Extension
1 Mysql Database
30mb disk space
Technologies and libraries used in Vinnorokom Facebook Quiz
Laravel 4.0
Bootstrap 3
Animate css
And some laravel Packages for using icons and free image
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Vinnorokom – Facebook Quiz and Poll viral fun app
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Vinnorokom – Facebook Quiz and Poll viral fun app from the The Developer ( Vrokom ) website. Thank you.
Download = Vinnorokom – Facebook Quiz and Poll viral fun app-[Updated].zip