Add the Facebook Pixel to your site, with proper WooCommerce integration, that will give you all you need to track and target accurately your campaigns.
Key Features
- Track easily all events, even AJAX events, like the AJAX Add to Cart.
- Set up your average conversion rates for each of the events.
- Adjust your conversion value, with or without tax, shipping, fees, etc.
- Add Advanced Matching to your pixel, as recommended by Facebook.
- We include some useful additional parameters to your events, which you can use to segment your targeting.
- Add custom events, with “and/or” rules for accurate tracking.
Track easily all events
With the default settings you will track all the Standard Events by Facebook on your entire WordPress site: Purchase (when the order is placed or paid), InitiateCheckout, AddToCart, ViewContent, Search and PageView. You can of course add custom events on top, or replacing those.
With them you can better understand the audience visiting your website and reach specific sets of your users who have visited your website as well as track and optimize for conversions.
Unlike other plugins, this events use the appropriate WooCommerce hooks and session, so they work even with AJAX events, or if the user is redirected after the event.
Average conversion rates
You can set your average value for each of the events in your customer journey, from ViewContent to Purchase. If you don’t know your average conversions, just leave the default values, since they are taken from studies using multiple stores and markets, and it’s likely that yours are similar.
Adjust your conversion value
You can choose whether to add or not to your conversion value the shipping fees, the taxes, or other fees. You can also report the conversion value as a percentage of order value, or add or subtract a specific amount to every order.
Add Advanced Matching
Send additional customer data, such as email or name, to match more website actions with Facebook users. Enabling this feature is recommended by Facebook to report and optimize your ads for more conversions and build larger re-marketing audiences. It will add the available customer information when the user is logged in, when registers, or on checkout.
Additional parameters
We have included a few useful additional parameters that you can add to your tracked events, that you could use when segmenting your audiences: UTM parameters (used by Google Analytics), traffic referrer, browser UserAgent, browser language, postcode, city, country, payment method, shipping method, coupons used, and product/post tags.
Custom events
Track specific actions of your visitors with multiple “and/or” conditions and dynamic values. For example, when a customer clicks a specific link, you can track an event with the value of the current cart total.
Some examples of triggers are:
- When a page that contains a certain word is visited.
- When a checkout is successful and order is paid.
- When a product is added to cart.
- When an HTML element with a certain CSS class is clicked, mouseovered, or triggered any other JavaScript event.
- When an HTTP parameter with a certain name exists with a value that ends with a certain word.
- When the page is scrolled a certain amount of pixels.
- When the time in the page is more than a certain amount of seconds.
Advanced users can even use Regular Expressions to match the desired elements.
You can mix the conditions with “and/or” statements, for example: when a page that contains the word “blue” is visited, AND when the time in the page is more than 10 seconds.
When the conditions are met, you can set the event parameter(s) to send to Facebook. You can enter a value directly, or use one of our dynamic replacements by entering variables like {{product_price}}, {{product_quantity}}, {{cart_shipping_tax}}, and many others. You can even add math equations between the {{}}. For example “{{(order_total – order_tax – 2) * .5}}”.
As you can see this gives you all the flexibility to track your visitor actions and send it to Facebook, so you could use them when segmenting your audiences.
Other Features
- Log tracked events to browser console for testing purposes.
- Cacheable JavaScript file.
- Multi-site network compatible
- Fully translatable.
- Works with WooCommerce 2.6 and superior.
# 1.0.2 - 2017-8-1
- Change syntax for older PHP versions
# 1.0.1 - 2017-7-20
- Change syntax for older PHP versions
# 1.0.0 - 2017-6-19
- Initial release
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Demo = WooCommerce Facebook Pixel by GetMogul
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Facebook Pixel by GetMogul from the The Developer ( getmogul ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Facebook Pixel by GetMogul-[Updated].zip