

Download WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control Nulled


WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control plugin offers to control of all products or specific products with minimum , maximum and step of quantity. With this plugin you will be able to set your product quantity as much as you want.


Demo Admin Panel

Username: demo
Password: demo

== Changelog ==

= v1.6 (11/04/2019) =
Default Quantity Feature Added
Category Choose Feature Added
Bug Fixed

= v1.5 (08/22/2019) =
Cart Update validation issue fixed
Bug Fixed

= v1.4 (04/08/2019) =
Decimal Quantity supported
Prefix and Suffix Function Added
Bug Fixed

=1.3 (26/01/2019) =
0 (zero) quantity Supported

=1.2 =
Bug Fix

=1.1 (26/01/2019) =
Cart's page Quantity issue fixed

=1.0 (11/29/2018) =
Initial release

# Plugin Features

WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control

With this awesome plugin you can define quantity of your products and also can set indivusal quantity of every different single product.

Quantity Steps For Single Product:

If you set an individual quantity for a single product then the Quantity Steps For Single Product will override the global value for quantity steps.

Filter max/min number of product (Global):

When you select, Minimum Quantity of product in the Dashboard of plugins setting, all products minimum quantity will be taken from that given value.

Similarly select the Maximum Quantity of products to be added to cart from plugin settings.

Filter Max/Min number of product (Single Product):

You can change the default value of Min/Max number of product for any product you want. Just head over to product page and set the value for the individual product.

Filter Max/Min number of product (Single Product):

You can change the default value of Min/Max number of product for any product you want. Just head over to product page and set the value for the individual product.

User friendly:

Worry to operate this plugin?. It’s UI very easy to operate.

All Themes supported:

We’ve checked this plugin with a variety of themes and confident that it will also work with your theme.

All Messages are customizable:

You can change all the custom messages of this awesome plugin .

Working on the cart page:

Quantity validation will also work on the cart page while update the product on cart..

Woo Product Table Pro compatible:

WooCommerce Min Max Quantity and Step Control is compatible with Codecanyons bestselling Product Table plugin Woo Product Table Pro.

Compatible with “Woo Product Table” plugin:

With WooCommerce Min Max Step Quantity you can set the quantity steps in Woo Product Table Pro as well as in all other WooCommerce plugin. By setting steps products quantity will increase or decrease according to the given number.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control from the The Developer ( CodeAstrology ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control-[Updated].zip

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