WooCommerce Order Approval plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce system allowing you to approve or reject orders placed by customers!
(Shop admin account)
user: demo
pass: demo
(Customer account)
user: demo2
pass: demo
How to automatically update the plugin
To receive automatic updates just install and configure the Envato updater plugin: https://goo.gl/pkJS33. The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found in the following link: https://envato.com/market-plugin .
How it works: approval workflow
Once installed and activated, the plugin allows you to reject or approve the orders placed by the customers according one of those two workflow (that you have to select through the Settings menu):
- Pay and wait for approval: the customer will normally place the order as it happens for any WooCommerce order. The site admin can lately approve or rejecte the order. For both cases, the customer will receive a notification email.
- Wait for approval and pay: the customer will place the order without beeing charged. Once the order will be marked as approved the customer has to manually pay for it through the order details page.
Approval timeline
The customers (registered and guests) can keep track of the order approval status through a visual time line displayed in the order details page! Each step text can be customized throgh the text menu.
Time selector option
The plugin gives the option to display a time selector in the Checkout form! This can be very useful for food delivery services!
Email notifications
Every time the order hits the Approved or Rejected status, the plugin will send a notification email to the customer. Notification messages text can be customized through the Text menu.
New order statuses
To easily keep track of the order approval stautuses, will add three new statuses: Waiting for approval, Rejected, Approved statuses.
Order cancellation by customer option
Thorough the Options menu, you can enable the option to allow the customer to cancel the order once it has been approved. The cancellation can be performed in X minutes, where X can be configured through the option.
The plugin supports the WPML translation plugin. You will then able to customize and translate texts through the special Text menu.
Note on order statuses
The plugin add its order statuses: Waiting for approval, Rejected, Approved statuses. However, the following native WooCommerce statuses will be considered by the plugin as:
- Failed, cancelled, refunded statuses as Rejected status
- Completed, On hold and processing statuses as Approved status
- Pending payment status will be considered as Waiting for approval status
This means that the frontend status time line will display the order as approved, rejected or waiting for approval even if you use any native WooCommerce status. Note, however, that approval or rejection email notification will be only sent if
the order hits specifically the Approved or Rejected status.
In case the Wait and pay worflow as been choosed, once the order will hit any Approval related status, can be payed (and optionally cancelled) by the customer.
Approval timeline
Approval timeline – Payment after order plancement and option to cancel the order
Approval timeline – Order rejected
Notification email
Order list
Option and texts menu
= 1.0 - 30.10.19 = * First release
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Order Approval from the The Developer ( vanquish ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Order Approval-[Updated].zip