

Download WooCommerce Pretty Emails Nulled


WooCommerce Email Template Plugin

A quick start guide is now available on YouTube

Transactional emails are important for your business. Make them look beautiful and just like the rest of your store using WooCommerce Pretty Emails, a nice and easy-to-use WooCommerce email customizer plugin. The plugin offers great new email settings to customize all your emails and make them responsive.

  • Custom font, color and size
  • Custom text
  • Custom banners
  • Email Attachments
  • And many more options !

How does it looks like on Front-End ?

How does it looks like on Back-End

1.7 version options list

Make the header image clikable by adding and absolute URL.

Just like Header Image. You should enter url the absolute URL of the logo you want to display in the header of your email. The logo will also appear in the footer in a smaller size. (arount 300px * 120px) is a great size/ratio.

Maybe you can just add the homepage to your website here !

Limit the footer logo to a specific with in pixel. You can set it to 0 to hide logo totally.

Email template width

Since the template is responsive, this should be considered as a max-width. 700px is a great default value. Try to stay between 500 and 800. Unit is pixel.

Logo display template

Choose between to layout : default for logo on the left and menu on the right. Centered for centered logo and menu above it.

Body font size

This is the default font size for the email body excluding headings. Appropriate values are between 12 and 16. Unit is pixel.

Body font family

Choose here the main font familly for your email template.

Heading 1 font size

This is the font size for h1 tag (including heading). Appropriate values are between 16 and 20. Unit is pixel.

Heading 1 font color

The color used by the main “h1” tag (ie. headline).

Heading 2 font size

This is the font size for h2 tags. Appropriate values are between 14 and 18. Unit is pixel.

Heading 2 font color

Color used in h2 tag. (subtitle)

Heading 3 font size

This is the font size for h3 tags. Appropriate values are between 12 and 16. Unit is pixel.

Heading 3 font color

This is the font color for h3 tags.

Headings font family

Choose here the font familly for heading tags : h1,h2,h3 etc…

Size in pixels of download links.

Color of the download links

Main border color

Defines the border color for the surrounding borders included in order emails. Unit is hexadecimal color code.

Order table border color

Defines the border color for the cart table included in order emails. Unit is hexadecimal color code.

Product Thumbnails Size

Product Thumbnails Size (in pixels)

Display product thumbnails in email

Whether you would like to include products thumbnail in order emails.

Use these three extra settings to add a custom navigation in the up right corner of your email. You can for exemple include a link to your homepage, a link to the “my account” page, and one to the contact page.

Facebook page URL

Fill this to display a facebook logo in your email footer that links to your facebook page. Absolute URL needed

Twitter profil URL

Fill this to display a twitter logo in your email footer that links to your twitter page. Absolute URL needed

Instagram profile URL

Fill this to display a Instagram logo in your email footer that links to your Instagram page. Absolute URL needed

Pinterest profile URL

Fill this to display a Pinterest logo in your email footer that links to your Pinterest page. Absolute URL needed

Google+ profile URL

Fill this to display a Google+ logo in your email footer that links to your Google+ page. Absolute URL needed

Specific settings for the “customer processing order” email

  • The text to appear in the introduction for the customer processing order email (will be displayed instead of default message)
  • Banner Images ( absolute url needed )
  • Banner Position ( before or after the order table / product listing )
  • Banner Link (optional / absolute URL if users click on the banner image )
  • Attachment (absolute URL that needs to point to the upload folder of your WordPress install)

Specific settings for the “customer completed order” email

  • The text to appear in the introduction for the customer completed order email (will be displayed instead of default message)
  • Banner Images ( absolute url needed )
  • Banner Position ( before or after the order table / product listing )
  • Banner Link (optional / absolute URL if users click on the banner image )
  • Attachment (absolute URL that needs to point to the upload folder of your WordPress install)


<strong>1.8.6 (October 18th 2017) WooCommerce 3.2+ compatibility. Fix display customer note. Phone & Email added to billing address.</strong>
1.8.5 Fix Polylang compatibility. Add ability to change Email Subject in Completed/Processing Order.
1.8.4 Undefined $email message removed/fixed.
1.8.3 Add global filter to allow html modification. Fix admin order link color.
1.8.2 Admin failed order Woo3 notice fix.
1.8.1 Gmail Table Border bugfix.
1.8 WooCommerce 3.0 fix.
1.7.3 Loco Translate compatible.
1.7.2 Linkable product option. Support {{id}} placheholder for email text.
1.7.1 RTL support improvement
1.7 On-hold email template added. Centered logo option added. Compatibily check. Attachments options.
1.6.3 Bug fix on variations meta display in email
1.6.2 H2 and H3 color options.
1.6.1 WooCommerce 2.6 compatibility check. PHP7 Compatibility check. "Customer on hold" template added. Option for invoice email text added.
1.6 Fallback support for WooCommerce < 2.4 on product meta. WPML compatibility improved. RTL support improved. Banners management for customer processing and customer completed order emails. New placeholders for text email.
1.5.6 Bug fix on wp_new_user_notification
1.5.5 billing_first_name and billing_last_name can be added to text template. wp_new_user_notification can be overrided
1.5.4 fix filters for text introduction formatting.
1.5.3 child theme template overide
1.5.2 wpml-config.xml added for wpml compatibility
1.5.1 Allow templates override through theme.
1.5 Add automatic updater.
1.4.4 H1 color option. Logo Link Option. Main border option. Add support for version below 2.3 (customer details). Russian translation added. Support WooCommerce 2.4 including refunded order email template.
1.4.3 Bugfix. Logo doesn't show in footer.
1.4.2 Custom logo options for social networks. Menu link color option added. Footer in logo can be disabled with size 0. Header image can be clickable with an URL option. New customer account introduction text is now customizable. Fix translation issue.
1.4.1 Footer Bug fix. Adding custom text for customer email (processing & completed orders). Css option for download & meta links. WooCommerce 2.3 compatibility check (beta 2).
1.4 Adding preview for email templates
1.3 Adding option for footer logo custom width. Adding option for product thumbnail custom size.
1.2 Improve Outlook 2007-2010 support.
1.1 Bug Fix for gmail client. Add 3 new social profiles logo / url options.
1.0 Initial release.

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = WooCommerce Pretty Emails
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Pretty Emails from the The Developer ( mbcreation ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Pretty Emails-[Updated].zip

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