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WooCommerce Product Filter 6.5.8

The best and fastest product filter plugin for your WooCommerce store, with awesome features for both you and your customers.

WooCommerce Product Filter is the ultimate all in one filter for any online store! With advanced filters for your customers and full control for you, this is a must-have product filter plugin for any WordPress and WooCommerce online store owner. WooCommerce Product Filter offers unlimited options, so that your customers can filter by any and all criteria and find exactly what they’re looking for! Setup is quick and easy, and you can use the super friendly admin user interface to fully customize how your filter looks and works – choose from unlimited layouts and display options, configure criteria and filter terms, and create filter presets. Advanced features, such as adoptive filtering and smart filter analytics, set WooCommerce Product Filter apart from the competition and help you take your store to the next level. So what are you waiting for?

WooCommerce Product Filter Features

  • Easy plugin integration. Works with WooCommerce Shop and Product Archives.
  • Fully integrated with WooCommerce shortcodes. Supports Visual Composer elements too!
  • In Stock Support – The most comprehensive In Stock/Out of Stock variable product support.
  • Filter by Any Criteria – Price filters, ordering, categories, attributes, taxonomy filters, in stock filters, sale filters, ratings, range, meta key filters and search filters are available.
  • AJAX is supported too, for seamless filtering.
  • Awesome Admin User Interface – Setup your filters in minutes using the Filter Presets Manager.
  • Full Customization – Customize filter terms, thumbnails, colors, checkbox layouts, select box, and more!
  • Range Filters – Available for prices and taxonomies, including attributes. Use numerical ranges in your filters.
  • Adoptive Filtering – Show only remaining terms within your filters, narrowing down the filtering criteria.
  • Filter Analytics – Get an insight into what your customers want!
  • Sidebar and Widget WooCommerce Product Filters – Full support for all themes in sidebar mode.
  • Automatic Updates – Get instant updates via WordPress in a single click! Just enter your purchase code in the Product Filter Registration.
  • Translation Ready and full WPML support!

Check these Product Filter for WooCommerce interesting articles

  • Shortcodes for WooCommerce now support Product Filters!
  • How to filter WooCommerce Variable Products in your Shop/Product Archives? AJAX? Sure!

Unlimited Filters and Filter Layouts

Say goodbye to time-consuming searching and sorting! With this awesome plugin, your customers can filter your products by any criteria – Categories, Attributes, Characteristics, Tags, Prices, Stock and Taxonomies. Each filter criteria is configurable, giving you maximum control over what your customers are filtering and the results they see. Layout options include One Row, Multiple Row, Masonry, Filter Sidebars, and Fullscreen Filters. You can also create unlimited filter presets and use them with the Product Filter shortcode, or to override your Shop/Product Archives filters.

Awesome User Interface

WooCommerce Product Filter is seamlessly integrated with the WooCommerce interface, and the super friendly drag and drop Product Filter Manager gives you a whole new level of flexibility and usability. Choose from a selection of clean and contemporary style options, or combine multiple styles, to find the look and functionality that perfectly suits your online shop. Customization using CSS is a breeze, so you will be able to achieve outstanding results with very little coding skills and perfectly integrate the WooCommerce Product Filter into your web shop.

Filter and Term Customization

This long-awaited feature is finally here! The WooCommerce Product Filter just got a whole lot more awesome… You can now customize each of your filters by using the Filter Style Customizer. Display filters as Text, Image, Thumbnail, Thumbnail with Text, Select Box or insert custom HTML. Enjoy unlimited layout possibilities, styles, colors and thumbnails, and make your product filter your own! With Term Customizer you can customize your term values, like filtering by price or setting products by page. Filter by Price, Stock, Taxonomies, Sale Filters, Custom Taxonomies, Attributes, Tags, Characteristics and more! Choose which terms to show, how they are ordered, hierarchy, with multi select ON or OFF and with filtering IN and AND, enable or disable adoptive filtering, select term relations, use images for presenting your variations (color, size, etc.) and much more!

Adoptive Filtering for Best Results

Adoptive filtering means that if you have active filters, remaining terms within your filters will take these into account. This makes for an even more premium browsing experience for your customers as they can narrow down their search criteria in no time! You can choose to hide the non-existing terms or show them in different styles. This places WooCommerce Product Filter head and shoulders above the competition. For more information on how to get the most out of adoptive filtering, see the WooCommerce Product Filter guide video.

Widget Filters in Sidebars

If you are using Product Filter in your web shop sidebar, Product Filter Widget is also included. All filtering styles and range filters are also supported in the WooCommerce Product Filter Widget. Product Filter Widget supports loading a filter preset for the widget, AJAX, adding custom actions for redirecting the filter results to specific pages within your shop, as well as all the features of the original filter. Product Filter widgets will seamlessly integrate within your sidebar.

AJAX Product Filter and AJAX Widget

If you don’t want the page to reload every time a filtering action is performed, you can also use the incredible AJAX load function, so that the filter results are displayed instantaneously, right before your customers’ eyes! AJAX loading is ultra fast in both shortcode, widget and using the Shop/Product Archives. Please note that AJAX is not supported in all themes. Consult the documentation for the plugin, or the plugin author, to confirm that AJAX will be available for your needs.

Filter Analytics

Find out what your customers are looking for in your store! Detailed filtering analytics give you a complete overview of the popular filter terms with the WooCommerce Filter plugin – an invaluable tool for any shop manager and business. Improve your store experience and, ultimately, make more money! Find out at a glance, presented in fine graphics, what your customers want most so that you can tailor your goods and products to your customers’ preferences.

Range Filters

Make your filters even more flexible with price, attribute or taxonomy ranges. WooCommerce Product Filter offers four different styles – White, Flat, Modern and HTML5. Range filters support ordering methods and special suffixes / prefixes which, combined, can be used for numerical ranges of all kinds! Check out the documentation to see how easy it is to set up and customize ranges.

Variable Products and In Stock/Out of Stock Filter

WooCommerce Product Filter works with your product variations and displays the featured images for current active filters. In Stock and Out of Stock for variable products is also supported, so your customers can choose to browse only In Stock, available products, to avoid disappointment. These filters can also be used with the product variations and their attributes: when filtering certain attributes, such as sizes or colors, some variations can be marked as Out of Stock. WooCommerce Product Filter has it all covered!

Translation Ready

Running your online store in multiple languages? No problem! WooCommerce Product Filter is fully translatable and WPML compatible. Check the WPML site to confirm:

iPad and iPhone Support

Large or small, desktop or handheld, WooCommerce Product Filter is fully compatible and responsive! WooCommerce Product Filter dramatically improves the browsing experience on a tablet or a phone, making it easy and convenient for customers to enjoy their shopping experience and make purchases on all devices.

Register and Get Automatic Updates

Enter your purchase code to register the WooCommerce Product Filter and get automatic updates, with a single click, directly from WordPress. Any future update made available by the author is included with every purchase. Upon a new release, get notified directly from your WordPress Dashboard. Update the plugin from the Dashboard Plugins with the automated WordPress functions. Always use the latest version for the best compatibility!

Everyone’s Talking About Our Superb Support! will provide outstanding support for its WooCommerce Product Filter plugin. By default, regular license includes 6 months of support, which can be extended to 12 months. You will have the full availability of the author to answer your questions and provide assistance with reported bugs and issues. Thanks for your interest in WooCommerce Product Filter – we hope you enjoy it!

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WooCommerce Product Filter Updates

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.8 - 24. May 2018.
- fixed categories and subcategories displays and active filters bugs and issues
- fixed variable images switch issues with media device support
- fixed meta filter multi selection and collectors problems
- fixed sidebar with overlay and rtl support
- fixed remove uncategorized from category terms, if you want it back use the filter prdctfltr_exclude_categories

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.7 - 5. May 2018.
- minor update, do not expect a lot of fixes!

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.6 - 31. March 2018.
- fixed a few php notices
- fixed WooCommerce shortcodes and issues with pagination
- fixed category appearance and product filter shortcode
- fixed spinner bugs when no loading spinner is selected

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.5 - 18. March 2018.
- fixed and improved AJAX product category support WooCommerce 3.3.3 bugs
- fixed and improved support for new layered nav system with filter_ prefix
- fixed special characters selection bugs and issues
- fixed more bugs and issues along the way

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.4 - 9. February 2018.
- fixed WooCommerce 3.3.x compatibility bugs and issues
- fixed saving default preset (wc 3.3.x bugs)
- fixed result-count.php template new standards (wc 3.3.x bugs)
- fixed pagination.php template new standards (wc 3.3.x bugs)
- fixed category loops (wc 3.3.x bugs)
- fixed remove selected overrides and remove all overrides
- fixed create_function & PHP 7.2.0
- improved terms style manager (paint bucket tool)
- improved terms manager (cogs tool)
- improved overrides display
- improved admin layout a bit

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.3 - 8. January 2018.
- fixed limit height/max-height option when used with multiple filters
- fixed multiple filters per page clear all bugs and issues
- fixed more wpml currency issues
- fixed woof currency switcher price filtering
- fixed limit height/max-height range and search filter bug
- improved CSS styling, the arrow modes are changed the most
- improved admin pages

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.2 - 20. December 2017.
- fixed automatic updates not working
- fixed term includes and support special characters
- fixed mobile filter interference bugs
- fixed rtl support

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.1 - 12. December 2017.
- fixed taxonomies, categories etc. lost on filtering
- fixed WooCommerce shortcode pagination issues/missing query on cached products
- fixed description bugs in AJAX mode
- fixed up the admin area strings and reorganized a few options for simpler use
- fixed category loop and mobile/handheld preset bug
- fixed price filters and wpml issues

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.5.0 - 21. November 2017.
- added infinite scroll! no more silly plugins, just use PF infinite scroll!
- added new browser history system, now a lot better and smoother!
- added option to disable certain templates after AJAX title, description, show results, orderby
- added filter prdctfltr_before_ajax_json_send
- added filter prdctfltr_localize_javascript for javascript parameters localization
- fixed 3.2.4 product shortcodes support
- fixed range filters grid_num and step when using taxonomies
- fixed range filter custom order for taxonomies
- fixed pagination issues where page 10 returns page 1
- fixed not including advanced or range filter terms option after creating a new filter
- fixed issues with category display in loops
- fixed query filters firing outside product filter product loops, this fixes some mayor issues when AJAX is used
- fixed PF shortcode instock_products, sale_products and similar parameters that were failing
- fixed non-ajax searches are lost
- fixed products default ordering issues and bugs
- fixed after AJAX scroll to products and improved scripts
- fixed after AJAX products animation
- fixed widget filter, shortcode and a search filter on the same page
- fixed some bugs with shortcodes and widgets
- fixed ajax admin blocks
- fixed clear search
- fine tuned some specific theme installations, check yours!
- removed admin translations entirely
- reworked adoptive dependency. now you can select only one taxonomy which was the original idea

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.5 - 3. October 2017.
- fixed fatal error: can’t use function return value in write context in /wp-content/plugins/prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 3263

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.4 - 3. October 2017.
- fixed 6.4.3 filter prices problems, separators, decimals
- fixed 6.4.x drill, keep children redirect to shop bugs and issues
- fixed removed shadow overlay on filter
- fixed force_edges added to price range filters
- fixed not set right http:/https: safari AJAX issue and back/forward navigation
- updated ionRange slider 2.2.0

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.3 - 28. September 2017.
- added AJAX support for Enfold and Divi Builder Shop Element
- fixed show out-of-stock products not working in 6.4.x
- fixed after ajax scroll to filter bugs
- fixed single shortcode back/forward navigation
- fixed custom terms order 6.4.x bugs
- fixed order by number now works always
- fixed prices decimal/thousand separator issues
- fixed and improved documentation on installation including flatsome, enfold, kalium, the7 and more
- fixed AJAX pagination bug on some themes, kallays, etc. that use global $paged;
- fixed AJAX issues with WC and PF shortcodes on pages at same time
- fixed some AJAX shortcodes mobile preset issues
- fixed shortcode with filter + widget filter relations and bugs
- fixed flatsome theme widget title issues, possible more themes relate to this bug
- fixed selectbox and hide adoptive filtering shown terms issues
- fixed add to cart URLs when using AJAX
- fixed pagination URLs when using AJAX
- fixed shortcode orderby, order bugs and more
- fixed orderby disappear when one product is found
- fixed shortcode and product characteristics

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.2 - 21. September 2017.
- fixed WordPress 4.8.2 issues and bugs, adoptive, prices, instock and similar
- fixed PHP 5.3.0, 5.4.0 support, fatal error: ca not use function return value in write context in prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 3221
- fixed advanced filters multi-select bugs
- fixed advanced filters include bugs
- fixed correlated filters (same taxonomies AND filtering, guide multiselect)
- fixed taxonomy terms ordering!
- fixed mobile presets and overrides PF 6.4.0 issues
- fixed http_query, min_price, max_price, sale_products, instock_products PF shortcode issues and bugs
- fixed not able to clear category after landing on permalink page
- fixed wpml fatal error: call to a member function get_client_currency() on a non-object
- fixed pf-frontend.php notice on line 1283
- fixed VC shortcode instock_products parameter
- fixed RTL support, added separate RTL CSS files

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.1 - 22. August 2017.
- fixed fatal error: can’t use method return value in write context in /wp-content/plugins/prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 1226
- fixed warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/prdctfltr/templates/product-filter.php on line 21
- fixed notice: undefined variable: preresulta in /wp-content/plugins/prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 2394
- fixed polylang still doing its thing
- fixed removed translations active by default for german and dutch

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.4.0 - 17. August 2017.
- improved filtering mechanism in Shop/Product Archives, PF shortcodes and native WooCommerce shortcodes, better AJAX support
- improved completely re-worked product-filter.php template, optimized, now up to 100% faster!
- added full support for WooCommerce shortcodes! integrate filters with ease! check more in documentation under shortcodes!
- added Visual Composer WooCommerce shortcodes support! straight out of the box! seamlessly integrated!
- added term collectors! 4 term collectors are now available to be specified for any preset
- added hierarchy filtering modes! drill filter, drill filter with removable parent, only child, only child with removable parent. basically all filter mechanism are now supported
- added multi-select and single term clearing in collectors
- fixed ajax queries for Shop/Product Archives and use with shortcodes
- fixed adoptive support for WooCommerce shortcodes, PF shortcode and more
- fixed filtering terms check/decheck and term collectors use
- fixed instock/outofstock display mode is now set in WooCommerce>Products>Inventory, PF option for instock/outofstock by default is now deprecated
- fixed PF 6.3.0 AJAX and orderby, order issues and bugs
- fixed advanced, range filters now show values
- fixed polylang parsing wpml files bug
- fixed clear all filter action and clearing active filters support
- fixed range filters and multiple filters per page issues
- fixed better variable image switch support
- fixed selection reset does not reset search fields
- fixed stepped selection filter issues/deselection problems
- fixed stepped selection filter and search filter not activating
- fixed step filters byprice issues
- fixed widget issues, divi theme notice, queries ajax support
- fixed no products found option issues
- fixed template mess, now only two templates are used for overriding, product-filter.php and getright.php
- fixed mobile filters issues and bugs on multiple filters per page use
- fixed step filter filter button text not changeable
- fixed WPML related issues, language switcher not being able to save proper presets/default filter, currency switcher issues and similar. PF now supports WPML like never before!

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.3.0 - 20. June 2017.
- fixed WPML issues options are now saved for each language using the admin bar language switcher
- fixed WPML WooCommerce Multilingual currency issues using AJAX
- fixed products on sale, filter by price rework
- fixed search queries with space and PF redirects ?check AJAX
- fixed notice: undefined index: pfa_selection in product-filter.php on line 1078
- fixed admin font/styles.css loading
- fixed CSS for stepped selection filter
- fixed ajax shortcode columns issues
- fixed mobile preset bugs used with shortcodes products_per_page/other filters not working
- fixed non-ajax and step filters on same page
- fixed prefix/postfix terms collector
- fixed styling a bit
- fixed category not selected in terms selector or titles on permalinks
- fixed all scripts
- fixed terms ordering values in admin area, custom ordering issues and similar
- fixed products scroll console error on AJAX
- improved fallback CSS
- added option none for ajax filter loading icon
- added filters prdctfltr_meta_query and prdctfltr_tax_query for altering PF queries, now you can easily set some category to be excluded anywhere

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.2.3 - 19. April 2017.
- fixed WooCommerce 3.0.0 variable instock/outofstock filter support

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.2.1, 6.2.2 - 18. April 2017.
- fixed range price filter issues

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.2.0 - 17. April 2017.
- WooCommerce 3.0.0 support
- added support for WooCommerce 3.0.0 instock/outofstock products, now instock filters are super fast on WooCommerce 3.0.0!
- fixed new WooCommerce 3.0.0 products missing from filtering
- fixed catalog/search mode WooCommerce 3.0.0 support
- fixed range price filter failing prices and delimiter issues
- fixed warning prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 698
- fixed order_by_rating_post_clauses and WooCommerce3.0.0 support
- fixed undefined variable: selected prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 2687
- fixed responsive modes and single filter issues
- fixed a few typos in the admin area

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.1.1 - 17. February 2017.
- fixed missing icons from admin panel   sorry!
- fixed max-height option

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.1.0 - 16. February 2017.
- fixed AND filtering failing
- fixed sale and price filter for variations not working since 5.9.3
- fixed select box z-index bug
- fixed updater bug
- fixed double slash after site on AJAX archives and multi select
- fixed [prdctfltr_sc_products use_filter="no"] and [prdctfltr_sc_get_filter] use on page
- fixed clear all not activating in multi filter use
- fixed custom range settings bugs, start/end, saving
- fixed analytics line:173 bug
- fixed and optimized CSS load, minified version is loading now by default

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.9 - 14. February 2017. <3
- added new admin save/load/delete animation and error logging
- fixed more mobile preset issues
- fixed category display shortcode issues and visual composer shortcode parameter
- fixed hierarchy appearance problems/reordering (keep child only/show all)
- fixed strange filter terms ordering issues

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.8 - 13. February 2017.
- fixed not saving advanced and filter overrides options
- fixed selection change reset and mobile filters

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.7 - 13. February 2017.
- * biggest performance upgrade
- added visual composer element
- added shortcode attributes for removing loop elements for supporting themes
- added ajax update titles and descriptions on supporting themes
- added selection change reset option for taxonomy filters, now you can reset all filters on taxonomy filter change
- added do_shortcode() on filter description
- improved and reorganized plugin database options and auto-loading, performance boost across whole site, you'll surely notice that!
- improved default options saving (AJAX added)
- reverted to old style select box includes in admin area, to support WPML again, but still kept the category depth display
- fixed widget filter + custom action filter not working well on shop/archive pages
- fixed step filters and shop filters on same page
- fixed select customization checkboxes missing
- fixed decimal settings and range filter issues
- fixed tooltips when in max-height mode
- fixed selections in select boxes
- fixed search icon in search term input display
- fixed search terms and expand category problems
- fixed a lot of issues with multiple filers on page (shortcodes, shop and step filters combined etc.)

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.6 - 13. February 2017.
- skipped (uploaded with ShopKit theme)

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.5 - 9. January 2016.
- fixed 6.0.4 Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in.../wp-content/plugins/prdctfltr/lib/pf-frontend.php on line 568
- fixed back/forward button initial state

+ Product Filter for WooCommerce 6.0.4 - 8. January 2016.
- fixed 6.0.3 range filters bug, activating without interaction on load instant filtering and similar
- fixed possible SQL injection flaws
- fixed recent history back/forward button and filters

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 6.0.3 - 6. January 2016.
- added mobile/handheld filter presets! have two filtering presets, one for mobile/handheld and the other for laptops/desktops easily!
- added custom settings for the range filters! min, max, prefix, postfix, step and grid_num!
- added 3 new ion range slider skins, metal, knob and thin
- improved and optimized instock filters, check documentation FAQ section for more information
- improved admin settings a bit
- fixed XSS vulnerabilities
- fixed negative values and numerical range filters
- fixed rtl appearance
- fixed meta filter selection is now showing title from term customization
- fixed missing active query filters
- fixed scroll after ajax, and added a few options too
- fixed expand hierarchy - icon bug
- fixed variable product image overrides and multiple selected attributes
- deprecated range filter custom settings

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 6.0.2 - 6. December 2016.
- fixed advanced, meta and range filters not adding
- fixed advanced and meta filters includes
- fixed most ordering issues
- fixed most missing filters issues
- fixed characteristics clearing

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 6.0.1 - 25. November 2016.
- fixed shortcodes and admin side saving fatal error
- fixed 6.0.0 instock filters bugs
- fixed validated javascript files on

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 6.0.0 - 22. November 2016.
- added meta filters! woocommerce extra product options and advanced custom fields plugins are now supported! including already existing product meta like total_sales, _featured, _downloadable, _width, _length, _height, _weight, _sku, _wc_review_count, _wc_average_rating! find more information in the documentation
- added reset all options
- added full support for instock/outofstock, out of stock threshold, better support for stock quantity, backorders are now out of stock and should be a lot faster!
- added full support for customizations and hierarchy! hierarchy in colors, thumbnails and other customized filters!
- added hierarchy support in admin filter include terms
- added option not to relocate adoptive terms
- added option not to relocate selected terms
- added better support for selectbox filter type (selected in title)
- improved and fixed analytics, sale, instock, fixed multiselect taxonomy, price, orderby
- improved installation and advanced options UI
- improved documentation, new flatsome AJAX installation, media center theme support, meta filters explained
- improved and optimized product-filter.php template
- improved german translation and added partial russian translation
- fixed order by newness bugs
- fixed most pagination bugs and issues
- fixed remove ? from empty /shop/
- fixed non ajax deselecting taxonomy terms and multiple filters
- fixed visible widgets on activation
- fixed redirect issues on multi select filters
- fixed step filter redirect button is now visible before search
- fixed strict standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method wc_prdctfltr_shortcodes::prdctfltr_pagination_filter()
- fixed warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /prdctfltr/lib/pf-settings.php on line 3267
- fixed prdct_main.js:1040
- fixed notice: undefined index: hierarchy in /prdctfltr/woocommerce/loop/product-filter.php on line 1620

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.9.3 - 25. October 2016.
- added hierarchical filtering support for AND filters (for correlated filters)
- added support for multiple filters and non AJAX filtering (missing selected terms from other filters)
- improved term counts, now they work with hierarchical taxonomies
- fixed multi filters and adoptive filtering
- fixed AND taxonomy term filtering in general
- fixed product filter redirect issues with AND and more
- fixed AND filtering on non AJAX
- fixed spaces and search filters
- fixed hierarchy overrides for custom taxonomies
- fixed IE9+ issues with deactivating filters
- fixed range filter inputs
- fixed search filters and shortcodes
- fixed theme orderby select box not working properly
- deprecated term product counts mode option

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.9.2 - 17. October 2016.
- added filtering instock/outofstock products by quantity!
- fixed failed taxonomy filtering and redirects to shop 5.9.0 issue

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.9.1 - 14. October 2016.
- fixed presets and missing checkbox admin settings

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.9.0 - 13. October 2016.
- added SMART hierarchy filters. now hierarchy is intuitive and fully supported. even with multi selection!
- added selected terms collector, at the top. widget filters will use this a lot
- added stepped filter selection (select one filter at a time), can be combined with step filters
- added AJAX failsafe, for safer browsing without errors
- added force stay in permalink option
- improved step filter support
- improved documentation
- fixed all default ordering issues
- fixed WPML currency issues, and WOOF Currency Switcher issues, full support
- fixed redirects, support for URL hierarchy in multi select mode
- fixed clearing filters and SMART hierarchy (issues with Shop redirects)
- fixed category selection on multi select filters. SMART hierarchy added
- fixed reordering filters when selected (bring to top) on non hierarchy taxonomy filters
- fixed max-height and wrapper issues 5.8.x issues
- fixed max price not including decimals and missing products after using minimum price range
- fixed clear all filters and remaining empty parameters
- fixed tweaked CSS styles
- fixed shortcode pagination parameter not working
- fixed color/thumbnail mode and search terms issues
- fixed admin preset saving issues (selectbox)
- fixed vendor filter include
- fixed vendor top bar no selection
- fixed vendor customizations issues
- fixed vendor search terms
- fixed keep only child terms hierarchy
- fixed admin section buttons
- fixed admin per page filter customizations issues
- fixed woocs_email_send_ordering=1 (WOOF Currency Switcher plugin issue)
- fixed min_price=0 and default minimum price is now set to 0 in price filters

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.5 - 24. August 2016.
- added disable AJAX permalink change in Shop/Product Archives
- fixed adoptive ranges
- fixed selectbox issues and range filters
- fixed more selectbox issues and filters
- fixed widget and selectbox cusotmization
- fixed search term fields now have a delay on key press to be more optimized
- fixed keep child terms issues in recent versions

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.4 - 17. August 2016.
- added vendor (post author) filter
- added action after each filter for easier hook ups and code inserts prdctfltr_after_filter
- improved documentation with new guides for preselecting filters and using products filter with plugins such as essential grid
- fixed clear all disable button not working in recent versions
- fixed step filters not working like described in tutorial in recent versions
- fixed limit terms and adoptive modes problems
- fixed search terms issues with adoptive filtering
- fixed select box appearance problems
- fixed loader over filter when top bar is not used

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.3 - 3. August 2016.
- added filter overrides for custom taxonomies, brands, attributes and such
- improved performance for the adoptive filtering and multiple filters per page use
- improved filter overrides UI, now selectboxes have hierarchy
- improved clear all button function, now filters can be excluded from clearing
- improved hierarchy in filters, now there is no limit to hierarchy level used, previously it was 3
- fixed filter term counts, adoptive term counts and counts in general
- fixed default form actions on pages in widgets
- fixed all X clears in titles that were buggy in the latest versions
- fixed automatic closing of the selectboxes that do not have multiselect option
- fixed missing pagination when no pagination initially is shown
- fixed product filter widget and select box customization not working

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.2 - 25. July 2016.
- added custom pagination option for better support with themes, Kallyas and similar themes that use their own pagination now have AJAX support
- improved performance, a lot was done on Product Filter performance in the 5.8.2 version! options caching is now deprecated, your database and filter settings will be automatically updated to ensure better performance
- improved variable image overrides, now this basically works on all themes, Avada, Flatsome, you name it
- improved documentation, added specific themes installations, more guides, better instructions and the new [prdctfltr_sc_get_filter] shortcode is now documented
- improved translation support and fixed a lot of translation issues with qTranslate and similar
- improved general theme support
- improved scrolling to products functions on pagination use
- fixed all ordering issues
- fixed scripts loading everywhere, now they load only when filers are active on page
- fixed per page filter and similar filters checkboxes that don't work
- fixed WPML multi currency and range filter issues
- deprecated product filter options caching

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.1 - 12. July 2016.
- fixed issues with safari browser
- fixed checkbox change event

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.8.0 - 11. July 2016.
- added back/forward support for AJAX filtering in all browsers
- added AJAX filtering and URL changes
- added [prdctfltr_sc_get_filter] shortcode to get only the filter with parameters, more about this will be added in the documentation soon
- added Dutch translation and fixed German translation 
- improved completely rewritten the click/check filter code, so now it should work on all devices as expected (bugs with iOS system should now be gone)
- improved product filter redirects and filtering URL changes in general
- improved filtering and fixed issues with AND and OR filtering
- improved language support, languages are now used from default folder if they are not found in the /wp-content/languages/plugins/
- fixed default ordering issues and ordering activation in filter
- fixed admin issues with customizations and other field options
- fixed label in selected filters
- deprecated product filter empty shop redirects
- deprecated product filter search redirects

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.7.3 - 25. May 2016.
- fixed missing filters on single products and similar when using filter category restrictions
- search filter and AJAX not working
- fixed show more on initially hidden filters
- fixed division by zero in prdctfltr/woocommerce/loop/product-filter.php on line 1146

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.7.2 - 21. May 2016.
- added filter to change filter settings 'prdctfltr_get_settings'
- added how to create step filters as the ones in the demos in the documentation
- fixed ordering issues in the 5.7.1 that cause malfunctions
- fixed show more/less visible when using adoptive filters
- fixed preloaded loaders so missing images won't be shown anymore
- fixed added new price range fallback, for missing prices
- fixed one term remaining in the range filter

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.7.1 - 20. May 2016.
- IMPORTANT - theme specific installations are updated, check your settings!
- added translations! now fully translated in Spanish, French, German and Italian!
- added disable Product Filter caching options for better support with translation plugins such as qTranslate
- added simple term counts mode, for simpler queries and faster results
- added filter buttons position top and button (both)
- added step filter loader
- added shortcode syntax in the admin panel
- fixed pagination issues
- fixed overlapping select boxes
- fixed js scrollbars init without max-height mode
- fixed apply_filters for None text
- fixed empty customizations bug, blank terms

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.7.0 - 13. May 2016.
- added step filter support, custom filters can now use AJAX and instand filtering to achieve so much! check this link
- added filter descriptions
- added filtering taxonomies relation
- fixed major issue causing blackouts
- fixed filtering when no pretty permalinks are used
- fixed clear all button, works a lot better now
- fixed activated filter titles
- fixed admin load/edit presets bugs
- fixed get prices bugs
- fixed AJAX filtering methods, and filtering in general
- fixed load more support
- fixed search and adoptive
- fixed jQuery #1938 line error
- fixed more bugs and issues with the 5.5.0 transition
- deprecated in depth filtering mode, filters are now stable and should work appropriately if set correctly

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.6.0 - 9. May 2016.
- added scrolling animation on AJAX pagination
- fixed more bugs and issues with the 5.5.0 transition

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.5.7 - 7. May 2016.
- added fade out on products when filtering
- added disable search filter redirects
- fixed more failing filters
- fixed @import for fonts
- fixed adoptive price ranges
- fixed AJAX columns not working properly
- fixed shortcode parameters not working properly in the new 5.5.0 version (show_products, ..)
- fixed order-by.php template support
- fixed single products pages and widget filters
- fixed get_filtered_price() notices

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.5.1 - 5.5.6 - 26. April - 4. May 2016.
- fixed more issues with the 5.5.0 release, thanks for your patience!

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.5.0 - 24. April 2016.
- the code for the AJAX and AJAX JS was fully rewriten to make better support
- added multiple filters per page, even in the AJAX mode! now you can create separate filters for mobile views and such
- added custom pagination, including load more pagination, the support should be better now
- added support for the in theme orderby.php and result-count.php templates
- added adoptive range sliders
- added option to disallow redirects to single product pages on single products found when filtering
- added product appearance animations
- improved range sliders JS and loading
- fixed no products found
- fixed pagination strict standards notice
- fixed clear all filters on pemralinks
- fixed false ajax inits on filters
- fixed prices with strip_tags
- fixed shortcode parameters not working
- fixed range filter extra options, now you should be able to override any setting
- fixed loader not working without AJAX
- fixed 'post-load' JS trigger for supporting plugins
- fixed ajax widget shortcodes not working properly
- fixed and improved filtering, the filter should perform a lot faster now

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.4.0 - 22. March 2016.
- added adoptive dependencies, now your adoptive filtering can depend only on certain taxonomies
- added adoptive activation mode
- added show/hide empty terms in filters option
- added search filter placeholder override
- improved search support on shortcodes/themes with search fileds and categories etc.
- fixed failing filters in permalinks/failing filters
- fixed added full permalinks support for all taxonomies/custom taxonomies
- fixed catchable fatal error: argument 1 passed to WC_Prdctfltr::prdctfltr_sort_terms_hierarchicaly()
- fixed translations $term->name
- fixed deprecated: methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; widget class errors
- fixed search filter title override not working
- fixed more shortcode issues

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.9
- added filtering restrictions, now you can control on which categories the filter will appear from the admin area
- added clear all button function selection, should it clears everything or keep the category
- fixed AND and IN filters and correlated filters
- fixed slow price filter
- fixed non existing search queries
- fixed some pagination issues
- fixed product ordering
- fixed filter CSS a bit

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.8
- improved adoptive filtering performance and stability
- fixed product counts, now total is the published product count
- fixed price ranges and shown prices to include variable and sale prices
- fixed shortcode filters
- fixed ordering bugs and issues with the filter
- fixed pagination wrong ordering issues
- fixed category display
- fixed http_query and shortcode query parameters and their activation
- fixed activation inside widget and filter titles

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.7
- added range filters now support adoptive queries! your prices in range sliders will be according to your remaining products
- added loading icon for non-ajax filters
- improved filtering performance
- fixed add_wc_shortcode_filter() notice 2023:prdctfltr.php
- fixed attribute ranges
- fixed shop override fail
- fixed range title bar names

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.6
- fixed more failing filters

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.5
- fixed 5.3.4 failing archives filtering
- hopefully this is the last in the recent update series which should be a lot faster and a lot precise! thanks for your support and patience with the recent updates!

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.4
- even more fixes mostly shortcodes and default WooCommerce shortcodes

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.3
- fixes

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.2
- fixed few widget isses
- fixed few pagination isses
- fixed missing filters and filters not working isses 5.1.0-5.4.0 transition issues
- fixed customized terms prices

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.1
- fixed 5.3.0 pagination isses
- fixed currency switcher issues, now all currency switcher plugins will work perfectly, even the range filters!
- fixed categories and clear filters with or without AJAX support
- fixed minor bugs

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.3.0
- added an awesome documentation with load of examples! please check the all new documentation in your full archive downloaded from!
- added support for all currency switcher plugins
- fixed support for AJAX filtering and archives
- fixed a few minor bugs and issues

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.7 - 5.2.8 - 5.2.9
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed mess ups

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.6
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed variable images and attributes display
- fixed missing active filters on archives without AJAX, sale_products, categories
- fixed missing active filters on pagination
- fixed widget bugs and issues

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.5
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed more transition issues
- fixed ajax and multi taxonomy, attributes filters
- fixed category loop appearance

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.4
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed attributes and taxonomies filtering
- fixed for permalinks detect for categories and taxonomies
- fixed small reported bugs

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.3
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed for attribute/taxonomy filters
- fixed for slow performance
- fixed failing filter term checkbox

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.2
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- from now on we have the automatic updates!! when the new product filter is released you can update it hassle free directly from your WordPress!

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.1
- fixed 5.1.0 - 5.3.0 transition issues
- fixed tags/characteristics archives
- fixed ajax shortcode and widget filter 5.2.0 issue
- fixed pagination on non ajax shortcodes
- fixed few bugs

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.2.0
- added search filter
- added image-text filter customization style
- added ordering by number on non advanced filters
- added taxonomies and custom taxonomies to range filters (not only attributes as in previous versions)
- added better support for limit terms option
- added columns fallback CSS support for themes without one
- improved plugin performance and filtering speed
- improved admin area a bit
- fixed z-index issues with the select box types
- fixed adoptive filter active terms reorder
- fixed ajax queries and shortcode attributes in HTML code
- fixed active filters titles
- fixed search filter terms fields bugs and issues
- fixed all characteristics issues in the admin area
- fixed queries, search queries
- fixed taxonomy queries
- fixed ordering for supported filters
- fixed sidebar with overlay bugs
- fixed range filter order by parameter issues
- fixed mobile filter click
- fixed padding and filter basic style

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.1.0
- added show count mode option
- added filter form custom action option
- improved documentation, added most used themes installation instructions (including Avada, Flatsome, Enfold, Atelier, Shopkeeper, BeTheme, Divi, Legenda, Listify, Salient), added multiple advanced filters of the same taxonomy filtering instructions and use
- fixed price filters and sale filter issues
- fixed masonry filters broken layout on init
- fixed saving product filter presets
- fixed loading product filter presets
- fixed product filter redirect errors
- fixed search terms and adoptive filtering
- fixed general query, should provide better support for pagination and themes
- fixed mysql query errors
- fixed bugs with category links on non-ajax archives
- fixed more noted and reported bugs

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.0.1
- fixed WPML long notice
- fixed missing Product Filter on prdctfltr_output action

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 5.0.0
- added Filter Analytics! Analyze what your customers are searching for in the brand new Product Filter Analytics!
- added full product category loop support
- added Style Customization Manager for all filters + Full WPML support for style customization with language switcher
- added 4 customization styles, text mode with background, border and round styles, thumbnail mode, color mode, select box and custom HTML mode
- added Term Customization Manager for price filters and products per page filters + Full WPML support for term customization with language switcher
- added Shop page filter override
- improved plugin performance
- improved admin user interface
- improved filter manager
- improved filtering queries
- improved price filtering
- improved and fixed loading and saving presets
- fixed WPML translations being cached and not displayed properly
- fixed hierarchy filter issues, selected term etc.
- fixed adoptive bugs
- fixed admin translations
- fixed code in general

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.1.2
- fixed widget mobile/handheld issues
- fixed characteristics activation issues
- fixed deleted taxonomies in settings bugs
- fixed term counts for hierarchy taxonomies
- fixed strict standards issues with shortcode functions

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.1.1
- added range filter custom settings
- fixed multiselect on advanced filters
- fixed characteristics adoptive
- fixed archives adoptive
- fixed AJAX archive query
- fixed international characters term include not saving
- various fixes

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.1.0
- added advanced filter hierarchy support
- added advanced filter hierarchy mode
- added advanced filter hierarchy filtering mode
- added advanced filter attribute taxonomies style
- added advanced filter term limit
- improved advanced filter UI
- improved range filter UI
- various fixes

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.6
- added new filter manager UI
- added override templates settings
- added custom action installation
- added override pagination class for better support with themes
- improved manual filter installation
- improved filter manager UI
- fixed advanced and range filter saving issues
- fixed duplicate AJAX pagination issues
- fixed selected hierarchy terms, active categories
- fixed no-products-found.php redirect loop bug

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.5
- fixed WPML issues, WPML is now officially supported
- fixed AJAX and WPML issues
- fixed wpml-config.xml bugs
- fixed missing filters
- fixed 4.0.4 tags include bugs
- fixed multiple advanced filters of the same taxonomy issues
- fixed deselecting issues on multiple same taxonomy filters
- fixed 'no products found' bugs associated with the filter and widget
- fixed AJAX pagination bugs
- improved 'no products found' default actions
- improved plugin performance!

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.4
- fixed WPML terms include bugs
- fixed select box styles bugs with filter terms options
- fixed force categories and subcategories bugs
- fixed 'Filter terms' translation issues

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.3
- fixed AJAX widget adoptive filtering not working
- fixed shortcode pagination issues
- fixed duplicate taxonomies selected terms
- fixed adoptive filtering terms visibility
- improved AJAX widget functions

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.2
- fixed 4.0.0 release issues ( characteristics bug, path bugs, coding bugs )

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.1
- fixed 4.0.0 release issues

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 4.0.0
- complete rework of the Product Filter code, now the whole plugin is in a class, faster, more optimized
- added AJAX is now supported on shop and product archive pages!
- added multiple AJAX shortcodes per page support added
- added new style modes! sidebar left, sidebar right, sidebar with overlay left, sidebar with overlay right and fullscreen filter mode!
- added filter buttons setting position (before or after the filters)
- added filter terms search fields
- added tooltips for thumbnails only display
- added hierarchy style
- added system checkbox style
- added change Filter selected button text easily
- added filter AJAX loading icons
- added options to disable Product Filter redirects
- added full support for international characters (e.g. ??áéü)
- added WPML has announced official support for WooCommerce Product Filter from the version 4.0.0
- added WooCommerce Product Filter action for easy customziation (prdctfltr_filter_before, prdctfltr_filter_after, prdctfltr_filter_form_before, prdctfltr_filter_form_after)
- improved filter queries, optimization, now the filter is faster than ever!
- fixed bugs associated with the admin screen, AJAX admin functions from other plugins and such issues
- fixed term ordering issues in AJAX mode
- fixed double taxonomy and term issues
- fixed instant filtering not firing in the previous versions
- fixed extreme cases when filters are not appearing in Masonry mode
- fixed ..and a lot more!
+ WooCommerce Product Filter 3.2.0
- added option to expand parent categories on load
- added force post_type=product filtering parameter
- fixed preset settings bugs in recent versions
- fixed range filter names and slugs
- fixed posts_per_page notices
- fixed search queries with the post_type=product parameter
+ WooCommerce Product Filter 3.1.2
- fixed redirecting fixes on multiple selected categorories !IMPORTANT
- fixed notices on multi select presets overrides
- fixed missing showing results on idle
+ WooCommerce Product Filter 3.1.1
- fixed filtering redirects !IMPORTANT
- fixed notices on missing preset settings
- fixed custom widget action not working

+ WooCommerce Product Filter 3.1.0
- added custom Product Filter Widget action
- added Disable Show Results Title option now disables the searched terms in widget titles and even  without the top bar too
- fixed shortcode queries and AJAX
- fixed min_price, max_price shortcode bugs with the 3.0.0 filter
- fixed hide none settings not working for the attributes
- fixed default titles not showing with the attributes
- fixed MySQL query error on empty adoptive filtering arrays
- depricated Disable CSS as it didn't work anyway, this feature will be addressed in the future

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = WooCommerce Product Filter
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Product Filter from the The Developer ( dzeriho ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Product Filter-[Updated].zip

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