

Download Woocommerce Products Wizard Nulled


Woocommerce Products Wizard helps a customer by creating the shop-wizard from the product categories and filtering products by the customer choice on each step.

Main features:

  • Control the product or product variation visibility by AND/OR conditions;
  • Tabs or single screen modes;
  • Choose which terms will be used in the wizard and set their order;
  • Single or a few items selecting from each step;
  • Control each tab description text and placement;
  • Single or several products from each term availability;
  • Different templates to view products and product variations;
  • Customizing templates by making the copy in the theme directory;
  • Option to display the first tab and its content;
  • Set which products will be in the cart on the first launch;
  • Create so many wizards as you want.

Supported plugins for joint work:

  • Woocommerce Extra Product Options;
  • Woocommerce Subscriptions.

Watch video tutorial

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Bootstrap 3 ready

If your active theme is bootstrap-3 based, the plugin view will appropriate to theme styles.

However, if there is no bootstrap in your theme, you can enable required styles from the plugin.

Some of the customers reviews

Note: The plugin requires a minimum 5.4 PHP version.


= 3.8.1 =
New: Get wizard APIs
Fix: Variation availability bug
Fix: No-JS version submit bug
Fix: Product stock data output

= 3.8.0 =
New: Product stock data output
Fix: Missed wNumb script

= 3.7.0 =
New: "Reflect products in the main cart immediately" option
Tweak: Step description visual editor

= 3.6.1 =
Fix: "Minimum products selected" setting work

= 3.6.0 =
New: More message settings
Fix: Small code bugs

= 3.5.0 =
New: "Scrolling up on the form update" option
New: Messages options
Tweak: Admin settings grouping
Tweak: Code refactoring

= 3.4.1 =
New: Norwegian translate by Jan Arne Bakke
Tweak: Variation attribute views refactoring
Tweak: Deep views refactoring

= 3.4.0 =
New: Filtering products
New: "Clear WooCommerce cart on confirms" setting
Tweak: Views refactoring
Fix: Admin Select2 rare bug

= 3.3.2 =
Fix: PrettyPhoto plugin re-init bug
Tweak: Table responsive script launch better reliability
Tweak: Documentation update

= 3.3.1 =
Fix: Variable product work without "Extra Product Options" plugin

= 3.3.0 =
New: "Minimum products selected" setting
New: French translation by Louis Houde
Tweak: "Extra Product Options" plugin variable products support
Tweak: "Extra Product Options" plugin support in single-step mode
Tweak: Views refactoring

= 3.2.0 =
New: "Show sidebar" option
Fix: Results table empty column
Fix: Add to cart occasional bug with 3rd party plugins versions

= 3.1.1 =
Fix: Rare redirect bugs fix
Fix: "Extra Product Options" plugin initialization bug

= 3.1.0 =
New: "Final redirect url" setting

= 3.0.0 =
New: Minimum/maximum product quantity options
New: Enable/disable results tab option
New: Styles update
Removed: "Minimum products to add" option
Tweak: Deep refactoring

= 2.14.1 =
Fix: Critical output bug

= 2.14.0 =
New: Supporting of "Extra Product Options" plugin
Tweak: Views refactoring
Fix: Form layout wrong items

= 2.13.0 =
New: Sticky controls
Tweak: Better responsibility
Fix: Wrong products order

= 2.12.2 =
New: Sticky sidebar top offset setting
Fix: Pagination rare error
Tweak: Code refactoring

= 2.12.1 =
Fix: WooCommerce 3.2.x version bug
Fix: Rare plugin activation bug

= 2.12.0 =
New: Default cart content
Fix: Add to main cart bug

= 2.11.3 =
Fix: Form templates selection bug
Fix: Products quantity reset on submit
Fix: Form submit validation bug

= 2.11.2 =
Tweak: Images lightbox better support

= 2.11.1 =
Tweak: Code refactoring

= 2.11.0 =
New: Pagination setting
New: "Always show sidebar" setting
Tweak: Styles update
Tweak: Deep code refactoring

= 2.10.5 =
Fix: PHP namespaces bugs

= 2.10.4 =
Fix: WooCommerce v3.1.0 bug with variation description output

= 2.10.3 =
Fix: WooCommerce v3.0.9 bug with variable products titles

= 2.10.2 =
Tweak: Product views responsibility improvements
Tweak: Code refactoring
Fix: Missing description field in the term modal

= 2.10.1 =
Fix: Minimum items to add bugs

= 2.10.0 =
New: "Required added products" tabs setting
Fix: Styles bugs

= 2.9.0 =
New: "Remove" button in the widget and results table setting
New: Excluded term products setting
New: "Products included" and "order" setting
New: Gulp build
Tweak: Results responsibility improved
Removed: Src LESS styles

= 2.8.1 =
New: Admin sortable lists
Fix: Admin multiply dependencies bug with WooCommerce v3

= 2.8.0 =
New: Product variation description output
Fix: Save dependencies with WooCommerce v3
Fix: Work bugs

= 2.7.0 =
New: Sticky widget
New: Single step mode
Tweak: Assets refactoring
Fix: WooCommerce v3 admin dependencies bugs

= 2.6.0 =
Tweak: WooCommerce v3 support
Tweak: No-js version improved
Tweak: Remove deprecated code
Tweak: Code refactoring

= 2.5.1 =
Tweak: jQuery v3 support
Fix: Admin term remove bug

= 2.5.0 =
New: "No selected items by default" setting
New: "Enable all tabs availability" setting
Fix: Wizard admin page errors

= 2.4.1 =
Fix: Save variation fields for WooCommerce version 2.4.4 and upper
Tweak: Improved variations dependencies work

= 2.4.0 =
New: "Disable dependencies" option
Fix: Main cart product quantity overwrite
Tweak: Code refactoring

= 2.3.1 =
Fixed: Back-button appearing
Fixed: Admin step settings modal styles
Fixed: Deep code refactoring

= 2.3.0 =
New: Individual add-to/remove-from cart button
New: Step title setting
Fix: Typo "skipFrom" to "skipForm" 
Fix: Few tiny errors

= 2.2.0 =
Tweak: Admin settings for the text of the control
Tweak: Better terms tree in admin
Fix: Scroll to unchecked variation attributes

= 2.1.1 =
Fix: Products galleries lightbox separation
Fix: Add-to-cart button using in IE

= 2.1.0 =
New: Added item template setting
New: Added new item views
New: Added images gallery view
Tweak: Widget view update

= 2.0.3 =
Fix: Define admin ajax-url

= 2.0.2 =
Tweak: Translate update

= 2.0.1 =
Fix: "Can't use method return value in write context" in "router.php" 
Fix: Results variable cart item thumbnail fixed
Fix: Cart total fix

= 2.0.0 =
Tweak: New engine v2
Tweak: Added multiple wizards support
Tweak: Added "minimum selected items to add" option

= 1.0.9 =
Fix: Fixed product variation price html
Fix: Enable sub-categories using

= 1.0.8 =
Fix: Minified full CSS fix
Fix: Fixed cart total float value
Fix: Fixed variable products work

= 1.0.7 =
Tweak: Added "back" and "reset" buttons
Tweak: Added buttons admin enable/disable
Tweak: Added widget and results images lightbox support
Tweak: Update Polish translate
Tweak: LESS/SCSS/CSS update
Tweak: Included base styles file with admin option
Fix: Item variations views class fix

= 1.0.6 =
Fix: Shortcode output fix
Tweak: Added Polish translate by Piotr Główka <[email protected]>

= 1.0.5 =
Tweak: Using SCRIPT_DEBUG constant
Tweak: Added the WooCommerce default lightbox support
Tweak: Added translates support
Tweak: Added Russian translate

= 1.0.4 =
Tweak: Documentation update to 1.0.1
Fix: Next active tab class fix

= 1.0.3 =
Fix: Tabs item classes fix
Fix: Form item thumbnail image class fix
Fix: Change the item thumbnail srcset if product variation with an image founded
Fix: Subtotal output space
Tweak: Adding variation types admin filter
Tweak: Scripts and styles enqueue version by constant
Tweak: Simplify WC->addProductToMainCart method
Tweak: Update templates structure
Tweak: LESS/SCSS/CSS update

= 1.0.2 =
Tweak: Changed spinner file format from "GIF" to "SVG" 
Tweak: PHP code style
Tweak: JS code style
Tweak: Clean and optimize js code
Tweak: HTML output is secured by the escaping functions
Tweak: Added messages views directory
Tweak: Added JSDoc comments
Tweak: Added filters to some methods outputs
Tweak: Added js modular structure
Tweak: Improved not filled variable products handler
Tweak: Move work logic in the class methods
Tweak: More OOP features
Fix: Tabs items initial classes fix
New: Added SCSS-source file

= 1.0.1 =
Tweak: Added PHPDoc comments to the class-files
Tweak: Added js events triggers
Tweak: Improved no-js plugin work
Fix: Fixed variable products dependency work
Fix: Fixed the group argument work

= 1.0.0 =
Initial release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Woocommerce Products Wizard
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Woocommerce Products Wizard from the The Developer ( troll_winner ) website. Thank you.
Download = Woocommerce Products Wizard-[Updated].zip

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