

Download WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier Nulled



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WooWaitlist, Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce


Every time an item is out of stock, you’re losing potential customers. Instead, why not use the WooWaitlist plugin to keep those valuable customers in the loop when your stock is replenished. In the meantime, you’ll build your list of potential buyers and grow your market.

Save your time and your customer’s time by implementing the WooWaitlist plugin. Let them be directly notified by email immediately when your favorite product is back in stock.

Reviews & Comments from our WooSome(!) Buyers!

WooCommerce Waitlist Features

  • Plug and Play: WooWaitlist is integrated in just a few seconds with WooCommerce, showing only when a product is out of stock.
  • Translate Ready.
  • Full WPML Support
  • Supports RTL.
  • Tabbed and Easy to Use Backend Interface.
  • Use Custom CSS for showing the Waitlist Notification on the frontend.
  • Use [author_woowaitlist] shortcode to show your Clients Waitlist through their profile page.
  • Export all Waitlist Subscriptions to a CSV file and use the email list on your marketing plans.
  • Export Waitlist Subscribers per Product from within the product page.
  • Email template for sending the Subscription and Back in Stock Notifications.
  • Compatible with latest WooCommerce Version.
  • Supports all WooCommerce Product Types(Simple, Grouped, Variable as Virtual and Downloadable as well).
  • WooWaitlist fully supports WooCommerce Variable Products so when you have a product with two variations(or more) and only one of them is out of stock then the waitlist subscription form will show only for that variation.
    When a visitor subscribes to a product variation then he will receive an email for that product variation only.
    In your Dashboard you will also see which product variation(if any) was added to your visitor waitlist.
  • The product edit page shows the numbers subscribe to the product waitlist.
  • WooWaitlist can be used(enable/disable option) for products set as Allow to Backorder.
  • Visitors and Registered users can use this feature when shopping on your e-commerce site.
  • Customers can easily unsubscribe from the list, direct from emails received or through their account page using the following shortcode [author_woowaitlist].
  • Create more leads, more sales and maintain your market by capturing emails.
  • Each Waitlist email features the title for the listed product along with its featured image.
  • You can exclude a product from the WooWaitlist from withing the product edit page.
  • Administrators will be able to track which items are in demand to adjust their inventory to match their customer’s needs.
  • Enable or Disable access to the plugin for Shop Managers.
  • See all customer’s emails captured along with the product they are waiting for.
  • Option to receive Admin e-mail notifications when a user signs up to a product.
  • Admins can delete manually any of the Waitlist subscribers.
  • Customize both “out of stock” and “back in stock” messages that your customers see.
  • Mail subject is taken from the “From” Name option in WooCommerce Email Settings.
  • Email from address is taken from the “From” Email Address option in WooCommerce Email Settings.
  • Global option to set the quantity that triggers the back in stock email so that it will bypass the default > 0 quantity. This option is enabled when a product has activated the “Manage Stock” feature.
  • WooWaitlist data and settings can be saved in case you want to remove the plugin from your website.
  • Excellent plugin support available, receive a reply in less than 4 hours from the minute you email your request.

How to Install or Update WooCommerce Waitlist

  • If you want to install the plugin you must first download it from your CodeCanyon account, then unzip it and finally use the “Add New Plugin” feature from your Dashboard and select the file found inside your extracted folder.
  • Then create a new page which will act as your Unsubscribe landing page for your clients and add the following shortcode: (wew_unsubscribe_waitlist). Replace ( and ) with [ and ].
  • Next go to the plugin settings page and configure it as you wish, don’t forget to attach the Unsubscribe page option with the page you just created in the previous installation step
  • WooCommerce admin can receive an email notification each time someone subscribes to a Product Waitlist.
  • If you want to update the plugin make sure “Remove waitlist data on plugin uninstall” option in WooWailist in unchecked, then disable and remove the plugin and finally use the “Add New Plugin” feature from your Dashboard and select the updated file.


Plugin is developed to work and function with the default WP installation, themes and plugins. If you are using plugins and themes(mostly) that don’t follow the WP standards then there is chance that the plugin won’t work as expected unless you adjust your theme or plugin with conflicts accordingly.

WooWaitlist Support

You can request support or send questions and inquiries through the Support Contact Form.


version 4.0.3 - 14.04.2017
- Fix: Fatal error while upgrading plugin or duplicating products
version 4.0.2 - 11.04.2017
- Fix: Made it compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.0
- Fix: Removed gibberish appearing on My Account page
- New: Added waitlist section in My Account page
- Change: Removed 4.0.0 upgrade notice
version 4.0.1 - 02.01.2017
- Fix: Issues with WPML compatibility
- New: Subscribers count now shows cumulative figures across all languages if WPML is active
version 4.0.0 - 27.10.2016 (MAJOR UPDATE)
- New: WooWaitlist now uses WooCommerce's built in templating system to send HTML or plain text emails
- New: HTML and plain text template files for back in stock emails
- New: HTML and plain text template files for new subscriber notification for subscribers
- New: HTML and plain text template files for new subscriber notification for admin
- New: Basic logging ability into the plugin with the new "Logs" tab added in plugin settings
- New: Dismissable notice and persistent description about the new 4.0.0 upgrade and changes therein
- New: SKU field added to CSV export files
- Fix: Subscription form not showing sometimes when set to show based on stock status
- Fix: Button and placeholder translation issue
- Fix: Conflicts with Avada theme
- Change: Prevent form from showing anywhere except the single product pages
- Change: Ported email related settings from plugin settings pages to the template settings pages in WooCommerce
- Change: Styling and description changes in plugin settings pages
- Change: Overall improvements in programming logic
version 3.0.10 - 10.01.2016
- Fix: Warning displayed upon updating products
- Change: Apply subscription form display function only on the front end
- Change: Replace a few special characters in the email title
version 3.0.9 - 18.12.2015
- Fix: Display on backorder setting not working
- Fix: CSS issues with RTL version file
version 3.0.8 - 10.11.2015
- Fix: Some licenses being automatically de-activated
- Fix: Notifications based on stock level not being sent on product variations
version 3.0.7 - 29.10.2015
- Change: display variation image wherever available instead of product image
- Change: bracket position in the back in stock email
- Change: Code improvements
- Fix: variation name not appearing when it is generated from product level attribute
- Fix: button label not appearing when settings have never been re-saved since the install
version 3.0.6 - 18.10.2015
- New: Added "loading" spinner next to the subscribe button
- Fix: subscription issues with variable products
- Fix: display of variation title, now sourced from term name
- Fix: back in stock quantity setting wrongly triggered
version 3.0.5 - 08.10.2015
- New: Added option to force the subscribe language string on the subscribe button.
- Fix: function live() was deprecated and replaced
- Fix: text_direction option was deprecated and replaced
version 3.0.4 - 20.07.2015
- Fix: Faster activation
version 3.0.3 - 09.06.2015
- Fix: Activation Pending warning when plugin is activated
- Fix: Accepting Titles under quotes
version 3.0.2 - 24.04.2015
- Fix: Small update for the WP XSS Vulnerability
version 3.0.1 - 25.03.2015
- New: Sort Waitlist backend based on columns
- Fix: Product licence purchase code image pop up not working
version 3.0.0 - 23.02.2015
- Fix: localization issues fixed
- New: Licence activation
- New: Through [author_woowaitlist] shortcode Clients now can see their waitlist through their account page
- Larger text box div for "Back in stock" Email Content in Email Settings
version 2.2.9 - 16.01.2015
- Fix: The custom back in stock email didn't show for guests, now it does  
version 2.2.8 - 28.11.2014
- New: Now you can export Waitlist Subscribers from the Product Edit Page as well.
- New: Out of stock message now can be edited/replaced from WooWaitlist Settings.
version 2.2.7 - 19.11.2014
- Code: Changed the way that subscribe fields checks if there is a theme override
version 2.2.6 - 01.11.2014
- New: Enabling the subscribe field based on Stock Status(default option) or Managed Stock Quantity(quantity <= 0)
version 2.2.5 - 28.10.2014
- Bug Fix: Products in stock and allowed to be backordered showed the WooWaitlist subscribe field when this should be shown only when the product(or its variation) was actually out of stock.
version 2.2.4 - 19.10.2014
- change: WooWaitlist loads only on Product Pages making your site load faster than before
Version 2.2.3 12 Sep 2014
- Fix: Plugin compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.2
- Bug Fix: Subscribe button string for guests not following backend settings
Version 2.2.2 09 September 2014
- Change: Updated code to follow WP guidelines.
Version 2.2.1 05 August 2014
- New: Added RTL Support.
- New: Added the ability for users to exclude a product from the WooWaitlist.
- New: added WPML support for languange strings found in WooWaitlist options(wpml string translation addon is required)
- Fix: Back in stock email now works for bulk editing the in and out of stock feature.
Version 2.1.5 20 June 2014
- New: Added the option to enable WooWaitlist subscription for products that are on "Allow Backorder" state(Allow but notify customer).
- New: Added in the product edit page the number of subscribers.
- New: Added the global option to set the quantity that triggers the back in stock email so that it will bypass the default > 0 quantity. This option is enabled when a product has activated the "Manage Stock" feature.
- New: Added the option to change the "Subscribe to waitlist" language string that is found on the product page.
Version 2.1.4 12 June 2014
- bug fix: WooWaitlist subscribe message enabled when it shouldn't on variable product items in backorder mode
version 2.1.3 04 June 2014
- bug fix: not saving the Administrator notifications on products subscriptions settings
Version 2.1.1 01 June 2014
- bug fix: variable product image and title not showing
Version 2.1.1 28 May 2014
- bug fix: unsubscribe shortcode not working
Version 2.1 27 May 2014
- bug fix: show child product in email when attached to a grouped product
- change: added option to enable/disable notifications to admin whenever someone subscribes to a product waitlist
Version 2.0 15 May 2014
- change: added a new tabbed interface for the backend
- change: added custom css option
- change: added customized frontend messages for the WooWaitlist 
- change: added an email template with shortcodes
- change: added the ability to export all waitlist subscriptions on a csv file
Version 1.2.7 26 April 2014
- bug fix: send back in stock notification when variable product quantity is changed from zero to null
- change: added option for enabling/disabling plugin access to Shop Manager User Role
Version 1.2.6 25 April 2014
- bug fix: not sending back in stock email for variable products when that variable product is back in stock
- bug fix: not changing the "out of stock" notification description in the backend
- change: added a new filed in the backend for changing the "back in stock" notification description specifically for variable products
- change: Notification email shows the variable tag only for product variables
Version 1.2.5 13 April 2014
- change: removed restriction for not being able to sell a variable product when quantity is null
Version 1.2.4 - 11.04.2014
- bug fix: WooWaitlist Proceed button didn't show for variable products after latest WooCommerce update
- change: Now you can edit the email subject title from back end, for example "Site title waitlist for" 
Version 1.2.3 - 07.04.2014
- bug fix: Product stock count did not show on frontend after WooWaitlist was activated
- Changed the way that WooWaitlist functions on frontend
Version 1.2.2 - 05.04.2014
- change: Show a message for users that already subscribed on a product waitlist when trying to re-subscribe.
- If visitor is logged in as a user then he/she can subscribe to the product waitlist without having to enter his email
Version 1.2.1 - 25.03.2014
- change: Product image in WaitList email is taken from the medium thumbnail of the product
- change: pretty title in product variation instead of the slug
Version 1.2 - 24.03.2014
- bug fix: Waitlist active for all variable products no matter if the parent product is in stock or not
Version 1.0.1 - 12.03.2014
- bug fix: not showing waitlist product title on backend for WooCommerce 1.6.5.x
- bug fix: Fatal error: Class ‘WC_Product_Factory’ not found when trying to install plugin on WooCommerce 1.6.5.x
Version 1.0 - 09.03.2014
- First Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier from the The Developer ( WP_Shuttle ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooWaitlist – WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifier-[Updated].zip

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