

Download WP Contact Us Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin Nulled


Elfsight responsive Contact Form for WordPress is a simple yet richest in customization options tool to display a clear and encouraging form, where your visitors can write their messages to you. Show the fields necessary for you, choose the right layout, and customize the look to inspire your customers to leave their feedback. Set the email address on which you would like to receive the messages and use the feedback to develop your business in the most profitable direction.

WP Contact Form plugin is your choice if

  • you want to turn website visitors to leads
  • you want to make it easier for your clients to contact you
  • you know how valuable your customers’ messages can be for business promotion
  • you don’t to want to rack your brains setting and adjusting the plugin
  • you are looking for a working solution worth its price

What you get with our plugin

Customizable fields

Our WordPress Contact us Form plugin was made to meet your any need for receiving feedback and staying in touch with your customers. The fields are totally customizable and allow you to set them in any order you need, change labels, add placeholders and choose which ones will be required to submit a message and which you would like to hide so that the form is easier for your clients to fill in.

Order fields

Order the fields to make focus on your needs or display them the most common way. You are free to reorder them to find your best variant.

Choose the fields to show

Don’t need too much info from your visitors? Then choose which fields will be displayed and show that you care for your clients’ effort and time.

Set any field labels

Feel free to give the fields the right labels, which suit your goals and speak the language clear to your audience.

Choose which fields are required

You can make any field a required to fill for sending a message. Choose the ones you need and they will be automatically marked with * symbol. Validation process goes at client side.

Hint users at how to fill your form

Apply placeholders for the fields and they will give a hint to your users at how to fill in the form correctly, so that you receive the data the way you need it.

Save the filling progress

No more losing what has just been typed. Make sure the data your clients have already entered will not disappear. Our Contact form widget will save the filling progress whatever happens.

Form the header to encourage

Here’s where you can use the power of your imagination to make your responsive contact us form for WordPress encouraging for your visitors and increase their trust. You can create an inviting title, write an informative text for caption and add a picture to make the form brighter. How to get the best of it is up to you!

Invite your visitors with the right title

A title before the form is an easy way to invite your visitors to fill in the form. So make the title really persuasive. Use phrases like “Contact us”, “Leave a message” or invent something unique that will sound the best for your clients.

Set an informative caption

Caption text is displayed just above the form. Use caption to deliver technical details, for example, response time or other info that your customers should know.

Complete the look with a picture

Find a nice picture to make your WP contact form plugin look more inviting. Choose an email icon, stick to your own photo or a photo of your support contact or find something unique – it’s your choice!

Flexible layout to suit your needs

We created the Contact Form that can follow all your requirements. Whether you need a classic design form set on the contact page, or a floating message button for your landing page – our plugin allows you to do both.

Smart field layout fits any website

Displaying a WordPress contact us form on the contact page is the most common way, but our plugin has something brand new: it will automatically adjust the field layout to the chosen width of the form, so that it looks seamless almost everywhere on your site without too much effort.

Floating layout for higher availability

For those who would like the contact form to follow visitors’ browsing, we are proud to offer an expandable contact form, which is always at hand. Just a click on the message icon in the right corner and the contact form widget comes up ready for filling.

The right width for any design

Our WP Contact Form plugin is ultimately responsive, so you can easily customize the width of the form to meet your needs and to integrate it seamlessly into design of your website. Whatever width you prefer, the form will look excellent on any mobile device.

Smooth and secure emailing

We put our best knowledge to ensure submission process is smooth for your visitors and the most secure for you. For this, we equipped our Contact Form with spam and bot protection technology, seamless message submission and customizable “Thank you” message.

Google reCAPTCHA protection

We take security seriously. Our WordPress Contact form plugin is protected by Google reCAPTCHA and it will safeguard your email from spam and bots. This is easy for users but effective for you.

“Thank you” message to impress

Let your clients feel that you value their feedback. Create a powerful “Thank you” message, which is displayed with animation. You can add any text and not only express your appreciation, but also provide details on answer time or other instructions.

Form AJAX submission to make it smooth

Give you customers a seamless message submission. Our Contact Form sends messages via AJAX, which allows to avoid page refreshing and gives your clients smooth user experience.

Ultimately responsive

We want our plugin to suit every need of yours and your visitors. That’s why it perfectly works on any device, including tablets and smartphones and with any display resolution.

The widget editor you deserve

Never before has customizing been so easy and fast. Try our handy editor and get your plugin the look, which will best suit your website in just few easy steps.

Live updates

Save your time for updating with live updates that are in just one click availability and make sure your plugin is always state-of-the art.

The plugin is 100% compatible with WordPress

Never doubt the compatibility, our plugin works smoothly with any WordPress theme, including the ones most popular on Themeforest:

  • Avada
  • Jupiter
  • BeTheme
  • Enfold
  • Flatsome
  • X
  • Salient
  • Bridge
  • And any other

Responsive Elfsight Contact Form can be installed to any part of your website. Choose the variant of installation, which will be the most convenient for you:

WordPress shortcode

After creation of a Contact Form in WordPress admin panel, you will receive its shortcode. You can use it as any other shortcode, for example, add it to the page.

Visual composer support

Our plugin includes Visual Composer element of one of the most popular page builders to make it handy for you to use the plugin if you are using the builder.

Native WordPress widget

You can easily add Contact Form widget to any WordPress sidebar or footer of your website for better user experience.

Minimum requirements

Our plugin has minimum requirements, which allows it to work on almost any WordPress website out of the box:

  • WordPress 3.5+ ready
  • jQuery 1.7+ (included into WordPress by default)

How to add Contact Form to WordPress

We offer one of the easiest installation you will find, it’s fast and intuitive. Simply follow these steps and create your plugin:

  • After the purchase download the plugin archive
  • Upload installation zip to your website. NOTE! At this step, make sure you upload not a full item zip, but only WordPress installable zip.
  • Activate your plugin. Go to plugin settings page via main menu.
  • Create a new widget and customize it using Live Widget Editor.
  • Copy and paste the shortcode of the widget to the required page of your website.

Still have doubts or need help?

Then just get in touch with our Support team at and you will get professional help quickly. Expect a response from 10am to 7pm CET Monday-Friday. We are always open to our customers and willing to get better!

We have 10-year experience and we are a tight and trusted team of full-time developers sharing the same goals and putting our best knowledge into what we do. We highly prioritize bringing the feeling of satisfaction with our plugins to our clients!

Our Support Includes

Fixing product bugs

Our plugin doesn’t work properly on your website? Report your issue or bug by describing it in detail and providing us with a link to your website. We will do our best to find a solution.

Life-time updates

We release new updates and features on a regular basis. Just don’t forget to check for the latest version in your WordPress admin panel.

Customer-friendly development

We are open to your ideas. If you need some specific features, that might also improve our products, then just drop us a line. We will consider implementing them in our future updates.

Our Support Doesn’t Include

Plugin installation

We don’t offer installation services for our plugins. However, if you don’t know how to add a Contact form to WordPress website, we’re happy to provide you with installation tutorials. And if any errors come up during installation, feel free to contact us. If you still want installation to be done by a professional, we can recommend to use service of Envato Studio.

Plugin customization

We don’t provide plugin customization services. If you need to modify the way some features work, share your ideas with us, and we will consider them for future updates.

3rd-party issues

We don’t fix bugs or issues related to other plugins and themes, created by 3rd-party developers. Also we don’t provide integration services for 3rd-party plugins and themes.

Missing some feature? Just ask for it!

You can always contact us at and leave your feedback. If there’s something you wish to see in our WordPress Contact Form plugin, we will be glad to hear your suggestions and ideas. The most requested features will be included into future updates to make our clients happy and help them achieve their goal.

In case you need any custom feature right now, we recommend to address Envato Studio, the team, which is in charge of custom work.

Need installation help?

Would like a professional to create contact form for your WordPress website for you? Envato Studio team is always here to help with your requests.

Change Log – new version 1.1.0 is available for download

April 27, 2018 – Version 1.1.0

### Added
 * Automatic updates functionality
 * Opening a ticket form on Support page

### Changed
 * Admin design updated

### Fixed
 * Issue with responsiveness after form submitting 
 * The issue with sending a message when a non-default prefix is used in the database
 * Width issue with multiple widgets on a page

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Demo = WP Contact Us Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WP Contact Us Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin from the The Developer ( Elfsight ) website. Thank you.
Download = WP Contact Us Form – WordPress Contact Form Plugin-[Updated].zip

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