

[Download] WPBookit – Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress like Calendly


Download WPBookit – Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress like Calendly free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by iqonicdesign

WPBookit is a comprehensive appointment booking WordPress plugin designed to streamline your booking process and enhance user experience. Perfect for businesses of all sizes, WPBookit provides a seamless and efficient way to manage reservations and appointments directly from your WordPress website.

  • Multiple Booking On Same Slot: Allow multiple bookings for the same time slot, perfect for group sessions or events.
  • Staff Management: Efficiently manage staff schedules and appointments.
  • Email Notifications: Send automated email notifications to customers and staff.
  • Customer List: Maintain a detailed list of customers for easy reference and communication.
  • Payments – Online & Offline: Accept payments online and offline for greater flexibility.
  • Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports to track bookings and performance.
  • Set Custom Time Slots: Customize available time slots to suit your business hours.
  • ICS Calendar Feeds URL: Integrate with external calendars using ICS feeds.
  • Translate And RTL Ready: Fully translatable and supports right-to-left text direction.
  • User Profile: Allow users to manage their profiles and booking history.
  • Secure Stays Data: Ensure all booking data is stored securely.


  • Streamlined Booking Process: Simplify the booking process for both customers and staff, reducing administrative work.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Provide a seamless booking experience with custom time slots, email notifications, and user profiles.
  • Flexibility in Payments: Offer both online and offline payment options to accommodate all customer preferences.
  • Comprehensive Management: Manage staff schedules, customer lists, and bookings efficiently from one platform.
  • Insightful Reporting: Use detailed reports to gain insights into booking trends and optimize your business strategy.

Are you an Agency Owner/Professional?

Faced a problem? Need assistance with the product? No worries – our customer support team is always ready to help you.

  • Support requests are being processed on business days from 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT +05.30) [generally] within 24h to 48h in the order they were received.
  • We suggest, while our team reviews your support request, please read the documentation that comes in the zip file of Codecanyon. You can download it from Codecanyon:
  • We are in GMT+5:30 timezone. We address all the support queries 6 days weekly (Sunday off).
  • If any support ticket has no response from the item owner for 7 days, the ticket will be considered closed. If you need further assistance you can create another ticket or drop us an email asking to re-open the ticket for you.
  • Have pre-sales questions or concerns, please write to us via our Mail Mail
  • If you like our product and support then please drop a rate and write a review at:

Please Note: Live preview images cannot be used directly in client’s live project. Those are used for preview purpose only.

Refund Policy

  • We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded)
  • Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WPBookit – Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress like Calendly from the The Developer ( iqonicdesign ) website. Thank you.
Download = WPBookit – Appointment Booking Calendar for WordPress like Calendly-[Updated].zip

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