XTEND Music is a complete multilanguage system built in object oriented PHP 5 with a MySQL database that allows you to promote your music through your website and monetize it at the same time through Adsense or other Affiliate Networks. Is lightweight, flexible, customizable and simple application to use with small steps.
Admin Demo:
Check out the the Admin for the XTEND Music Plugin:
Email: dark@sharklasers.com
Password: 2
Installation wizard
Very compact
Easy customization of templates
Works in all major browsers
WYSIWYG text editor with web file manager included
100% Object Oriented
Email templates
Responsive theme for both Front and Admin Panel
Facebook and Disqus Comment System integrated
Social Authentication System integrated with Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, Twitter and Yahoo
Multiple sources for mixes like Youtube, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Mixcloud and ZippyShare
Included RSS feed
Included dinamic multilanguage sitemap
Included robots.txt file
Included .htaccess file
SEO Optimized
SMO Optimized
Monetizable (Adsense Optimized).
Version 2.1 (24/12/2014) * New: Fix: query in sources/TreeWeb/libraries/Authentication.php * New: Fix: add mix from website in sources/add-mix.php and sources/templates/add-mix.tpl * New: Fix: upload picture for profile in sources/profile.php and sources/templates/profile.tpl * New: Fix: social login in sources/common.php and sources/templates/widget-account.tpl * New: Fix: delete categories in sources/admin/articles_categories.php, sources/admin/mixes_categories.php, sources/templates/admin/articles_categories.tpl and sources/templates/admin/mixes_categories.tpl * New: Fix: delete albums in sources/admin/albums.php * New: Fix: manage album images in sources/admin/album_images.php and sources/templates/admin/album_images.tpl * New: Fix: manage album videos in sources/admin/album_videos.php and sources/templates/admin/album_videos.tpl * Few more informations in documentation
Version 2.0 (27/10/2014) * New: More audio players: soundcloud, mixcloud * New: Option to add mix videos from youtube or vimeo * New: Image and video galleries * New: Mix category management * New: Mix sending form * New: Social login with Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linkedin, Yahoo * New: Authentication system * New: User registration * New: User management * Few more fixes and enhancements
Version 1.0 (21/08/2014) * Initial release
Note : For those who need examples with htaccess file here they can find 2 examples: http://www.treewebsolutions.com/htaccess_in_root.txt – for htaccess placed with fiels in root directory
http://www.treewebsolutions.com/htacces_with_xtend_directory.txt – for htaccess placed with files in a subdirectory (xtend for example).
Thanks to:
Alin Hort
PS: If you like this product don’t forget to rate it!
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Demo = XTEND Music – Multilanguage site for DJs & Band
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/xtend-music-multilanguage-site-for-djs-band/8646205″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy XTEND Music – Multilanguage site for DJs & Band from the The Developer ( danielrusu ) website. Thank you.
Download = XTEND Music – Multilanguage site for DJs & Band-[Updated].zip