Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts plugin allow users to import Youtube videos to WordPress in the easiest possible way. You can query videos by user, channel, query, id, and you can also bulk import to save yourself some time. It also supports a clean way to integrate imported videos into your theme.
Why should you use our plugin for importing Youtube videos?
We give you the possibility to test all features before purchasing the plugin. (See Here)
Quick support. If you face any issues using the plugin, just let us know and we’ll resolve the problem for you. See Here for previous customers reviews about our support.
Easy to use, simple design, and separated options to let you easily configure your imported videos (channel, playlist, user or single video).
Tree ways to import videos (Bulk import, Paginate import, Scheduled import). The scheduled import option lets you easily synchronize the YouTube feed with your site, so that new videos are automatically added to your website.
Attach the imported videos to any available content type in your site (Posts, Pages or Custom post type).
It makes sense to keep the imported video details like the number of views, likes, etc, synchronized with your website.
The YVTWP plugin allows you to easily keep everything in sync with a simple option.
Gives you the ability to import comments, tags, categories, and all other video infos (Thumbnail image, view count, likes, dislikes, duration, etc).
Clean way to integrate the imported videos with your theme. No coding skills needed, and all the settings are available in a visual mode to ease interactions.
Famous themes on the market (Avada, Newspaper, Sahifa, TrueMag, etc.) are integrated automatically. Visit the documentation for more details.
Supports all WordPress Embed players. Any video player shortcode can be integrated (FV WordPress Player, mb.YTPlayer, Jw Player, and more).
Gives you the ability to check broken videos (deleted, rejected, private or the videos that can’t be embeded).
Skip duplicate videos to keep your content unique. This is useful for SEO optimization.
Add rich snippets for videos. This provides structured data for search engines about your content, and thus get you more traffic from search engines.
To easily get started with the plugin, you can watch the demo video below and test the plugin on the demo website to explore all plugin features.
The below video themes are automatically supported
Key Features
Feed Options
- Powerful caching system.
- Default settings for easier import.
- Uses Youtube API v3 for more performance and functionalities.
- Import Youtube videos from channels, users, playlists, search query.
- Import single video using the video id.
- Three ways to import videos (Bulk import, Paginate import, Schedule import).
- Ability to limit the number of imported videos on each feed.
- Ability to import only published videos after a custom date.
- Filtering results by date, rating, views count, category, duration, definition, etc. (Only supported for search queries)
General Options
- Import videos as posts, pages or any available post type.
- Set imported post status to published or draft.
- Import video thumbnail as post thumbnail (you can activate or deactivate it).
- Assign imported videos to any author on your site.
- Assign imported videos to any category on your site.
- Import Youtube video categories (you can activate or deactivate it).
- Assign imported videos to any tags on your site.
- Import Youtube video tags (you can activate or deactivated it and set maximum of tags to import).
- Update or skip existing videos.
Embed Options
- Flexible templating system for any custom theme (HTML supported) and can be integrated using the available template fields (video_key, video_url, video_title, video_description, etc). You can discover all on the live demo.
- Embed videos using any plugin shortcode.
- Easily manage and integrate custom fields with the available template fields. You can also set a custom value (this is useful if you need a custom theme to recognize the videos)
Title & Description Options
- Remove and replace keywords in video title.
- Automatically insert a text before and after the video title.
- Remove and replace keywords in the video description.
- Delete URLs from the description (you can activate or deactivate this option).
Date Options
- The date options tab allows you to specify a publish date for the import. You may also use the Youtube video publish date, insertion time or specify your own custom date.
Comments Options
- Ability to set the comment status. (Approved, Unapproved, Spam or Trash)
- Specify the comment date. (Youtube comment date or the insert date)
- Ability to import the author URL.
- Ability to limit the max comments to import.
- Ability to import comments which contain a specified term.
- Ability to import comment replies.
- Ability to import comments that are published after a custom date.
- Ability to keep comments synced to your website.
SEO Options
- Add rich snippets for videos. This provide structured data for search engines about your content, and thus get you more traffic from search engines.
- Skip duplicate videos to have a unique content on your site. This is useful for SEO optimization.
Broken Videos Checker
- Check broken videos (deleted, rejected, private or the videos that can’t be embedded).
- The Log System page is a nice way to track your plugin status. You can track system errors, Youtube API errors, Scheduled Imports, etc. The results are paginated and can be filtered to help you track the logs.
- A simple way to customize the various settings attached to the imported videos.
[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Demo = Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”https://codecanyon.net/item/youtube-videos-to-wordpress-posts/12836753″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts from the The Developer ( kayoplugins ) website. Thank you.
Download = Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts-[Updated].zip