

Download Zozo Tabs Nulled


Version 7.0 Released!

Uses the latest version of jQuery (3.5.1)

Zozo Tabs is a user-friendly, fully customizable, responsive jQuery tabs plugin to take any HTML content, including images, videos and display it in a clean organised and responsive tabbed navigation. It works out of the box, making it simple to create beautiful but powerful enough to build branded and highly customized tabs. This plugin features plenty of layouts , vertical tabs, horizontal tabs, responsive tabs, deep-linking, Flat Theme Pack Extension, powerfull API, CSS transitions and animations, 6+ sizes, 30+ themes, 35+ templates, 10+ positions, 65+ options and much more.

Live Demos | Extended HTML documentationSupport

Please note: This is not a WordPress plugin but it can be easily integrated. The WordPress tutorial is integrated in the download when you purchase it.

New Features in Zozo Tabs 6

This is our biggest release ever! We are sure you will be impressed again. ZOZO TABS 6.1 – jQuery Tabs Plugin comes with some awesome new features to the table including Flat Theme Pack Extension, enhanced core css and themes, more intelligent responsive feature. Latest version of Zozo Tabs is version 6.1 and supports jQuery 1.9.x, visit changelog to learn more. Once you have bought the product you have access to FREE updates. If you have any suggestions on how to improve Zozo Tabs, please let us know! We will seriously consider any suggestion and add it to the next update list.

  • Added: Flat Theme Pack Extension which includes 20 flat themes in dark and light and in 3 styles (contained, clean, pills)
  • Added: plenty of more templates/examples
  • Added: option disabled (data-disabled can be added to tab to disable it on page load)
  • Added: public methods (disable and enable tabs)
  • Added: load event to adjust content heigh/width when tabs contains image/video
  • Improved: 25% lighter CSS and cleaner (well-organized and well-structured code)
  • Improved: IE10 (Windows touch compatibility
  • Improved: Responsive stacking feature (more intelligent)
  • Improved: Documentation
  • Support for Font Awesome Icons
  • Fixed: conflict between zozo accordion and and tabs
  • Tested and compatible with all major desktop browsers including IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera) and mobile browsers. We have tested it on iPad, iPhone (IOS), Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Note 2 (Android). Opera Mini and Chrome Mobile.

Zozo Tabs Features

  • Responsive Design – Zozo tabs has unique responsive features with Cross-browser and Cross-Devices support, fully compatible with Tablet, Desktop and Mobile, view Responsive Tabs
  • Touch-Enabled – Tabs are displayed in a dropdown menu with touch enabled events and fast CSS3 Transitions, view Mobile Tabs
  • 10 Flexible ways to position – Tabs are very flexible and customizable, horizontal and vertical Tabs and it can be positioned in 10 Flexible ways, view Positioning demo
  • 30 Preset Themes – Comes with 10 classic and 20 Flat UI pixel-perfect themes that are ready to go, view Themes demo. Also comes with 4 style normal, underlined, clean and multiline tabs. view Underlined tabs demo. All themes and stlyes comes in 6 different sizes, view Sizes demo
  • 35 Examples/templates – We’ve created fourteen templates to get you started quickly, View All Templates
  • CSS3 Transitions – Animation is done in CSS3 Transitions and jQuery fallback for older browsers, view Animation demo
  • Load content and iframe with AJAX – load any type of content into tabs including via AJAX and optional cacheAjax,view Ajax content demo
  • Responsive fluid grid – very lightweight responsive fluid grid system included.
  • Deep-Linking – Zozo Tabs is bookmarkable and also supports deep linking. Makes URL automatically change when you select tabs and you can easily link to specific tab with hashtag. Deep-linking demo
  • Powerfull API – Zozo Tabs has a lot of public methods which you can use to control the tabs, view Public methods demo and callback events (select, deactivate, etc) view Callback events docs.
  • Nested and Multiple Instances – Multiple and nested tabs tabs allowed on one page and can have different themes and options without any conflict
  • Responsive video – supports responsive video including Youtube, Vimeo, object, iframe
  • Cross-browser and Platform – Zozo Tabs supports all major desktop browsers (including IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera) and mobile browsers. We have tested it on iPad, iPhone (IOS), Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Note 2 (Android)
  • No Programming Skills Required – It’s dead simple to install using jQuery selector like any other plugin, but also using HTML5 data attributes which means no coding required!
  • Event/Action – Zozo Tabs supports click/mousehover to select a tab.
  • Steps and Wizard – Tabs can be disabled to use it like step or wizard.
  • Flat Theme Pack Extension – in v.6.0 added 20 awesome flat themes, flat styles such as contained, clean, pills which can be combined with all themes in dark and light.
  • HTML Content – Put absolutely any HTML content, images, video, forms, maps, image slider and galleries
  • Extended Documentation – Fully documented and step-by-step guide provided to help you get up and running with Zozo Tabs.
  • No absolute positioning and height – animation and transition works perfect without absolute positioning or fixed height
  • CSS3 and HTML5 – All content is allways accessible to search engines and markup semantically correct to help you achieve the best possible SEO-friendly results even without JavaScript enabled.
  • Orientation – Zozo Tabs suppports horizontal and vertical tabs, view Orientation demo
  • External linking – You can put a external link or any type of link to each tab.
  • Autoplay support Automatically animate through Tabs when visitors arrive on your website with optional stop on hover/click (smart autoplay), view Autoplay demo
  • Automatically Scrolling – When clicking on tabs/downlown menu on smaller screens, it will scroll automatically to show your content.
  • Free support and Updates – Zozo Tabs is now in its 3rd version, and each of these updates has been free. Zozo Tabs is always under development, frequently updated and continues to offer more features and improvments with each new release.

Modular for Developers & Designers

Also allow developers and designers to create custom themes and customize your own build suited to your individual needs, modify, include or remove certain modules (reduce size of css by 90%) such as vertical, underlined, multiline, responsive etc. But for beginners and anyone new to CSS it is highly recommended to just start with the full package, without having to worry which modules are necessary. To start with customization read the README.txt file in the source folder and follow the instructions.

Real World Usage: website powered by Zozo Tabs

Zozo Tabs is powered plunty of websites worldwide and the number is growing rapidly. Below you can check out few examples of what can be achieved with the help of Zozo Tabs and how it can be integrated within your blog/website.

  • – excellent example of using underlined tabs with custom api usage.
  • – great example of using vertical tabs on contact page.
  • – example of using underlined tabs.
  • – excellent example of using custom themes.
  • – one to the best exampe of using of nested tabs on product page.
  • – good example of using simple tabs on the home page.
  • – great example of using zozo tabs on the product category page.
  • – great example of dark theme on the home page.
  • – good example of flat ui tabs
  • – excellent example of using FontAwesome icons with zozo tabs.
  • – great example of using zozo accordion nested within zozo tabs.
  • – great example of loading content with ajax.
  • – great example of using flat custom themes on consulting page.
  • – excellent example of using custom themes.
  • – excellent example of using customized clean tabs.
  • – good example of using silver theme and clean style.
  • – excellent example of using icons and nested.
  • – great example of using custom theme.
  • – great example of using it home page with icons and hover effect.
  • – great example of using it inside mega menu
  • – good example of using underlined and nested tabs.
  • sparks – great example of using it as a slider.
  • – good example of using default tabs.
  • – great example of using flat, nested and icons.
  • University of Toronto – great example of using custom theme.
  • – excellent example of using vertical tabs on home page.
  • – good example of using nested tabs.
  • – good example of using zozo tabs to display books details.
  • – great example of using white theme..
  • – good example of using zozo tags to display products.
  • – great example of using horizontal tabs
  • – great example of custom themes on compaigns page.

What are buyers saying

I have! the clean tabs are awesome! Fantastic product, incredible features, great documentation and responsive support. I highly recommend Zozo Tabs to anyone who needs a tab plugin, it’s probably last one you’ll ever buy Check out the superb demo on his site, tells you everything you need to know.

by Shane Mo

ZoZo UI Tabs is a fabulous tool!
The support was quick and the developer stayed with my correspondence until I completed the project. Fabulous tech support and a great developer! Thanks again ZoZo!

by KArgent

A fantastic script that I’ve used a number of times in different situations. Support from the developer has been superb!

by Mark Warner

Hey Zozo – What a great little script. Fantastic. The documentation is great too.. Thanks again for such a well written script and docs

by Burt Gordon/Runner2009

Thanks for your help. Have just given you a full star review

by FireBubble

I just want to say that this script is fantastic, simple and efficient, and the support was fabulous. Thank you

by Advertising Tech

I also want to express how grateful I feel about this tool. As a backend developer this is so precious for us to get professional results in frontend (it is a little painful for me to have to deal with css3, jquery, responsiveness, crossbrowsing, apart from backend tasks). I really encourage you to keep on with your developments and get a full ui plugins set with the same quality as this one.

by Lamakun

Excellent code. Very impressed with support, 5 stars!

by ss4real

GREAT !!! I do not have superior design knowledge, so I misplaced some code. But after some really great and extremely fast support I got it working. Even for customizing the tabs to my website design I got some questions and with support it all works perfect now.

by Nornor

Had an issue with tabs caused by my own negligence, but the Zozo team responded promptly and had me back up and running in no time. Fantastic product, fantastic support. Nothing else to be said. 5 stars.

by tetshi

This is THE BEST tab scrip on here so far. Love zozo tabs thanks for the updates

by Pleiadene

Excellent script, great support. Cant ask for more. Highly recommended. 5 stars. =)

by xerracol

I have installed Zozo Tabs plugin on my WordPress site. Since I don`t have a deep knowledge about web techologies, I`ve hade some difficulties. But at Zozo, they have responded really quick. I was supriced. I give 5+ stars.

by Rnovak Envato

Very good plugin and amazing support. 100% recommended.

by Aalexx

Really nice plugins. from me 5+1 star

by Wo2

This is a great Tab solution. I’ve used other Tab methods including others on Codecanyon and this one is my favorite. If you get stuck on anything, the support is top notch. Fast, thorough and to the point. Don’t hesitate to purchase this one if you are choosing between others. I’ve heard rumors of a WordPress plugin coming soon too. Very exciting!

by NotFarNow

Hello! my sincere compliments for this great script. It worked smooth and fast! I’m a good customer of Codecanyon and I’ve seen tons of scripts. Few of them are able to compete with this product. That’s all. Best Regards /Maurizio

by Maurizio Bianchi

Unlike pretty much every other purchase I’ve made on CodeCanyon (and I’ve made some bad purchases), Zozo Tabs worked straight out of the box. Really impressed both by how it works and looks, as well as very clear documentation. Excellent job!

by Cheshire Dave

You can find more reviews and testimonials from real buyers in Comments Page

Important Upgrade Notes

If you’re upgrading from a previous version, please look at Important Upgrade Notes v.6.0 for a list of major changes that could affect your code.


You also get free lifetime support and updates. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please feel to contact us at Sending an email to our support should include your envato username, detailed issue description and url of the page/blog.
Please note: do not post support related questions here under the item comment section which is only for pre-sales questions and testimonials.
If you enjoy this plugin please take a minute rate it & share it!. The majority of buyers rate it 5 stars if you are rating it with less than 5 stars please drop us a mail why it didn‘t achive a full score and what could be improved in your opinion.

Download Package

  • Source and Minified JS
  • Source and Minified CSS
  • Source folder for advanced css customization (create your own build with specific modules to minize the size)
  • Documentation
  • 37 Example HTML pages
  • Release Notes

UI Components by Zozo UI


Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Zozo Tabs from the The Developer ( ZozoUI ) website. Thank you.
Download = Zozo Tabs-[Updated].zip

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