Download Speak It Text To Speech Nulled

Download Speak It Text To Speech Nulled

This application uses the AVSpeech library as well as a custom class to provide a beautiful and attractive way for users to have access to a ‘text to speech’ type application. Users can adjust the pitch and speed of the text that is to be spoken. The application is IOS7 ready, it supports portrait orientation […]
Download MyHotel | Android Universal Hotel App Template Nulled

Download MyHotel | Android Universal Hotel App Template Nulled

Both iOS and Android versions can share the same database on back4app. 8 May 2018 • Changed Parse verison in build.gradle into 1.16.0, due to some issue on the latest Parse SDK and FCM: implementation 'com.parse:parse-android:1.16.0' 17 April 2018 • Added new Firebase dependencies in build.gradle(Module:app) • Removed the '' implementation and updated all dependencies […]
Download Carousel for Theia Post Slider Nulled

Download Carousel for Theia Post Slider Nulled

Carousel for Theia Post Slider allows you to have thumbnails for your slides, adding a carousel for a richer user experience. The plugin leverages the tried and tested Theia Post Slider for WordPress which transforms your posts into slideshows. It works out-of-the-box without editing your existing posts and is compatible with virtually any WordPress theme. […]