Download Social Media Authentication Nulled

Download Social Media Authentication Nulled

Social Media Authentication Social Media Authentication allows your users to authenticate themselves to your site using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider (Google, Yahoo, myOpenID etc.) Features Allows users to authenticate using Facebook, Twitter or any OpenID provider Stores the authentication info into the session. Provides functions to check if the user is logged in […]
Download Social and Direct Login Nulled

Download Social and Direct Login Nulled

Login and sign up form with social authorization script authorizes users through social network’s like facebook, twitter, linkedin, google, yahoo and also through direct logins. Signup form enables creation of new user thereby enabling the direct login and can be logged in through the login form. [eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” […]
Download Woocommerce Social Reward / Coupon Nulled

Download Woocommerce Social Reward / Coupon Nulled

You may be interested by my other plugin, Woocommerce Social Coupon After Order, where your customer generate a new coupon after the first order Update 1.2.0 : Since this announcement , Twitter events are called before the user can tweet. In order to fix this we had to implement a server-side tweet. In order […]