Download ArchitectUI – Angular 7 Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin Template Nulled

Download ArchitectUI – Angular 7 Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin Template Nulled

ArchitectUI is a Moden Angular 7 Bootstrap 4 Material Design Admin Dashboard Template We’re proud to release our Angular 7 port of ArchitectUI. It uses only widgets and components specially built for Angular, updated to their latest versions. As a base framework, ArchitectUI Angular is powered by @angular/cli, @ng-bootstrap (Bootstrap 4 Angular implementation – […]
Download Reality Admin Nulled

Download Reality Admin Nulled

Reality Admin is a stunning real world admin template that comes with 6 beautiful themes and is ready to go. Each theme comes with it’s own login page and the theme has been handcrafted and put together with the 960 grid system which means that you can have almost endless layouts based on your own […]
Download Tachyon HTML5 Admin Template Nulled

Download Tachyon HTML5 Admin Template Nulled

Tachyon is a simple and professional HTML5 template for your backend administration or user interface, both for desktop and mobile. Built on latest Twitter Bootstrap and powered with LESS, Tachyon will save you hours in developing your project. Template is available in 4 default colors and packed with basic and popular user interface elements and […]
Download vPad – HTML5+CSS3 App Framework Nulled

Download vPad – HTML5+CSS3 App Framework Nulled

Just enter any username/password combination to enter the demo page. DEMO vPad is an easily customizable, feature packed html5+css3 web application template. Features HTML5+CSS3 Compliant Fluid layout – iPhone and iPad friendly iPhone style contact Lists iPhone style drilldown side menu Live Search Based on 960 grid system iPad style Pop over Gallery Full featured […]