

Download EstateCore ( Real Estate Finder : Home Finder : Housing Agency iOS Application with Swift) Nulled


Please be aware for “Extended License” of “Envato”

Release Note

Version 1.0.10
Released Date : 3 May 2018

# Change Log
1. Fixed share pop up at iPad
2. News Feed Details Description Scroll 
3. Menu Items Query Improve For Higher MySQL Version  (Backend)

# Effected Files For Xcode
- EstateCore/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
- EstateCore/ItemDetailViewController.swift

# Effected Files For Backend 
- application/models/Module.php

# Effected Query For Database
- UPDATE `be_modules` SET `group_name` = 'Users Feedback' WHERE `be_modules`.`module_id` = 5;

- UPDATE `be_modules` SET `group_has_child` = '1' WHERE `be_modules`.`module_id` = 4;

Version 1.0.9
Released Date : 14 Nov 2017

Change Log 
1. Using Alamofire 4 (Mobile)
2. Updated to support Xcode 9.1 (Mobile)
3. Updated not to show keyboard at news feed detail page. (Mobile)
4. Updated Gallery Image is not showing fully in iPhone SE. (Mobile)
5. Updated Keyboard covering in search page in iPhone SE. (Mobile)
6. Updated keyboard hiding when press button in login, register, forgot password, inquiry and comment entry. (Mobile)
7. Updated some UI Warning (Mobile)

8. Server Side Form Validation  (Backend)
9 File Upload Security Improvement  (Backend)

Effected Files For Xcode 
- Alamofire-master/*.*
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json                                                  
- EstateCore/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard                                                                     
- EstateCore/Common.swift                                                                                   
- EstateCore/ForgotPasswordViewController.swift                                                             
- EstateCore/InquiryEntryViewController.swift                                                               
- EstateCore/ItemsGridViewController.swift                                                                  
- EstateCore/LoginViewController.swift                                                                      
- EstateCore/RegisterViewController.swift                                                                   
- EstateCore/ReviewEntryViewController.swift                                                                
- EstateCore/SearchViewController.swift                                                                     
- EstateCore/UserProfileEditViewController.swift

- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ec-icon.png (New)

Effected Files For Backend
- application/views/ads.php                         
- application/views/agents/add.php                  
- application/views/agents/edit.php                 
- application/views/analytic.php                    
- application/views/categories/add.php              
- application/views/categories/edit.php             
- application/views/cities/create.php               
- application/views/cities/edit.php                 
- application/views/cities/list.php                 
- application/views/feeds/add.php                   
- application/views/feeds/edit.php                  
- application/views/flash_message.php               
- application/views/items/add.php                   
- application/views/items/edit.php                  
- application/views/login.php                       
- application/views/users/add.php                   
- application/views/users/edit.php   
- application/views/templates/estatecore/header.php    
- application/views/ads.php (New File)
- application/views/analytic.php (New File)
- application/views/flash_message.php (New File)
- application/libraries/Uploader.php  

Version : 1.0.8
Released Date : 26 Oct 2017

Change Log 
1) To support CodeIgniter 3 and PHP 7

Effected Files For Xcode 
- N.A

Effected Files For Backend
New Files Created
- system/*.*
- application/views/errors/*.*

 - assets/index.html
 - css/index.html
 - fonts/index.html
 - img/index.html
 - js/index.html
 - uploads/index.html
 - uploads/thumbnail/index.html

Modified Files 
 - application/controllers/{agents.php => Agents.php}
 - application/controllers/{appusers.php => Appusers.php}
 - application/controllers/{categories.php => Categories.php}
 - application/controllers/{cities.php => Cities.php}
 - application/controllers/{dashboard.php => Dashboard.php}
 - application/controllers/{dropzone.php => Dropzone.php} 
 - application/controllers/{estatecore.php => Estatecore.php} 
 - application/controllers/{favourites.php => Favourites.php}
 - application/controllers/{feeds.php => Feeds.php}
 - application/controllers/{fileupload.php => Fileupload.php}
 - application/controllers/{follows.php => Follows.php}
 - application/controllers/{gcm.php => Gcm.php}
 - application/controllers/{inquiries.php => Inquiries.php}
 - application/controllers/{items.php => Items.php}
 - application/controllers/{likes.php => Likes.php}
 - application/controllers/{main.php => Main.php} 
 - application/controllers/{ratings.php => Ratings.php}
 - application/controllers/{reports.php => Reports.php}
 - application/controllers/{reviews.php => Reviews.php}
 - application/controllers/{touches.php => Touches.php}
 - application/controllers/{users.php => Users.php}
 - application/controllers/{welcome.php => Welcome.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{appusers.php => Appusers.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{categories.php => Categories.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{cities.php => Cities.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{feeds.php => Feeds.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{gcm.php => Gcm.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{images.php => Images.php} 
 - application/controllers/rest/{items.php => Items.php}
 - application/libraries/{common.php => Common.php} 
 - application/libraries/{uploader.php => Uploader.php}
 - application/models/{agent.php => Agent.php} 
 - application/models/{appuser.php => Appuser.php} 
 - application/models/{base_model.php => Base_model.php} 
 - application/models/{category.php => Category.php} 
 - application/models/{city.php => City.php} 
 - application/models/{code.php => Code.php} 
 - application/models/{favourite.php => Favourite.php} 
 - application/models/{feed.php => Feed.php} 
 - application/models/{follow.php => Follow.php} 
 - application/models/{gcm_token.php => Gcm_token.php} 
 - application/models/{image.php => Image.php} 
 - application/models/{inquiry.php => Inquiry.php} 
 - application/models/{item.php => Item.php} 
 - application/models/{like.php => Like.php} 
 - application/models/{module.php => Module.php} 
 - application/models/{paypal_config.php => Paypal_config.php} 
 - application/models/{rating.php => Rating.php} 
 - application/models/{review.php => Review.php} 
 - application/models/{role.php => Role.php} 
 - application/models/{touch.php => Touch.php} 
 - application/models/{user.php => User.php}

 - application/config/autoload.php                                 
 - application/config/config.php                                  
 - application/config/database.php
- index.php
Version 1.0.7
Released Date : 13 Oct 2017

Change Log
1) To support iPhoneX and 8
2) To compatible with Xcode 9 and iOS 11
3) Using "Shared Activities"
4) Clear some PHP warnings and noticed from Backend 

Effected Files From Xcode
- Alamofire-master/*.* (Latest library replaced)
- EstateCore/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/Contents.json
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/share.imageset/Contents.json
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/share.imageset/Icon-20.png
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/share.imageset/Icon-40.png
- EstateCore/Assets.xcassets/share.imageset/Icon-60.png
- EstateCore/AgentProfileViewController.swift
- EstateCore/AppDelegate.swift
- EstateCore/CityListViewController.swift
- EstateCore/CityViewController.swift
- EstateCore/Common.swift
- EstateCore/ContainerViewController.swift
- EstateCore/CosmosDistrib.swift
- EstateCore/FavouriteItemsViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ForgotPasswordViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ImageSliderViewController.swift
- EstateCore/InquiryEntryViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ItemDetailViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ItemMapViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ItemModel.swift
- EstateCore/ItemsGridViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ItemsMapViewController.swift
- EstateCore/LoginViewController.swift
- EstateCore/NewsFeedDetailViewController.swift
- EstateCore/NewsFeedTableViewController.swift
- EstateCore/PSCheckBox.swift
- EstateCore/PSUIExtensions.swift
- EstateCore/ReviewEntryViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ReviewsListTableViewController.swift
- EstateCore/RoundedCornersView.swift
- EstateCore/SearchDetailViewController.swift
- EstateCore/SearchResultViewController.swift
- EstateCore/SearchViewController.swift
- EstateCore/SweetAlert.swift
- EstateCore/UserProfileViewController.swift

Effected Files From Backend
- application/controllers/agents.php     
- application/controllers/categories.php 
- application/controllers/feeds.php      
- application/controllers/items.php      
- application/controllers/main.php       
- application/views/categories/edit.php  
- index.php

Version : 1.0.6
Released Date : 25 May 2017
1) Fixed some warning for Xcode 8.3.2 compatible 

Effect Files List For Xcode Project 
- EstateCore.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/pyephyohan.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate
- EstateCore/APIRouters.swift
- EstateCore/AgentProfileViewController.swift
- EstateCore/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard
- EstateCore/ItemDetailViewController.swift
- EstateCore/ResponseTypes.swift
- EstateCore/SweetAlert.swift
- EstateCore/UserProfileEditViewController.swift

Effect Files List For Backend
- application/controllers/rest/items.php

Version : 1.0.5
Released Date : 15 Mar 2017
1) Improvement for iOS 10 Push Notification
Version : 1.0.4
Released Date : 14 Feb 2016
1) Image loading issue at Details Page
Version : 1.0.3
Released Date : 19 Nov 2016
1) To support Swift3, Xcode8 and iOS10
2) Some improvement to compatible with Alamofire
3) Some minor bugfix according user feedback
Version : 1.0.2
Released Date : 8 Sep 2016
- User permission bug fix (Backend) 
- Google Map Missing Issues Fixed (Backend) 
Version : 1.0.1
Released Date : 20 May 2016 
- Fixed for minor issues
Version : 1.0.0
Released Date : 13 May 2016
# iOS Application Features
1. Xcode Project By Using Swift
2. Cities List
3. Categories from Selected City
4. Items Pinterest Grid
5. Item Detail Information 
6. Gallery Images Slider 
7. Like/Unlike For Item 
8. Favourite/Unfavourite for Item
9. Item Review Message 
10. Item rating
11. Item Inquiry Message 
12. User login and forgot password
13. New user registration 
14. User Profile Management 
15. Change Password 
15. Search by Keyword 
17. User’s favourite item list
18. Push Notification 
19. Explore On Map 
20. Search by user location based
21. iAd Integration
22. Facebook Login

# Backend Features
1. Super Admin can manage for all cities
2. City Creation 
3. Categories and Items Creation 
4. News Feed Management 
5. Manage for User Feedback data such as like, favourite
6. Manage for inquiry and review message 
7. Send Push Notification to register device 
8. Data Analytics with Google Chart API
9. Easy to change another language from language config file

# APIs Integration
1. Using RestFul API with JSON to transfer data in between Mobile App and Backend 


Q. What xcode verion need to install?
A. Please use 9 GA and above

Q. Will work with Objective C++?
A. No. It is using Swift4.

Q. Which iOS version will compatible?
A. iOS10 and 11

Q. How about Push Notification?
A. Yes, there is simple push notification by using Apple Push Notification Service.
User can register their device from App then Super Admin User could send notification from Backend to app those registered devices.

Q. Is it included Backend & API together?
A. Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend.

Q. It is included Backend & API as together?
A. Yes, you can manage all content from Backend and then RESTFul API will transfer data in between App and Backend.

Q. Do I need to know programming knowledge to modify the app?
A. Yes, especially Swift and CodeIgniter.

Message To Buyer

All those features are ready to start and good enough for your full application development and customization.
If you want to know more about it, please drop message to [email protected]

Found Any Bugs? No worry at all. Please report to [email protected] Appreciates it.

After you bought, don’t forgot to review and rating!


estate sales, home, Homes for sale, houses for rent, houses for sale, ios, market, property listing, real estate, real estate rent, real estates, rent, rooms listing, swift, finder


– Some Images From Google Search
– Alamofire Framework
– SweetAlert
– EZLoadingActivity

– RangeSlider


[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = EstateCore ( Real Estate Finder : Home Finder : Housing Agency iOS Application with Swift)
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy EstateCore ( Real Estate Finder : Home Finder : Housing Agency iOS Application with Swift) from the The Developer ( Panacea-Soft ) website. Thank you.
Download = EstateCore ( Real Estate Finder : Home Finder : Housing Agency iOS Application with Swift)-[Updated].zip

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