

Download FlyWord | Android Universal “Message in a bottle” App Template Nulled


iOS and Android versions can share the same database on back4app

25 May 2018
• Accordingly to the new EU GDPR terms, I've updated the 'tou.html' file and Documentation.
IMPORTANT: This means that if a User asks for his/her Account deletion, you must do it within 24 hours, as the GDPR's "Right to be forgotten" Article states (LINK:

8 May 2018
• Changed Parse verison in build.gradle into 1.16.0, due to some issue on the latest Parse SDK and FCM:
    implementation 'com.parse:parse-android:1.16.0'

• Edited 'getUserDetailsFromFB()' method in, this line of code:
    } else { currUser.put(Configs.USER_EMAIL,  facebookID + ""); }
17 April 2018
• Added Firebase dependencies in build.gradle(Module:app)
• Removed the '' and updated all dependencies to the required ones only 
• Added the 'google-services' classpath in the dependencies{} list in build.gradle(Project:)
        classpath ''

• Added this Permission into Manifest.xml:
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />

• Updated the Documentation (connect your App to Firebase for GCM and Ads)
15 April 2018
• Updated to Android Studio 3.1.1
• Removed all dependencies of play-services | left only this one in build.gradle:
     implementation ''
11 April 2018
• Updated to Android Studio 3.1
• Updated 'compileSdkVersion' and  'targetSdkVersion' to 27 in build.gradle
• Replaced 'compile' with 'implementation' in build.gradle (Module: app)
• Updated classpath '' in build.gradle (Project:)
Jan 20th 2018
• Added this line in the dependencies list of build.gradle (Module: app):
    compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:+'

Think about a message in a bottle, in a digital way: that’s basically FlyWord, a Universal App Template where you can send messages to specific locations in the world and have people find them. Once a user finds a message, he can choose to throw it away forever, keep it and contact the message sender via the built-in chat.
If you find a message, it becomes automatically yours and will not be visible to other people – it’s like when you find a message in a bottle, it’s yours forever.

This is an innovative and fun application for who is looking for new penpal friends, establish relationships around the world or simply have fun.
FlyWord includes a Report inappropriate content feature, block/unblock users in Chats, embedded Google Map and Terms of User HTML file, along with an Account screen where you can see the messages you’ve sent, the ones you read and your active chats.

Since its backend is by Parse you don’t have to buy any domain/hosting, there are NO PHP files to upload to a web server so you’ll save some money for server side.

FlyWord is a native Android Studio project, Java/XML language, Universal, Parse SDK hosted on, super easy to customize.

About Parse SDK and back4app

Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK:

Can I host Parse Server on my own server?

Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here:

What about free support for this template?

I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code.
Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer.

How do I rename the app’s package name?

Read this tutorial to learn how to rename a package name:

Should I use the latest version of Android Studio to edit this template?

Yes, I always update my apps to the latest version of the IDE and you also should make sure you’ve updated the Android Tools to their latest version of the Android SDK manager.

The demo APK crashes on startup

Make sure that the minimum Android version of your device is the one listed in the FEATURES section below. If the problem persists, please contact me through my profile’s contact form and send me the Logcat message of you get when the app crashes along with the steps you made to reproduce the crash.
Please note that not all real devices print an error Logcat message, in this case just run the APK into the Android Studio’s emulator and you’ll surely get the red messages about your issue.

How do I remove AdMob banner ads?

  1. Enter the .xml files where there’s an AdView and remove its code:
  2. Enter the .java files where there’s an AdRequest instance into its onCreate() method and remove its code:
            // Init AdMob banner
            AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(;
            AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
  3. Lastly, remove the play-services-ads reference in the build.gradle file:
        compile ''

  • Android Studio 3.x project – Java/XML
  • Universal – Android 5.0+
  • AdMob banners
  • Works with Parse Server hosted on back4app
  • Push Notifications for Chat messages
  • Send messages by choosing a location on the Map
  • Find messages around your location (Location service enabled required)
  • Terms Of use HTML file (to be edited)
  • Report inappropriate/offensive users
  • Throw messages away (they’ll be gone forever)
  • PDF User Guide included
  • PSD icon graphics included
  • Easy to customize, well commented code

  • Apple Mac or Windows PC with their latest OS version installed
  • The latest version of Android Studio and some knowledge about its UI interface
  • Photoshop or any other image editor software
  • A Google Developer account to submit apps to the Play Store
  • An AdMob account to generate your own banner UNIT ID
  • A free account on

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = FlyWord | Android Universal “Message in a bottle” App Template
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy FlyWord | Android Universal “Message in a bottle” App Template from the The Developer ( cubycode ) website. Thank you.
Download = FlyWord | Android Universal “Message in a bottle” App Template-[Updated].zip

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