

Download MTDb – Ultimate Movie&TV Database Nulled


MTDb allows you to easily create your own fully functional Movies and TV shows site in minutes with zero coding knowledge.


  • PHP >= 5.4
  • MCrypt PHP Extension (enabled by default)
  • PDO Extension (enabled by default)
  • php_fileinfo Extension (enabled by default)
  • MySQL Database


2018 January 18 – Version 2.9.4

- Fixed several issues with social login.
- Fixed several visual issues with navbar.
- Changed news provider to IMDb.

2017 March 26 – Version 2.9.3

- Fixed several issues with new search functionality.
- Added release date and result type to search suggestions dropdown.

2017 March 24 – Version 2.9.2

- Added a new search bar for both desktop and mobile.
- Search suggestions will now include actors as well as movies/series.
- Updated navigation and filter bar designs.
- Updated generic image that is shown when no movie/series/episode poster is found.
- Improved search suggestions performance.
- Fixed and issue with user reviews sometimes having wrong number of stars.
- Fixed an issue with actor page that occurred when actor had no birth date or birth place information.
- Fixed several issues with installer that would occur with various edge server configurations and restrictions.
- Fixed an issue with sitemap sometimes not generating properly.

2016 October 24 – Version 2.9.1

- Improved SEO of episode pages.
- Improved performance of movies and series index pages.
- News and reviews fetched from 3rd party sites will now not be indexed by crawlers by default to prevent penalties from search engines. Can be re-enabled in settings page.
- Fixed an issue with installation on newer mysql versions.
- Fixed an issue where sitemap would sometimes not generate correctly if there were a lot of movies/series.
- Fixed an issue where movie or series would sometimes have wrong type when using IMDb data provider.
- Fixed an issue where images would sometimes be blurry when using IMDb as data provider.
- Fixed an issue where sitemap would sometimes generate capitalized urls.

2016 August 03 – Version 2.9

- Reviews will now be ordered by their rating by default.
- Fixed an issue with search sometimes not finding existing movies and series.
- Fixed an issue with news images sometimes stretching past their container.
- Fixed an issue where empty reviews would sometimes be fetched.
- Fixed an issue where critic reviews would always show 10 starts regardless of that reviews rating.
- Fixed an issue with with episodes images sometimes being broken if using IMDb provider.
- Fixed an issue with IMDb search provider not working sometimes.
- Fixed an issue with ScreenRant news provider fetching wrong title for some news items.

2016 May 10 – Version 2.8.8

- Images from themoviedb will now be served over https.
- Fixed an error that occurs when viewing manually created news.
- Fixed some errors that occurred on more restrictive hostings.
- Fixed an error that occurred when viewing episode page with streaming plugin installed.
- Fixed an error when sometimes occurred when generating a sitemap.

2016 April 04 – Version 2.8.7

- Fixed several issues with news fetching.
- Fixed several issues with installer.
- Fixed several issues with sitemap generator.
- Fixed several issues with site configuration.
- Compatability with new streaming plugin and mercury theme versions.

2016 February 06 – Version 2.8.6

- Categories can now be set to update automatically using external sites from dashboard.
- Homepage slider auto-sliding can now be toggled from settings page.
- Added a new installer that will try to automatically correct a number of common server issues.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes not all seasons of series would be fetched from IMDb.
- Fixed an issue where search was not working properly when using accented characters.
- Fixed an issue with installation that occurred when trying to use database prefix.
- Fixed an issue with import movie/series data when creating it manually.
- Fixed an issue with sitemap generator where a number of non existing items would be added to sitemap.

2015 October 25 – Version 2.8.5

- Added an option to enable/disable news and reviews scraping. It will be disabled by default.
- Added an option to disable news and reviews functionality completely.
- Improved performance of all title pages.
- Added canonical urls to actors and news pages.
- Titles can now be removed from watchlist and favorite pages directly.
- Fixed an issue where series with many seasons would show 404 page for the last season.
- Fixed an issue with canonical url not being generated correctly sometimes.
- Fixed an issue where pagination in user profile page would not work properly.

2015 September 10 – Version 2.8.4

- Fixed an issue where installation was not working properly sometimes.

2015 September 07 – Version 2.8.3

- Fixed an issue where title would be accessible via both series and movies urls.
- Fixed an issue with science fiction genre filter was not working sometimes.
- Fixed an issue with data fetching not working on some server configurations.
- Fixed an issue with generated sitemap file names.
- Fixed an issue with pages not being deletable from dashboard if urls were translated.
- Fixed an issue with facebook login.

2015 July 29 – Version 2.8.2

- Fixed the issues with installation that were introduced in last update.
- Fixed an issue where trailer modal wouldn't have a close button when using default player.
- Fixed an error that occured when generating a sitemap.
- Actors biography will now have more/less toggler if it's very long.
- Fixed a few issues with missing images in dashboard and titles index page.

2015 July 27 – Version 2.8

- You can now import data for a specific title from dashboard by simply entering that titles ID.
- Changing a filter on movies or series index page will now return user to page 1 of the new results automatically.
- PreviousNext episode widget on series page will now have links to those episodes.
- Added support for themes.
- Movies and Series attached to categories manually will now be ordered properly.
- Fixed a display issue with autocomplete dropdown on profile page.
- Fixed an issue with page creation not working on firefox.
- Fixed some display issues with homepage slider.
- Fixed an issue with wrong seasons number being fetched sometimes when using IMDb provider.
- Fixed an issue with default image not being shown for episode if it has no specific one.
- Fixed an issue with news editing if news url was translated.

2015 May 21 – Version 2.7.1

-  Fixed an issue with installation/updating that was introduced in the last update.
-  Fixed an issue with menus not working properly if urls were translated.
-  Fixed an issue with navigation not working on phones.

2015 May 20 – Version 2.7

- You can now create and manage header and footer menus from dashboard.
- You can now create custom pages from dashboard.
- Implemented a new smoother, faster and more responsive slider.
- Added a canonical link to prevent double indexing of some movies and series by crawlers.
- Added image lazyloading to increase page load speed.
- Episodes that have no image of their own will now show one of the series image.
- Dashboard sidebar menu will now show which page is active.
- Updated trailer fetching for movies and series when using tmdb as data provider.
- All 404 pages will now return a proper status code for users and crawlers.
- If user declines social login he will now be redirected to login page, instead of error.
- Fixed a problem with installation not starting properly on some servers.
- Fixed an issue with error being shown if movies or series release date is not formatted properly.
- Fixed an issue with categories icon not updating properly.
- Fixed an issue with title images sometimes not appearing.
- Fixed an issue with user drop down menu not working on some browsers.

2015 January 21 – Version 2.6.1

- Fixed some layout issues with episodes page.
- Fixed a bug with duplicating meta tags.
- Fixed an issue with installation that occurred on some systems.

2015 January 16 – Version 2.6

- Security improvements.
- Some improvements to slider.
- Organized the dashboard > settings page.
- Individual episodes will now have a separate page.
- Improved video modal height on various screen sizes.
- Added missing language and country fields in title edit page.
- Corrected example permissions syntax in dashboard > users page.
- Fixed an issue with accented characters not working in the search.
- Search page will now show movies, series and people in the first tab.
- Added more available limits to categories to account for news removal.
- Fixed an issue with seasons not being selectable when editing a series.
- Site title and Meta data can now be set from dashboard > settings page.
- Updated the installer to show any requirements server is missing to run MTDb.
- Thumbnails will now be used for movie/series images when downloading them locally for faster load times.

2014 December 12 – Version 2.5

- Homepage news column can now be disabled from the dashboard.
- Users can now be assigned permissions (create, edit, delete etc) from dashboard.
- Added new buttons to the frond-end to edit and create resources when user has needed permissions.
- Categories on homepage will now not get hidden if slider is removed.
- It's now only possible to fetch movies and series for your selected data provider to prevent issues.
- Added some missing translations to the translation file (more, less, next, prev, search).
- Fixed a problem with pagination bar not always reflecting the actual page.
- Fixed a bug with episode poster images not saving locally even if the appropriate setting in dashboard is set.
- Fixed a problem with movies/series plot not defaulting to english if it's not available in requested language.
- Fixed a problem with series episodes not defaulting to english if their data is not available in requested language.
- Fixed a problem with themoviedb rating not being fetched when titles are created manually.
- Fixed a problem with imdb search/scraping sometimes to working.
- Improvements to homepage layout on smaller screen sizes.
- Improvements to layout on firefox.
- Improvements to navbar layout when viewing on phone.
- Added a new images link for movies/series page when viewing on a phone.

2014 November 10 – Version 2.4

- Multiple performance optimizations, will be especially noticeable with large amounts of titles in database.
- Fixed a problem with pagination bar not updating after using one of the filters.
- Fixed an error that was thrown if users url was translated.
- Fixed several bugs with user profile and watchlists.
- Fixed several spacing problems on homepage that occurred on lower screen sizes.

2014 October 24 – Version 2.3

- Series page will now show previous/next episode if it's still being aired.
- Movies and series index pages will now have a numbered pagination and specific pages can be bookmarked and accessed via url.
- Movies, series and actors index pages will now show more items per page.
- Fixed an issue with watchlist/favorites sometimes not updating when adding/removing title to these lists.
- Flushing cache should no longer be needed after modifying categories, homepage will update automatically.
- Fixed some errors with lesser know actor profiles.
- Fixed an error on actor profile pages on lower versions of php.
- Fixed a bug with max rating filter in movies/series index pages.
- Fixed a bug where user review with rating of 10 would have 1 star.
- Contact us form name field will now allow a space.
- Inactive categories now won't be displayed.
- Fixed a bug with proper icon not being shown for categories.
- Fixed an error being thrown when themoviedb had no plot for a specific language.
- Fixed an issue with series episodes editing not working after translating series url.
- Search button in the navigation bar will now work as expected.
- Fixed an issue where views on actors page wouldn't increment if the url was translated.

2014 September 9 – Version 2.2

- Improved 'known for' titles accuracy in actor profile pages.
- Actors filmography will now show character names.
- Links in actors profile page will now open in a new tab.
- Fixed an issue with contact us emails.
- Fixed an issue with dashboard actions page.
- Improved themoviedb api wrapper, this should increase the load speed on title and actor pages as well
as solve several errors when the script would throw an error when themoviedb returned unexpected response.
- Fixed a rare problem where titles with certain accented characters would throw an error.
- Corrected a problem with seasons not being fetched from IMDb.
- Fixed a problem with actors and news delete buttons not working if their urls have been translated.

2014 September 3 – Version 2.1

- Added categories. You can now create custom categories, attach movies, series or actors to them or select a type you want to auto populate them with and they will be displayed on the homepage.
- Added Reviews page to dashboard.
- Genres and stars names will now link to their respective pages in the title details panel.
- Added statistics about number of items in database at the top of actions page in dashboard.
- Index page now can be filtered by genre from url (,comedy).
- Users can now delete their reviews from title page.
- Fixed a problem with email request during twitter login.
- Corrected avatar position in the navbar.
- Corrected sitemap generator index urls.
- Contact us form will now specify 'from' address correctly.
- Non existing user profile urls will now show 404 page correctly.
- Corrected news page layout on phones.
- Fixed a problem with updating titles manually.
- Fixed a few problems that occurred if movies url was translated.
- Fixed a problem with cast members sometimes having unknown as character name in title page.
- Fixed an error that occurred then deleting all slides from the dashboard > slider page.
- Fixed a problem with wrong poster sometimes being fetched when using IMDb as data provider.

2014 August 4 – Version 2.0.2

- Added sitemap generator.
- Movies and Series index pages are now fully crawlable by google.
- Added users section to dashboard.
- Added an option to switch to simple embed instead of custom video player.
- Made links SEO friendly in movies/series index page and navbar autocomplete.
- Fixed a bug with popular actors not updating on the homepage.
- Fixed a problem with buy now button linking to wrong category.
- Fixed a problem with search when using db as search provider.
- Fixed a problem with media manager search.
- Improved title page layout on phones/tablets.
- Improved footer layout on phones/tablets.
- Updated IMDb scraper according to new layout.
- Fixed an issue with creating new actors.
- Improved responsive layout in movies and series index pages.
- Improved homepage layout on tablets.
- Fixed an issue with fetching seasons from themoviedb.
- Fixed a problem with datepicker not showing in user profile.

2014 June 23 – Version 2.0

- Redesigned the whole application from scratch visually, as well as rewritten much of the underlying code.
- Multiple performance improvements to the whole app, should be nearly twice as fast.
- Reworked homepage to have more movies/series related sections instead of news.
- Reworked main movies/series page. Added new social sharing options, replaced comments/reviews section with a new ajax based one.
- Added a new custom player to play videos instead of directly embedding them.
- Reworked movies and series index pages. Will now have a new design, faster ajax based interface and more powerful filtering options.
- Facelifted user profile page design to be more on par with new movies/series index pages.
- Replaced homepage slider with a new better looking, modern one that will have information about movies as well as trailers.
- Added a new management page to dashboard to go along with the new slider.
- Reworked dashboard completely. Will have new design, use a new ajax based interface and will be much faster.
- Multiple improvements to scraping process, should no longer run out of memory even on legacy shared hostings, when scraping large amounts of titles.
- Fixed a bug when series had more then 20 seasons.
- Fixed the problem with some older titles from IMDb having white border around the poster.
- Added an additional news provider.
- Fixed an error with user registration.
- Fixed a bug causing some titles to not appear in search results when using 'db' as search provider.
- Multiple improvements to layout when viewing MTDb on phone/tablet.
- Updated the scrapers to more accuretly report the number of titles scraped.
- Updated news creation/updating with a more powerful WYSIWYG editor and integrated media uploader/manager into it.
- Added a media manager where you can upload/delete and get a fully qualified urls of images.
- Added new ads page to dashboard and updated existing ad slots positions.
- Updated the documentation.

2014 April 12 – Version 1.6.8

- Fixed a number of edge case errors in movie and actor pages.
- Updated IMDb data provider, according to the change in IMDb url structure.
- Some memory performance improvements to movies/series scraping.
- Fixed feeds always interpreting title as a movie in url.
- Fixed Image increasing in size after uploading it.
- Added some additional filters against adult titles and actors.
- Fixed an issue when no reviews appear in homepage rows theme.

2014 March 23 – Version 1.6.7


2014 March 3 – Version 1.6.6


2014 February 13 – Version 1.6.5

- Fixes to some bugs introduced in last update.

2014 February 12 – Version 1.6.4


2014 January 29 – Version 1.6.3


2014 January 24 – Version 1.6.2


2014 January 18 – Version 1.6.1


2014 January 17 – Version 1.6


2014 January 12 – Version 1.5


2014 January 7 – Version 1.4


2014 January 3 – Version 1.3


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Demo = MTDb – Ultimate Movie&TV Database
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Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy MTDb – Ultimate Movie&TV Database from the The Developer ( Vebto ) website. Thank you.
Download = MTDb – Ultimate Movie&TV Database-[Updated].zip

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