

Download Pinetree – Photography HTML5 Template Nulled


The template is designed by JSON which means you can custom each page only via text data and not need to edit html or javascript .
The design is clean and easy to use, for example if you want to change the color, just edit some attributes and this only takes you some seconds!
Don’t require any professional knowledge, just spend 5 minutes to read the Documentation and you will know how to do.

Note that before purchasing please use mobile phones to test the theme.

!!! NOTE: This template is a pure javascript project, so you can’t custom this theme via editing CSS and HTML!


JSON Driven
JSON Slideshow
JSON Portfolio(supports Youtube, Vimeo and MP4)
JSON About
JSON Gallery(6 styles, supports Youtube, Vimeo and MP4)
JSON Contact(using PHP)
JSON Fullscreen background
JSON Footer
JSON Color
JSON Social Icons
JSON Music Player

Please remove the frame if you are using mobile or tablet to preview, otherwise the layout may be broken.

I appreciate if you can rate my items, thanks!
If you like my work, please follow me

How to update: check it here.


V1.28 [30 Apr, 2017]:

Fixed a bug which might cause text content flashing when scrolling in Chrome 57.

V1.27 [10 Apr, 2017]:

1. Improved Slideshow: use the images which are desktop version while in mobile landscape mode.
2. Bugs fixed.

V1.26 [16 Dec, 2016]:

Fixed the bug that doesn't work on Facebook built-in browser.

V1.25 [03 Dec, 2016]:

Fixed the arrow keys will still control the scroller after opening the detailed image (Gallery page).

V1.24 [2016/08/10]:

New features added:
1. Add arrow-key scroll to Gallery, Portfolio and News module.
2. Add an option to slideshow for removing the Zoom effect.
3. Add margins to slideshow.
4. Add options to menu.json for changing the opacity of menu background of each page.
5. Add an option to gallery for removing the Zoom button.
6. Improve the alignment algorithm of gallery-style-3 to prevent the images of last row are bigger than other rows when the last row is not fully filled.

V1.23 [2015/11/01]:

Add new features and bug fixed:
1. add keyboard control to gallery, portfolio and news module(left arrow: previous, right arrow: next, esc:close);
2. store the music state(mute/unmute) using localStorage;
3. add background alignment(find it in config.json);
4. fix icon bug that it's color is always black when opened with the lastest chrome browser(32bit)

V1.22 [2015/10/12]:

Bugs fixed:
1. fix a bug of Slideshow module when opened with safari browser.

How to update:
If you have modified the js codes, you should not replace the js files directly. You should open the framework.min.js and search

b.setMaskSize=function(c,d){this.clip=new pinetree.Rectangle(0,0,c,d);};

and replace with

b.setMaskSize=function(c,d){this.clip=new pinetree.Rectangle(0,0,c,d);this.width=c;this.height=d;};

If you didn’t modify the js codes, just download the item again, extract it, then update your images and json files, for more please check here

V1.21 [2015/7/22]:

Bugs fixed:
1. fix the layout problem of contact status box;
2. fix a bug that the layout is broken when opened with UC mobile browser.

V1.20 [2015/7/15]:

1. add a new gallery style;
2. add a download button to gallery page;
3. add a home button to gallery page;
4. fix some little bugs;
5. adjust top-menu.

V1.11 [2015/6/19]:

1. enable logo linked to home page;
2. fix the font-size of contact title;

V1.10 [2015/6/17]:

Add new features and bugs fixed: 
1. add top menu;
2. redesign and speed up the loading;
3. fix some bugs;

NOTE: there is a big difference between this version and the previous version, so before updating please make a backup of old files first!

V1.05 [2015/5/01]:

Add new features and bugs fixed: 
1. add drag-control to portfolio & gallery(for mobile and tablet);
2. redesign portfolio list & news list(for mobile and tablet), you can preview it via mobile or tablet;
3. some bugs fixed;

V1.02 [2015/2/19]:

Bug fixed: Fix the bug of scrolling photos(thumbnails) on smartphone may automatically open the content without actually tapping / touching.

V1.01 [2015/2/18]:

Bugs fixed: fix the menu can't work while using Samsung Galaxy and some old phones; fix the footer.

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Pinetree – Photography HTML5 Template
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Pinetree – Photography HTML5 Template from the The Developer ( foreverpinetree ) website. Thank you.
Download = Pinetree – Photography HTML5 Template-[Updated].zip

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