Seylon – Classified Ads HTML5 Template. is the best design for Businnes 2020. any kinds of Businnes Template Based on Bootstrap, 12 column Responsive grid Template. ‘Seylon’ is a smooth and colorful HTML5 Template, perfect suitable for , Businnes HTML5 Template. It includes everything you need for the website development such as
Seylon – Classified Ads HTML5 Template.. HTML5 files are well organized also you can customize very easy . we have include 26 HTML5 file for you
Template Features
- Based on 1170px Grid System.
- 05 Awesome Homepage Versions.
- 30+ HTML File.
- Unique and Modern Style.
- Bootstrap 4.x
- Awesome and Creative Design.
- Full width: 1920px.
- Fully Responsive Template
- HTML5 Valid Pages(CSS3
- W3C Valid HTML Code
- Pixel Perfect.
- nice JQuery files: Responsive Slider, Preloader, Menu
- Active and Hover Options
- Super Clear and Clean Layout
- Well Organized layers makes it very easy to update
- Fully Clear and Clean Design.
- Fully Customizable.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Free Font Based Icons.
- Great Support 24/7.
- And many more…
HTML5 Files Included
- 05_Home Page
- 01_About_us
- 01_ads-grid_Page
- 01_ads-grid-left_Page
- 01_ads-grid-right_Page
- 01_ad-posts_Page
- 01_ads-details_Page
- 01_Cetagory_Page
- 01 change-password Page
- 01_Contact_Page
- 01_Dashboard_Page
- 01_Faq_Page
- 01_How_It_Works_Page
- 01_manged_Page
- 01_my-ads_Page
- 01_my-favorite_Page
- 01_payments_Page
- 01_profile_Page
- 01_seller-author-list_Page
- 01_Pricing_Table
- 01_Seller_Page
- 01_sign-in_Page
- 01_sign-up_Page
- 01_blog-archive_Page
- 01_blog-grid_Page
- 01_blog-right_Page
- 01_blog-details_Page
Fonts Used
- Open Sans
- Nunito
Sources and Credits
Icons Used
- Google Font Free –
- Font Awesome Icons –
Graphics Used
- unsplash
- Freepik
All images in the screen shots are for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package.
Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Seylon – Classified Ads HTML5 Template from the The Developer ( 24webpro ) website. Thank you.
Download = Seylon – Classified Ads HTML5 Template-[Updated].zip