

Download Soho Hotel Booking Calendar Nulled


Introducing Soho Hotel Booking 3.0 (Completely re-designed and developed)

Soho Hotel allows you to easily create a website which works for your hotel – receive and manage bookings, payments and guest queries with ease.

Main Features

  • Online Booking: Accept online bookings and let your website earn money for your business
  • Online Payments: All bookings can be paid online using a credit card (via Stripe) or PayPal or
    alternatively pay in person with cash.
  • Availability Checker: Guest and the website admin can constantly check room availability online
  • Seasonal Pricing: Charge different prices for different times of the year
  • Guest Price Rules: Charge different prices depending on the number of guests who book
  • Nightly, Weekly or Monthly Pricing: Charge different prices depending on the length of stay
  • Optional Extras: Allow guests to select optional extras such as airport transfers, breakfast, etc
  • Coupon Codes: Provide flat rate and percentage based discounts to guests through a coupon code
  • Fully Customizable Booking Form Fields: Add or remove any fields you want from the booking form
  • Use With Multiple Hotels: Rooms can be categorized into different hotel locations/branches
  • Booking Emails: Confirmation emails are sent to the website admin and guest when a new booking is placed
  • Easily Customize Colours: Using the built in colour pickers in the theme options
  • Fully Compatible With Mobile Devices: Soho Hotel is responsive and retina ready – in other words, it looks great on any device
  • Drag And Drop Editing: All pages and posts can be easily edited via the drag and drop editor included (Visual Composer) so no coding is necessary when editing
  • Create Amazing Slideshows: Using the feature packed slideshow editor included (Revolution Slider)

Theme Options

Soho Hotel comes with a bunch of really handy theme options so that you can configure your website with minimum effort and time. The options panel is completely unbranded allowing you to easily add your company name to it.


Top quality support comes as a standard feature when you purchase one of my items. I aim to respond to any support requests in less than 24 hours (usually a lot less) on business days – Mon – Fri. I understand not everyone is a code ninja and provide patient support for people with less knowledge of the web


= V3.2.2 - 17.10.2019 =
* Further iCal support improvements

= V3.2.1 - 01.10.2019 =
* Improved iCal support

= V3.2 - 10.09.2019 =
* Added Stripe SCA support

= V3.1.4 - 28.08.2019 =
* Added custom booking form functionality

= V3.1.3 - 06.08.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs

= V3.1.2 - 04.08.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs

= V3.1.1 - 24.07.2019 =
* Fixed update release bugs
* Added more documentation

= V3.1 - 18.07.2019 =
* Major update to the booking system, please refer to the documentation for details

= V3.0.3 - 04.01.2019 =
* Fixed booking step 4 display bug

= V3.0.2 - 02.01.2019 =
* Added Gutenberg support

= V3.0.1 - 28.12.2018 =
* Fixed photo gallery bug

= V3.0 - 10.12.2018 =
* Re-designed and developed all theme elements - this is a major update, please backup your website before updating

= V2.2.4 - 09.07.2018 =
* Improved hotel/category search filter for booking form

= V2.2.3 - 16.06.2018 =
* Added hotel/category search filter to booking form

= V2.2.2 - 24.05.2018 =
* Added improved iCal functionality

= V2.2.1 - 09.04.2018 =
* Accommodation single page booking form now selects the chosen room in the booking process automatically

= V2.2 - 02.04.2018 =
* Added improved datepicker
* Added live availability checker in datepicker

= V2.1.4 - 16.03.2018 =
* Booking confirmation email only sent after payment is made now
* Added improved support for iCal

= V2.1.3 - 02.03.2018 =
* Added improved room selection option in booking form

= V2.1.2 - 20.02.2018 =
* Added option to remove children from booking form

= V2.1.1 - 13.02.2018 =
* Added backend booking calendar

= V2.1 - 08.02.2018 =
* Added improved booking management interface

= V2.0.9.1 - 17.01.2018 =
* Added unique booking ID to confirmation emails
* Added manual booking confirmation option
* Added improved datepicker translation

= V2.0.9 - 13.11.2017 =
* Added iCal feed support so booking data can be synced with AirBNB and other platforms which support iCal

= V2.0.8 - 30.10.2017 =
* Improved import data

= V2.0.7 - 26.10.2017 =
* Fixed booking form bug

= V2.0.6 - 17.10.2017 =
* Added availability checking calendar
* Added option to disable payment gateways

= V2.0.5 - 12.10.2017 =
* Added date blocking tool

= V2.0.4 - 03.10.2017 =
* Added more booking form options

= V2.0.3 - 28.09.2017 =
* Fixed pricing bug

= V2.0.2 - 25.09.2017 =
* Added more color customization options

= V2.0.1 - 06.09.2017 =
* Added credit card payments using the Stripe payment gateway

= V2.0 - 05.09.2017 =
* Totally re-designed and developed theme and booking plugin
* Please note old theme data is not compatible with this update, you will need to manually import all data, please open a support ticket if you are unsure of anything:

= V1.9.8 - 30.06.2016 =
* Updated Google Map API

= V1.9.7 - 17.12.2015 =
* Updated widgets

= V1.9.6 - 24.06.2015 =
* Added prettyPhoto security fix

= V1.9.5 - 24.04.2015 =
* Added TGM activation class security fix

= V1.9.4 - 27.08.2014 =
* Fixed bug with Google Map when placed inside jQuery tabs

= V1.9.3 - 16.06.2014 =
* Fixed minor booking system bugs

= V1.9.2 - 16.05.2014 =
* Updated to maintain compatibility with WPML

* Fixed "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" message appearing when saving accommodation, booking, blocked dates, coupon, and service in WordPress 3.9

= V1.9.1 - 25.04.2014 =
* Fixed calendar colour selection bug

= V1.9 - 12.04.2014 =
* Fixed homepage booking form CSS bug

= V1.8.9 - 28.03.2014 =
* Fixed booking step 1 calendar date bug

= V1.8.8 - 18.03.2014 =
* Fixed database inconsistency when all prices filters are deleted from an accommodation
* Fixed blocked dates blocking end date
* Fixed single day vacancy in live availability calendar unable to select checkout date
* Fixed custom CSS colors not being applied
* Fixed some theme options not saving when using WPML
* Fixed non-Western characters displaying incorrectly in booking details when MySQL < 5.5
* Fixed error messages appearing when loading archive index with WPML enabled and no posts of that language available
* Added WPML workaround when saving checkbox options
* Added booking manual confirmation
* Added per-person variable pricing
* Added per-person variable pricing in price filters
* Added services (amenities)
* Added accommodation surcharge
* Added tax calculation
* Updated translations in Bookings and Accommodations admin area
* Reinstated live availability calendars on single accommodation template and widgets
* Speeded up live availability calendar AJAX checks
* Minor admin UI fixes

= V1.8.7-1 - 03.03.2014 =
* Fixed booking step 1 calendar not showing dates beyond 6 months
* Fixed header image not showing when using a child theme

= V1.8.7 - 03.03.2014 =
* Fixed non-Western characters saving incorrectly in booking details
* Fixed homepage slider always making the last link active
* Fixed homepage slider autoplay setting
* Fixed Google map display when marker is empty
* Fixed button shortcode attributes
* Fixed events template month localization
* Fixed testimonials template pagination
* Fixed page background flash when loading with a custom background color
* Fixed homepage and accommodation image sliders pushing content down when images of different heights are used
* Fixed checkbox validation (e.g. Terms and Conditions) in Chrome on booking step 3
* Fixed prettyPhoto when gallery shortcode used multiple times on the same page
* Fixed calculation of lowest price on accommodations page
* Fixed pricing errors when switching pricing scheme without updating pricing data (accommodations will be set to "pending" status)
* Fixed repair accommodation maintenance task incorrectly deleting price filter data
* Fixed use of non-English characters in title of tab shortcode
* Fixed room remaining chosen if the user restarts the booking process
* Accommodations: Increased maximum "Number of rooms of this type available", "Maximum occupancy" 
* Plugin settings: Increased maximum "Maximum persons to show on booking form", "Minimum stay" 
* Added links to accommodations in booking step 2
* Added datepicker checkout minimum selectable date for homepage and booking widgets
* Added datepicker checkout minimum selectable date for booking admin, price filters, blocked dates
* Added customizable currency thousands and decimal separators ("QNS Booking > Payment > Payment settings")
* Added "Charge full amount" deposit type (removes all mentions of deposits in front-end)
* Minor admin UI fixes
* Minor front end UI fixes
* Updated translation file

= V1.8.6 - 30.01.2014 =
* Added setting to specify number of decimal places in currency ("QNS Booking > Payment > Currency decimal places")
* Added minimum stay requirement ("QNS Booking > General > Minimum stay")
* Added MySQL temporary table creation privilege check
* Added setting to hide booking system ("QNS Booking > General > Hide booking system")
* Added the capability to block rooms from being booked for specific days.  ("Bookings > Add blocked date")
* Added coupons
* Added Tripadvisor to social widget
* Changed first day of Datepicker calendar to Monday
* Single accommodation template now uses theme's "Main layout" setting ("Appearance > Theme options > Main layout")
* If "Hide booking system" setting is enabled, the single accommodation template will show the normal sidebar
* Fixed price formatting
* Fixed version numbering upgrade conflict
* Fixed font size in theme options screen
* Fixed calendar being unable to select dates when "Disable live availability check" setting is enabled
* Fixed calendar showing last day of month as available when bookings cross over it
* Fixed wrong room being selected in booking admin when using WPML
* Removed booking step 2 "other available rooms" list if the selected room is available and there are no other rooms
* Updated custom post type menu names for clarity
* Removed obsolete widgets
* Updated translation files

= V1.8.5 - 15.01.2014 =
* Fixed accordion shortcode display of content of different heights
* Fixed homepage testimonial slider not responding on first click
* Fixed Javascript effects (accordion, tabs) not loading when the plugin is disabled
* Fixed color scheme setting always reverting to 'Gold & Black'
* If the booking step 1 calendar live availability check is enabled, it will preload availability to decrease subsequent loading time
* Booking step 1 calendar live availability check now processes in 6-month blocks to reduce the number of requests
* "Room From:" now includes seasonal price filters when calculating lowest price
* Added height easing on homepage slideshow for images of different heights
* Added option to hide businesses on Google Maps ("Appearance > Theme Options > Contact Settings")
* Added currency decimal rounding setting ("QNS Booking > Payment > Currency decimal places")
* Updated language files

= V1.8.4 - 13.01.2014 =
* Fixed errors in user and admin emails when booking database is disabled
* Fixed Google maps HTTPS compatibility

= V1.8.3 - 10.01.2014 =
* Fixed seasonal price filter "To" field being uneditable beyond the current month
* Datepicker translations are now loaded in the admin accommodation and booking screens
* Fixed events ordering on homepage templates 4 and 5
* Fixed booking step 3 reservation form fields not being translatable via .po/.mo files/WPML
* Prevent booking posts from being displayed by the front end

= V1.8.2 - 09.01.2014 =
* Configured WPML to copy seasonal price filter fields to translated accommodations.  If you have more 10 seasonal price filters per accommodation, please add them to the <custom-fields> section of wpml-config.xml
* Fixed WPML being unable to translate booking step 3 form
* Fixed Google map shortcode CSS
* Minor UI fixes for seasonal price filters admin
* Fixed booking step 3 email validation
* Added mailto: links to email contacts
* Added [slideshow] shortcode
* Fixed responsive CSS for footer widgets

= V1.8.1 - 08.01.2014 =
* Calendars now show room availability
* Reverted booking step 3 "Address Line 2" to an optional field
* Added capability to have more than 3 seasonal pricing filters
* Fixed single accommodation template slideshow caption
* Fixed tabs responsive CSS

= V1.8.0 - 06.01.2014 =
* Added seasonal price filters to accommodations
* Added deposit method and deposit status memo fields to booking admin
* Added an option to place the currency symbol after the price (QNS Booking > Payment > Display currency symbol right of the price)
* The homepage booking form and reservation widgets now assume a single-room booking and will direct to step 2.  An option has been added to display a link to step 1 if desired (QNS Booking > General > Show multi-room link on booking widgets)
* The "Check Availability" button on the accommodation page will direct to step 1.  After step 1 is submitted, the selected room will be highlighted in step 2
* Fixed accommodations not being shown on booking step 2 when there are more than 10 different accommodations available
* Added uninstall script
* All emails are now handled by PHPMailer instead of wp_mail() for better compatibility
* Fixed jQuery compatibility
* Updated dashboard icons to use new WordPress icon font

= V1.7.2 - 20.12.2013 =
* Fixed WPML overbooking issue.  If you are using WPML, please go into QNS Booking > Maintenance and run the Repair Bookings task
* Fixed booking step 4 race condition that allowed overbooking
* Allow events to be sorted by event date, and allow past events to be hidden

= V1.7.1 - 16.12.2013 =
* Allow shortcode content to be placed above or below other content in the booking and accommodation pages
* Fixed Google Maps not showing in homepage blocks
* Fixed display of deposit in confirmation email
* Fixed responsive CSS for 4 columns shortcode

= V1.7.0 - 10.12.2013 =
* Fixed tabs on accommodations page
* Fixed "Quick edit" discarding booking data
* Additional deposit types can now be selected in QNS Booking > Payment
* Minor fixes to booking and accommodation editors
* Fixed default email message being displayed, but not actually set, in plugin settings
* Fixed default booking success message being displayed, but not actually set, in plugin settings
* Fixed plugin unable to save blank page IDs
* Modularized bed definitions
* Modularized "per person" and "per room" pricing schemes
* Modularized pricing scheme
* Added utilities class
* Added premium feature hooks

= V1.6.5 - 06.12.2013 =
* Fixed accommodation template fax field
* Flipped "More rooms" links on accommodations page
* Allow multiple Google maps to be displayed on the same page
* Allow multiple tabs containers on the same page

= V1.6.4 - 29.11.2013 =
* Fixed payment success page not showing the reservation details
* Additional translatable strings

= V1.6.3 - 26.11.2013 =
* Fixed overbooking issue
* Fixed extraneous settings being saved

= V1.6.2 - 22.11.2013 =
* Fixed step 1-2 validation loop when "Remove children from booking form" option is enabled
* Fixed localization of plural forms

= V1.6.1 - 20.11.2013 =
* Added availability checker to the booking admin.  It is now safe to add bookings via admin > Bookings > Add New
* Fixed deposit amount still being calculated in booking admin when all payment methods have been disabled

= V1.6.0 - 18.11.2013 =
* Added a setup prompt to automatically create and configure pages required by the plugin
* The Accommodation, Booking steps 1-4, Payment success/failure pages are now configured by their post IDs instead of URLs in the plugin settings.  The plugin will automatically upgrade these settings if set in a previous version
* To show translations of the above pages in WPML, the post IDs of the translated pages must be supplied instead of their URLs
* Fixed deposit amount still being calculated in booking admin when all payment methods have been disabled
* Fixed accommodation meta being zeroed out when saving using Quick Edit

= V1.5.5 - 15.11.2013 =
* Please read the updated documentation for using translations with the QNS Booking plugin, especially for Datepicker translations and installations using Codestyling Localization or Poedit
* Added localization template to plugin and changed the default names of the .mo/.po files to avoid confusion
* Fixed situation where Datepicker translations are not being loaded
* Fixed error messages appearing when all payment methods are disabled
* Added localization for booking form Javascript error messages.  Fixes Datepicker not showing on booking step 1 when the 'Check In' and 'Check Out' strings have been translated

= V1.5.4 - 13.11.2013 =
* Fixed booking confirmation emails being sent to the administrator instead of the email specified in the plugin

= V1.5.3 - 08.11.2013 =
* Room details such as size and view are now hidden on booking step 2 if they are not set
* Fixed language files not loading
* Allow deposit percentages over 100
* Added option to send emails by SMTP
* Using the reservation widget on the single accommodation template will now take the user directly to booking step 2, with the room highlighted

= V1.5.2 - 06.11.2013 =
* Fixed featured image not appearing in booking step 2

= V1.5.1 - 05.11.2013 =
* Fixed compatibility for web servers running PHP < 5.3.0

= V1.5.0 - 04.11.2013 =
* The QNS Booking options page has been reorganized for better usability
* The maximum number of persons to show on the booking form can now be configured
* The maximum number of rooms per booking can now be configured
* Added 2 additional date formats (MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD)
* Added bank transfer as a payment option
* Moved the "price per room" option from the QNS Booking options page to the Accommodation post

= V1.4.4 - 16.10.2013 =
* Fixed booking email name
* Added two thirds shortcode
* Improved photo gallery styling
* Improved WPML language switcher styling

= V1.4.3 - 11.10.2013 =
* Added booking ID to bookings
* Fixed undecoded HTML entities in email subject header
* Added option to change datepicker unavailable, available and selected colours in theme options

= V1.4.2 - 09.10.2013 =
* Fixed Google Maps Marker not displaying when its content contains line breaks or single quotes
* Fixed booking total price calculation when room price contains a thousands (,) separator
* Added a "Select Room" button on booking step 2 if accommodation has no bed set
* Fixed booking step 4 success message not being displayed
* Fixed translation issue with WPML

= V1.4.1 - 04.10.2013 =
* Added Instagram social icon
* Fixed RSS bug
* Made all JavaScript validation text translatable
* Added "Double Bed" option    
* Added "No. of Bedrooms" option

= V1.4 - 26.09.2013 =
* Fixed multi-room booking availability checker bug
* Added option to stop bookings being recorded in the database
* Added option to remove children from booking form

= V1.3.2 - 24.09.2013 =
* Fixed booking plugin availability checker bug which made the check out date of rooms unavailable
* Fixed datepicker z-index issue
* Added option to charge per room as opposed to just per person

= V1.3.1 - 21.09.2013 =
* Fixed Google map JavaScript error
* Fixed custom Google font error

= V1.3 - 18.09.2013 =
* Added Yelp Social Icon
* Added accommodation slideshow delete icon
* Fixed slideshow autoplay option
* Added language translation files for QNS Booking plugin

= V1.2 - 16.09.2013 =
* Fixed menu naming mistake

= V1.1 - 14.09.2013 =
* Fixed colour scheme selection not working
* Fixed custom datepicker colour issue
* Fixed Google Map marker content no displaying
* Fixed guest email not sending correctly

= V1.0 - 12.09.2013 =
* Initial Release

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Soho Hotel Booking Calendar from the The Developer ( quitenicestuff ) website. Thank you.
Download = Soho Hotel Booking Calendar-[Updated].zip

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