

Download Stachethemes Event Calendar – WordPress Events Calendar Plugin Nulled


Stachethemes Event Calendar current version 2.4 – 10 September, 2018

Added Event Organizer Information – Video Demo
Added New View – Box Grid – Live Demo
Added New Icon Interface
Added New Color Themes Feature – Visit Website
And More!
View Changelog

What is Stachethemes Event Calendar?

With Stachethemes Event Calendar WordPress plugin you can include all kind of information about your event like introduction section with detailed information including photo gallery, even schedule, guest list, location map with directions, weather forecast, merchandise and even comment section!

Plugin Features

General Features

Add Custom Icon with PNG
Add Date Instead of Icon
Add Image Instead of Icon
Add New Icons from Font Awesome
New Icon Interface
Color Themes
Organizer Information
Event Coming Soon Page
Event Categories
Show/Hide Category Tags
E-Mail Event Sharing
WPML Support
Booking System
Month View
Week View
Day View
Grid View
Box Grid View
Map View
Agenda View
Create Event Single Pages
Create Single Day Events
Create Multiple Day Events
Create All Day Events
Create Events that hold more than one day
Create Never ending events
Open Events in the Calendar or in Single Page
Set Featured Event
Show Only Featured Events
Duplicate Event
Allow users to submit events from the front-end
Review and Approve the Submitted Events
Set a certain date for event to end
Repeating Events
iCalendar RRULE Support
Finish an event after certain repeats
Unlimited number of events per day
Unlimited number of event calendars
Add Multiple Images to the event
Re-Arrange the images in event description
Filter Events
Filter Events by Location
Filter Events by Category
Filter Events by Organizer
Option to enter keywords to event to show on calendar search result
Search Events by date, name or keywords
Add Location Map
Advanced Event Locations system
Google Maps Location Direction
Multiple map styles for Google Maps
Add Event Countdown Timer
Export to Google Calendar
iCalendar support
Import, Export and Sync .ical files
Export all events from the WordPress Back-end
Enable/Disable the Event Tooltip
Attach files to your users to download from the event
Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
Change the number of the columns in grid view
Create Detailed Schedule
Create Detailed Event Guests list
Add Weather Forecast section
Facebook Comments Section
Disqus Comments Section
Create Embed Events
Auto Updater
API (Beta)
Create Merchandise section
Set E-Mail Reminder
Customize Reminder e-mail content
Customize Invitation e-mail content
Multi-site Ready
Translation Ready
Responsive Design
Show/Hide Search Button
Show/Hide Social Icons and Export options
Show/Hide Filter Button
Show/Hide View Buttons
Show/Hide Time Zone
Enable/Disable Remind feature
Show/Hide Top Navigation
Change Date Format: YY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YY or MM-DD-YY
Change First day of the week: Monday, Saturday or Sunday
Change Time Format: 12 or 24 hours
Change the Default view: Agenda, Month, Week, Day, Grid, Box Grid or Map
Change Events visibility from Public to Private
Change Weather degrees from Celsius to Fahrenheit
Change Weather wind from Mph to Kph
WPBakery Page Builder support (Formerly Visual Composer)
Share Events on Social Networks
Google Recaptcha

Repeating Events

Create Daily Events
Create Weekly Events
Create Monthly Events
Create Yearly Events
Repeat Events on Weekdays and Weekends
Set Custom Intervals for Events
Option to put gap between repeats

Different Views

Month View
Week View
Day View
Agenda View
Grid View
Map View


Select Custom Colors
Select Custom Fonts
Change Layout Colors
Font-Awesome Icons
Add Custom CSS Code


Powered by WooCommerce
Enable and Disable the booking feature
Create different kind of tickets
Create free tickets >
Create certain fees for each ticket
Set a limit for certain tickets
Set a limit on total bookings
Add custom fields to booking form
Coupons and Discount System
Notification for the customer
Notification for admin
Verification to customer
Confirmation by admin to customer
CSV export option
Currency options
Global Tax/Fee system
Powered by WooCommerce
Pay with: PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, PayFast, Square, Checks, Bank Transfers or On Delivery


WPML Support
Font Awesome Icons
WP Bakery Page Builder (Formerly Visual Composer)
Google Fonts

For Developers

Custom Functions Using WordPress Actions API
Filter Plugin Options Using WordPress Filtering System
Create Custom Tabs

How to use it

This is quick user guide for more detailed information please visit the plugin documentation bellow.

Plugin Requirements

Keeping your WordPress up to date will minimize the problems you may experience.

Browsers: IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Scripts: PHP 5.3, jQuery 1.12.3+
Compatible with: WooCommerce 3+, Visual Composer 4.8.x WordPress version: WordPress 4.3 and above


To install Stachethemes Event Calendar go to your Dashboard Plugins click Add New and Upload Plugin.

Click Browse, pick the Event Calendar archive and Click Install Now.

After installation click Active plugin and a new menu should appear named St. Event Calendar.

Installation Video Demo here:


How to update the calendar to a newer version?

Version 2.0 or newer

1) Go to Dashboard St. Event Calendar Updates.
2) Click Check for updates.
3) If new update is available a blue button Download & Install will appear.

Version 1.7.2 and below

Steps to update manually:

1) First BACKUP the calendar folder ( wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar ) !
2) De-active the plugin ( Do not uninstall or you will lose your events ).
3) Copy the new files to wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar and overwrite if asked.
4) Re-activate the plugin.

That’s it.



As of version 1.4 the plugin requires activation.

To activate the plugin go to Dashboard St. Event Calendar License and paste your purchase code and click activate.

Obtaining API Keys

Weather API
To obtain free API KEY register at

Google Maps
To obtain Google Maps JavaScript API Key go to

To obtain Disqus Shortname register at

To mange your Google reCAPTCHA API Keys got to

Displaying the plugin on the front-end

Plugin Shortocode:


Shortcode attributes:

cal - include only following calendars. 
Example: [stachethemes_ec cal=1,2,3] 
where 1,2,3 are calendar ids
view - sets default view.
Example [stachethemes_ec view="month"]
Values are agenda, month, week, day
show_views - show/hide top menu views buttons. 
Example [stachethemes_ec show_views=0]
Values are 1 or 0.
show_top - show/hide top menu. 
Example [stachethemes_ec show_top=0]
Values are 1 or 0.
agenda_cal_display - show/hide agenda calendar slider from agenda view. 
Example [stachethemes_ec agenda_cal_display=0]
Values are 1 or 0.
agenda_get_n - number of events to show in agenda view per "look for more" click. 
Example [stachethemes_ec agenda_get_n=5]

So for displaying upcoming events you can use something like following:

[stachethemes_ec view="agenda" show_top=0 agenda_cal_display=0 cal=1]

This will display the agenda accordion only with upcoming events from calendar with id 1
Show only today events from calendars 2,3 example:

[stachethemes_ec view="day" show_top=0 cal=2,3]

With update 2.3.7:

[stachethemes_ec cat=1,2,3]
[stachethemes_ec cat=1]

Where 1,2,3 are category id numbers

[stachethemes_ec start_date=2018-01-01] 

start_date – Calendar date on initial load. Defaults to “now”

[stachethemes_ec min_date=2018-01-01 max_date=2018-12-31]

min_date, max_date values: date in YYYY-MM-DD format, “next_week”, “this_week”, “next_month”, “this_month”

From Dashboard go to Pages or Posts
Add New Page or Post, fill desired Post/Page title and inside the Post/Page content write [stachethemes_ec].
Click Publish. This page will display the calendar when visited. You can place the shortcode in any existing Page or Post as well.

If you are uncomfortable writing shortcodes the plugin supports WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) as well.

Creating Calendar

To create a calendar category go to your Dashboard then St. Event Calendar and click Calendars from the menu. Fill Calendar Name, Color, Timezone and Visibility (public or private) and click on Create Calendar button. A new calendar should appear under List with your created calendars.

Creating Event

To create an event go to your Dashboard go to St. Event Calendar and click Events from the menu.
Select Calendar from the list or create one if you haven’t created one yet.
Click on Add Event button.
Fill desired event details and click Add Event.

Keep in mind that most event tabs are optional. You can fill all the tabs before clicking on the “Add Event” button.

Creating Tickets for Booking

From your Dashboard go to St. Event Calendar menu and select Tickets. Click Create Ticket and fill the information in the form. When you are done press Create Ticket button bellow.

To add the ticket to your event simply go to Events and open your event or create new one. Go to Booking tab and select the ticket from the menu. You can add as many tickets as you want.

You can watch demonstration video here.

Adding items with WooCommerce

1. Go to Events.
2. Select Calendar.
3. Click Add Event or Edit Event.
4. Click on WooCommerce tab
5. From the dropdown select the WooCommerce product you want to add to the product.
6. Click Add to Event

All of the products logic is handled by WooCommerce itself. We are simply linking the product to the event. You don’t write prices etc. through our plugin. When you are creating an event there is a new tab WooCommerce with list of all products you have.

You can select product(s) from the list and click Add to Event.

On the front-end if the event has linked products, the calendar will pull from WooCommerce the product details along with buy button, short description, prices etc. On clicking the buy button the plugin sends ajax request to WooCommerce plugin and then refreshes the Cart on success.

Creating Coming Soon Page

To create Event Coming Soon Page first you need to know you event ID number. Go to St. Event Calendar Events and find the Event you want to display in Coming Soon page and see what ID number is.

Now when you know the Event ID number go to Dashboard and Create New Page. Enter the Title you want and in the text area below enter the id number of the event, nothing else. When this is done in the Page Attributes Templates select St. Event Calendar Coming Soon Page.

Your page is now ready to be published. You can watch video demonstration here.


Icons by Font Awesome. Check them out!
Comments section by Disqus
Map and reCAPTCHA by Google.
Weather Forecast by

For more information about upcoming updates follow us on Facebook.

Change log

10.09.2018 Version 2.4

- Added New Feature: Event Organizers
- Added New View: Box Grid

- New Shortcode options: 

New "max_date"/"min_date" values: this_week, next_week, next_month, this_month, today

Example: [stachethemes_ec min_date=today max_date=next_week]

New "view"/"views" value: boxgrid

Boxgrid view example: [stachethemes_ec views=boxgrid view=boxgrid show_views=0 show_top=0]

- Added New Icon Interface
- Added Option to upload more Icons from Font Awesome library
- Added New Menu: Event Symbol Style
- Added New Option: Open Event in External Link
- Added Option to show Custom Image instead of Icon
- Added Option to show Event Date instead of Icon
- Added New Menu Item: User Guide
- Added New Menu Item: Themes
- Added New Option to Export and Import Color Schemes
- Added New Color option for the Month/Week borders
- Added New Filter Menu for Organizers
- Event Title in the description was moved under the image
- Minor CSS Adjustments and Improvements
- Minor Bug Fixes

29.07.2018 Version 2.3.9

- Bug fix where reminder email was sending HTML as text
- Added Coming Soon Page for Events

19.07.2018 Version 2.3.8 Hotfix

- Added Category and Featured tags to the Grid View 

18.07.2018 Version 2.3.7

- Added new filter menu 
- New filter button icon
- Added event categories
- Added event category tags 
- New share popups design 
- E-mail event option 
- Event Title is now with align left by default. Can be changed from the Event Content Settings.
- General bug fixes
- New Shortcode attributes: 

[stachethemes_ec cat=1,2,3]
[stachethemes_ec cat=1]

Where 1,2,3 are category id numbers

[stachethemes_ec start_date=2018-01-01] 

start_date - Calendar date on initial load. Defaults to "now" 

[stachethemes_ec min_date=2018-01-01 max_date=2018-12-31]

min_date, max_date values: date in YYYY-MM-DD format, "next_week", "this_week", "next_month", "this_month" 

30.06.2018 Version 2.3.6

- Added option to duplicate event to different language (requires WPML active)
- Added stec_single_before_content filter
- Added stec_single_after_content filter

30.06.2018 Version 2.3.5

- Fixed a bug where the booking form appear on single pages without tickets been added to the event.

29.06.2018 Version 2.3.4

- Fixed bug with IE11 Browser

20.06.2018 Version 2.3.3

- Added WPML support for the events
- Bug fix where plugin may crash if WooCommerce is not activated

19.06.2018 – Version 2.3.2

- Fixed a bug with single pages.

15.06.2018 – Version 2.3.1

- Improved Booking form layout
- Description text line height changed from 1.2 to 1.6
- Fixed a bug with the WooCommerce integration

13.06.2018 – Version 2.3

- New feature: Booking
- Bug fix where reminder may not work properly
- Bug fix where reminder cannot be disabled on single page
- Show more button is not visible in Grid view if there are no more events
- Bug fix where "Hide end date" was not working on Single pages
- Bug fix notice Schedule array to string conversion
- Bug fix where Schedule tab have expand button even if there is no text

29.04.2018 – Version 2.2

- New view - Map
- Added facebook comments form in additional to disqus
- Yoast seo single page image fix
- Added auto fill coordinates button in the admin location tab
- Grid view displays text if there are no events
- Added option to hide "End date" in the admin
- Added Submit form privacy agreement checkbox (optional)
- Bug fix where featured filter was not displayed events
- Bug fix where submitted event was displaying admin email instead of the anonymous user email in the admin.
- Fixed Font-awesome mismatch icon classes
- New filter: stec_event_get_front_data 
- Added filter stec_mail_invite_message
- Removed filter stec_mail_invite_subject

30.03.2018 Version 2.1.8

- Share bug fix.
- Display google map if first tab.
- Grid view to general settings.
- Paragraphs separation.
- Edit event link in Grid view fix .

10.02.2018 Version 2.1.5

- Bug fix where some event were displayed on muliple days when they should be 1 day.
- Bug fix where guests can have empty social links.
- Users receive confirmation email when they successfully submit event from the front-end.
- Added new filters:


20.02.2018 Version 2.1.0

- Share event now has option to embed the event on other sites via iframe. Uses the WP-API and can be turned on/off from St.Event Calendar -> General Settings. 

13.02.2018 Version 2.0.8

- Bug fix where plugin was not working on IE
- Bug fix where plugin was triggering fatal error on PHP 5.3 

07.02.2018 Version 2.0.5

- Added grid view.
- Bug fix where some strings were not being translated.
- Bug fix where activator was not activating license on domains running on https protocol.

30.1.2018 Version 2.0.2

- Activator now uses API version 2.0
- Bug fix where updater returns "Not authorized" when trying to update.
- Admin uses css instead of less.
- Bug fix where message "Single page not set" was displaying.
- Bug fix where "Open events in single page" was not working.

25.1.2018 Version 2.0

- Plugin now uses custom WP Posts instead. Old database is obsolete.
- Added auto-updater to the plugin.
- Added API (beta)
- Added email notification when event has been approved.
- Search function updated. On click the user will be redirected to the event's single page. If the event is part of recurrence the search will return the nearest occurrence from "now".
- Single page is now obsolete and has been removed.
- Cache is now using the WordPress Transients API.
- Added new admin menu "Migrate" for database migration purposes.
- Other bug fixes & code improvements. 

28.11.2017 Version 1.7.1

- ICS Export library has been updated to version 2.1.1
- New shortcode [stachethemes_ec_export]. Creates export button for your calendar events. 


[stachethemes_ec_export cal=1] where cal is your calendar ID (required) [stachethemes_ec_export cal=1 text="Custom button text"] 

- Bug fix where you were able to export events from admin export link.
- Awaiting approval events now display submit date.
- Added new filter "stec-icons" which allows adding custom icons.


 add_filter('stec-icons', function($arr) { /* $arr['css-class-name'] = 'Display name' */ $arr['my-custom-icon'] = 'My Custom Icon Name'; return $arr; });

 - Advanced RRULE now includes EXDATES
- Featured events are not always on top regardless of time
- Added option in general settings to disallow submission of expired events. Shortcode attribute create_event_form_allow_expired (1/0) 

Example: [stachethemes_ec create_event_form_allow_expired=0]

23.10.2017 Version 1.7.0

- Bug fix where if min_date or max_date is set in the shortcode attributes the query returns no events.
- Added option to set Single Page manually. FAQ on how to do that will be added with release.
- Bug fix where "create event" form is accessible in the admin even if there are no calendars.
- Fixed "Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in stachethemes_event_calendaradminvieweventstabsgeneral.php on line 71" in the admin area. 

13.10.2017 Version 1.6.9

- Bug fix where "Display date in user local time" if set to "yes" sometimes displays the event on wrong date.
- Added partial support for iCal RECURRENCE-ID. Supported values are: 1) TZID followed by DATETIME in format YYYYMMDDTHHmmss 2) UTC DATETIME in format YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ Examples: RECURRENCE-ID;TZID=America/Chicago:20171030T224500 RECURRENCE-ID:20171030T174500Z
- Added shortcode parameter to [stachethemes_ec] "create_form_cal". This options allows to specify which calendars to display in the "create an event" form. Example: [stachethemes_ec create_form_cal=1,2,3]
- When moving event from one calendar to another in the admin menu, by default the event will inherit the color of the calendar.

19.9.2017 Version 1.6.8

- Bug fix where EXDATE is not excluded if the day is not set to "All Day" 
- Bug fix where on some domains the calendar deactivates every week or so.
- Added copy to clipboard button next to share buttons
- Added filter_location shortcode attribute. Will now display only events with specific location.

Example: [stachethemes_ec filter_location="London, UK"] [stachethemes_ec filter_location="New York, NY, United States"]

Note: location filter looks for exact match (case insensitive) "London, UK" will not match "London" or "London, United Kingdom" 

FAQ on how to update: 

11.9.2017 Version 1.6.7

- Added new menu Import/Export Calendar Settings. You can now export your calendar General and & Fonts & Colors settings and reuse them later via Import option.
- Bug where Facebook webcal urls were not accessible by the calendar due to blocked content error.
- Bug fix where cron was importing the events without icon even when icon was selected.
- Bug fix where stec.js may crash if rrule has value of null. 

25.8.2017 Version 1.6.6

- Bug fix where cron jobs won't sync properly if the back-end visibility is not set to public 
- Added new option in General Settings: Agenda List Order (Ascending / Descending) Shortcode attribute name: reverse_agenda_list=1 (0 - off) 

Example: [stachethemes_ec reverse_agenda_list=1]

- Added new shortcode attribute agenda_tooltip=1 (0 - off). If set to 1 it will display the event tooltip in the agenda slider as well.

Example: [stachethemes_ec  agenda_tooltip=1]

13.8.2017 1.6.5

- Bug fix where the repeater does not work in the admin area on Safari browser
- Bug fix in RRULE to support UNTIL date in local time
- Back-end events are sorted by start date.
- Bug fix where "Add Images" admin button is not clickable.
- Standalone create event form. Shortcode examples:

Default form shortcode

[stachethemes_ec_create_form selector=#my-button] 
Turns the form into popup. If the button with id my-button is clicked the form shows up. Accepts class selector as well.

[stachethemes_ec_create_form create_form_cal=1,2,3]
Only calendars with id 1,2,3 will be visible in the calendar selector.

- Added new param upcoming_only. Shows only upcoming events. Example:
[stachethemes_ec upcoming_only=1]
Can't be used along with expired_only parameter.

- Added new param featured_only. Shows only featured  events.  Example:
[stachethemes_ec  featured_only=1]

- Added new param expired_only. Shows only expired events. Example:
[stachethemes_ec expired_only=1]
Can't be used along with upcoming_only parameter.

- Added Edit event link on the front-end next to each event title. Link is visible to super admins only. On click admin is redirected to the event's edit page.

3.8.2017 1.6.4

- Search by event location
- Added 4 new icons
- Attendees now receive e-mail notification
- Agenda menu now has day selector
- Remember calendar selection in admin panel
- Added Day Exceptions to the repeater
- Custom RRULE string. To turn on the option press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + R in the repeater pop up menu. Allows you to paste complex RRULE string directly to the field. Example string: FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=3;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=TU;BYMONTHDAY=2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ( Every 3 years October on Tuesday the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th or 8th )
- Added weekly cron schedule
- Bug fix in the export function where the plugin was cutting the description text if multi-line !!! IMPORTANT !!! Before updating make sure you backup your calendar including the MySQL tables!

22.6.2017 Version 1.6.3

- Fixed bug where single event page shop section buy button may not work properly.
- Added translation strings for the icons list in the admin section.

12.6.2017 Version 1.6.2

- Removed WooCommerce deprecated method calls.
- Added "Select Options" button to the price tag if the product has variables. Also the price tag shows min-max price range. 

3.6.2017 Version 1.6.1

- Fixed conflict between the calendar single page's opengraph and Yoast Seo plugin.
- Fixed conflict between Bootstrap date-picker and jQuery-UI date-picker.
- Description content is now passed through the_content filter.
- Plugin now sends e-mail notification if event is awaiting approval.
- All events tabs are now optional.

24.5.2017 Version 1.6.0

- Agenda list now displays events from activate month's day instead going to the 1st day of the month.
- Added default icon to calendars as there is default color.
- Bug fix where +1 More was not translating correctly.

6.5.2017 Version 1.5.9

- Agenda list can now display expired events
- Fixed bug in Agenda list where "Look for more' button sometime skips event
- Fixed bug where reminder was not working in single page
- Fixed bug where reminder was setting incorrect remind date in default calendar view
- Fixed bug where add to cart button was not working in single page 

4.4.2017 1.5.8

- Removed "+1 More" and "+n More" hardcoded strings and replaced with translatable strings.
- Meta description field now gets the short description instead of the full event description.
- Bug fix in the repeater where the repeated event was skipping the initial repeat if the user's clock is in negative GMT offset. (GMT -2 etc)
- Bug fix where menus and other elements were displaying the event title instead of the actual menu title ( removed title filter) in Single event page. 

23.3.2017 Version 1.5.7

- Added micro-data schema to single event's page. Single page's share buttons now properly include Title, Description and Image.
- Added new option in General Settings "Display date in user local time" to display the events in visitor's local timezone.
- Added new option in General Settings -> Other tab "Admin access level". This field allows the admin to specify user access level (excluding the super admin) required in order to view the calendar in the back-end. Defaults to "edit_posts".
- Added new option in the import section "Overwrite events". If checked the existing events will be overwritten. - Agenda "Look for more" button now looks 12 months ahead (up from 6 months).
- Bug fix in the event's single page where the attend option was visible at all times if the counter was disabled.
- Other minor bug fixes.

23.2.2017 Version 1.5.6

- Bug fix where imported events may have incorrect time.
- Bug fix where the single page shop tab was not displaying the product price.
- Added Czech language pack (thanks to Martin Kabát)

2.2.2017 Update 1.5.5

- Bug fix where single page sometimes may be not accessible when theme settings are updated.
- Added editor for the introduction field in the admin area
- Improvements in the .ics parser.
- Added new import option "Delete events". If checked it will remove events from your import calendar if they don't exist in the .ics file.
- Added additional style that should prevent most theme css conflicts.
- Added new [stachethemes_ec] shortcode filters: min_date and max_date. Example: [stachethemes_ec min_date="1 Jan 2017" max_date="31 Jan 2017"] This will return only the events from January 2017

9.1.2017 Version 1.5.4

- Agenda list now shows upcoming events from the set month and year. Was fixed from "now" before.
- Woo Commerce: added meta data "stec_event_start_date" with value of the event start date.
- Added option to enable/disable events and weather data cache. Events cache lasts 12 hours. Forecast cache lasts 1 hour. Cache can deleted at will from the Cache sub menu.
- Improvements in import events where n tags were not handled properly.
- Bug fix in weather forecast. 24 hours forecast starts from current time.
- Bug fix in the Single Event Page where the reminder was throwing js error.
- Minor style improvements in Single Event Page and Calendar Event's Introduction Page.

16.12.2016 Version 1.5.3

- Added "Select All" button in the calendar filter menu on the front-end. Shows only if there are more than 3 calendars. 
- Added option to set coordinates for the map location since the geocoder sometimes fails to find the address 
- Bug fix where the guest's social links were showing only http:// 
- Import events: if the imported event has no DTEND value the calendar will assume the event is 24 hours. Previously the event was ignored. 


- Bug fix where updating the event erases the event external link and sets it /0.
- Bug fix where front-end submission was not retrieving user roles properly.

29.11.2016 Version 1.5.2

- Added new repeater. New repeat options: repeat on specific days, end repeat after X recurrences, end repeat on specific date.
- New import option - don't import expired nonrecurring events.
- New general setting option - hide/show share icons.
- New general setting option - hide agenda list
- Calendar selection is removed from front-end submission form if there is only one calendar available.
- Bug fix: Facebook share tab now closes after sharing link.
- Bug fix: Plugin now properly retrieves user permissions. 

31.10.2016 Version 1.5.1

- Bug fix affecting daylight saving time
- Bug fix where js may produce fatal error if Force Load Scripts option is set to "Yes" 

09.10.2016 Version 1.5

- New feature: Display event in single page
- Added option to share events on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
- New general option: Open events in. Values are: "Single Page" or "Calendar" 
- Event time span is now visible in Events list in the admin section
- New secondary buttons
- Bug fix where schedule was not expanding on mobile devices
- Minor css fixes - PHP Strict Standards notices fix


- Bug fix in Import Section where Bulk Delete Cronjobs returns "Nonce did not verify" error. 
- Fixed admin styles for the file inputs and checkboxes


- Bug fix where cron jobs were not firing in version 1.4.5

16.09.2016 Version 1.4.5

- Added French language pack
- Bug fix in the repeater
- Bug fix for PHP 5.3 support
- Other minor css/js improvements.

09.09.2016 Version 1.4.4

- Fixed compatibility issues with PHP 5.3
- Network Activate creates tables for all multi-sites
- Fixed issues where importer add events with wrong timezone
- Added German translation (de_DE) .po file 

05.09.2016 Version 1.4.3

- Shop tab redesign now includes item quantity.
- PHP 5.3 support.
- Back-end calendar visibility option.
- Fixed .POT translation template file.
- Captcha is now off by default.
- Week view dates mismatch fix.

29.08.2016 Version 1.4.2

- Calendar pre-init loader.
- New css3 preloader since SVG animations are deprecated.
- Dashboard notifications for new submitted events that are awaiting approval.
- Export event to .ICS format from the front-end.
- Import event to your Google Calendar from the front-end.
- Added shortcode parameters to the Visual Composer element.
- Humidity number is rounded.
- Other bug fixes.


- FIX for Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in stachethemes_event_calendar/front/class/calendar.php on line 54 Feature implemented in PHP 5.5. Target version is PHP 5.4. 
- Other minor css fixes 

16.08.2016 Version 1.4.1

- New design for Schedule and Weather tabs.
- New feature: You can now schedule to automatically import events from URL per given timespan. Uses wp_cron.
- Front-end create form is automatically hidden if user has not permission to add any events.
- Added new font-awesome icons.
- "Go to event" text changed to "Visit event website" to avoid confusion.
- Bug fix where event create form was not submitting the data if reCaptcha is turned off.

9.08.2016 – Hotfix

- Bug fix where 12 PM is displayed as 12 AM on the front-end.
- Bug fix where featured small image and avatar default image were not displaying.

4.08.2016 – Version 1.4 hotfix

- Activator now uses SSL protocol.
- Added new option in Fonts and Color section: "Add !important rule". This option adds !important rule after each generated style.
- Bug fix where some color settings were not working.

3.08.2016 – Version 1.4 hotfix

- Fix where some users experience problem with activator because of cURL misconfiguration.
- Increased event preview size in mobile view to115px (up from 85px).
- Added option in general section to hide "Create an event" form.

2.08.2016 – Version 1.4

New Feature: Create events from the front-end.

- Visitors and site users can now add events to your calendars.
- You can specify which calendar to make available to users, access level required for users and if approval by administrator is required before the event go public.
- Google reCAPTCHA is included as an option in the submit form.

Added: The calendar now require license activation!
Added: Option to import ics files via URL.

Changes: Visual layout improvements.

FIX: Importing .ics file multiple times will not duplicate events that were previously imported.
FIX: Bug fix where events may not be sorted correctly on webkit browsers.

28.06.2016 – Minor additions to version 1.3.2

 - Reduced the event timespan label in certain cases (when ends on same day etc...)
 - Added option to start the calendar on user defined date through shortcode attribute "start_date". Example. [stachethemes_ec start_date="1 September 2016"]
 - Removed title="..." on hover, no longer needed.

25.06.2016 – Version 1.3.2

- Added featured tag in the event options.
- Added featured filter.
- Added duplicate event button.
- Added link for further reading in introduction tab (Even Info).
- FIX: WooCommerce admin tab will show published products only.
- FIX: "Headers already sent..." error during activation if wp_debug is enabled.

16.06.2016 – Version 1.3.1

- Minimum width increased even further to 280px
- Added new event icon fa-hand-o-up
- Minor css fixes

13.06.2016 – Version 1.3

- Added iCalendar (.ics) import/export support.
- Fixed issue with Loco Translate and other gettext editors.
- Added "View Cart" and "Checkout" links in the WooCommerce front-end tab.
- New general setting: "Agenda Calendar Display". This option hides/shows agenda calendar slider.
- New add/edit event setting: "Counter". Hide/Shows the event counter.
- New Fonts & Colors Event Content setting "Event info title and text align".
- Bug fixes for older versions of iOS and Safari (7.1+).
- Visual improvements for mobile devices. (iPhone 6, iPad Air, Android Galaxy Note 4, Nexus 6, Motorola G 2nd Gen and so on)
- Other minor css fixes

3.06.2016 – Version 1.2

- Added Tooltip on event hover.
- Tooltip can contain Image, Title, Short Description Text (new field), Event Status, Counter, Location and Event Timespan.
- New General Setting: Enable/Disable Tooltip.
- New General Setting: Agenda events limit per click.
- New General Setting: Auto-focus event (Yes/No).
- New General Setting: Auto-focus event offset (- / +) px.
- New General Setting: Show event title on all cells (Yes/No).
- New General Setting: Top Menu (Show/Hide).
- Filter (show/hide) calendars/events by WordPress User Role.
- Added several new icons.
- Bug fix in comments (Disqus) tab.
- WooCommerce buy button now visible if customers can purchase.
- Some minor CSS fixes.

26.05.2016 – Version 1.1

-  Added WooCommerce support. You can now add products to your events.
-  Added option to customize notification and reminder e-mail content from General settings. 
-  Added 40+ new icons to choose from.
-  Added option to hide GMT time from the front-end.
-  Fonts & Colors minimum font-size is now 9px.
-  Bug fix in the agenda view where some events were not displayed in the list.
-  Bug fix where custom style tab css was not generated on the front-end.


- Added new button in the top menu that allows to filter events by calendar.


- Bug fix in the calendar event repeater method.

16.05.2016 – Version 1.0

- Release

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = Stachethemes Event Calendar – WordPress Events Calendar Plugin
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy Stachethemes Event Calendar – WordPress Events Calendar Plugin from the The Developer ( Stachethemes ) website. Thank you.
Download = Stachethemes Event Calendar – WordPress Events Calendar Plugin-[Updated].zip

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