

[Download] To-Do List


Download To-Do List free –
Latest version [Nulled] , powered by navnneetjakhar

The To-Do List application is a web-based task management tool that allows users to create, organize, and manage their tasks efficiently. Users can add tasks with specific details such as task name, date and time, and priority level. Additionally, users can mark tasks as completed, edit task details, delete tasks, and clear all tasks from the list.


1 Add Tasks: Users can add new tasks by entering the task name, date and time, and selecting a priority level (low, medium, or high). Tasks are displayed in a list format with relevant details.

2 Edit Tasks: Users can edit existing tasks by clicking on the edit button next to each task. This allows them to modify the task name and update other details.

3 Mark as Completed: Users can mark tasks as completed by checking the checkbox next to each task. Completed tasks are visually distinguished with a strike-through effect.

4 Delete Tasks: Users can delete tasks from the list by clicking on the delete button next to each task. This removes the task permanently from the list.

5 Clear All Tasks: Users have the option to clear all tasks from the list with a single click. A confirmation dialog is displayed before clearing all tasks to prevent accidental deletions.

6 Sort by Date: Users can filter tasks based on the selected date. By entering a date and clicking the “Sort by Date” button, only tasks scheduled for that date will be displayed.

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Download = To-Do List-[Updated].zip

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