

Download WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin Nulled


WooCommerce Deposits is a premium WordPress and WooCommerce plugin for handling partial payments. Customers pay a fixed price or percentage up front. You can also force a deposit.

WooCommerce Deposits is fully compatible with the WooCommerce Bookings plugin, allowing you to collect deposits on bookings as well as other products.


  • Accept or force deposits on products in your store.
  • New with WooCommerce 3.0+ : Checkout mode to make deposits cart based and deposit option button located in checkout
  • New with WooCommerce 3.0+ : Automatic email reminders to pay remaining amount after speific number of days
  • Select deposit type: Fixed value or percentage.
  • Customers can pay the remaining amount later by logging in.
  • Disable or enable deposits site-wide with a single click.
  • Disable specific payment gateways when there’s a deposit in cart.
  • Display custom messages when the deposit option is chosen.
  • Add new deposits from the order editor in the admin back-end.
  • Built for WooCommerce: Designed from the ground up to work with WooCommerce.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings: Multiply the deposit by persons on your bookings or collect a percentage of the total value.
  • Deposit reports are available in the WooCommerce reports panel.
  • Fully translatable: Compatible with WPML.
  • Comes pre-translated in the following languages: Arabic, Dutch, English, French, German, and Spanish.


* WooCommerce Deposits Changelog *

10/02/2018 version 2.2.5
        * Compatibility with woocommerce 3.3.1
        * Bug fix : compatibility issue for deposit slider on Firefox / IE

05/01/2018 version 2.2.4
        * Bug fix : minor localization issues

        * Bug fix : checkout mode buttons disappear when default selection is set to Full Amount

        * Tweak : Added 'Mark partially paid' to orders bulk actions
        * Minor bug fixes.

23/11/2017 version 2.2.3
        * Bug fix : deposit calculation issue with woocommerce bookings person types fixed

18/11/2017 version 2.2.2

       * Bug fix : Deposit status display in my account page was not correct when order status is changed manually

15/11/2017 version 2.2.1

       * Bug fix : Product Purchase not was not displaying partially-paid emails
20/10/2017 version 2.2.0

       * Woocommerce 3.2 compatiblity
       * Dropped support and compatibility for woocommerce versions below 3.0
       * minor bug fixes
19/10/2017 version 2.1.8

       * tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_deposit_breakdown_tooltip_labels" which allows overriding labels in deposit breakdown tooltip
       * Tweak : modifications to deposit breakdown tool-tip , allowing to unset any tool-tip values.

09/10/2017 version 2.1.7

       * Bug fix : some user added text were not getting translated properly & other translation fixes

04/10/2017 version 2.1.6
       * Tweak : User added text in settings can now be translated

04/10/2017 version 2.1.5

       * fixed a bug : on deposit payment, order status was updating to processing instead of partially-paid with some payment gateways.

24/09/2017 version 2.1.4

    * Tweak : enhanced display of deposit and second payment in customer emails
    * fixed a bug :  wrong amount was displaying in customer email if user choose to pay deposit by check then second payment by check as well

16/09/2017 version 2.1.3
    * fixed a bug  : deposit calculation in checkout mode was not correct for some cases
    * minor bug fixes

30/08/2017 version 2.1.2

    * Tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_is_product_deposit_enabled" to override whether deposit is enabled or not on product-level
    * Tweak : added filter "wc_deposits_product_force_deposit" to override whether deposit is forced or not on product-level

14/08/2017 version 2.1.1

    * Feature : possibility to split taxes cost on deposit / second payment according to amounts
    * Feature : deposit-breakdown explanation tooltip next to deposit amount title in cart & checkout
    * Improved compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles
    * added filter "wc_deposits_cart_item_deposit_data" to allow overriding deposit values for each individual cart item
    * minor bug fixes

11/07/2017 version 2.1.0

    * Marked setting "Display Taxes" as Deprecated
    * Feature : Strings Override section in settings, allows changing of all frontend text displayed to customer
    * Tweak : Deposit slider buttons are now loaded as a woocommerce template, it can be overwritten in parent / child theme

08/07/2017 version 2.0.10

    * fixed a bug : for some cases stock was not reducing when paying full amount
    * fixed a bug with  subscription products
10/06/2016 version 2.0.9

* minor bug fixes
* Tweak : deposit button will not display in checkout mode if deposit amount is 0 or less

24/05/2017 version 2.0.8

* rewritten email templates to match woocommerce latest templates
* minor bug fixes in order editor
* removed some legacy code
* other minor fixes

22/05/2017 version 2.0.7

* fixed a bug with deposit calculation

20/05/2017 version 2.0.6
* compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.7
* Feature : checkout-based deposit mode added ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ )
* updated translations

26/04/2017 version 2.0.5

* compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.4
* enhancements to Woo Subscriptions compatibility on product page
* Feature : new email template : Second Payment Reminder ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ )
* Feature : added the ability for admin to set up reminder email of second payment to be sent automatically to customer after * number of days ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ )

* added resend partially-paid and second-payment reminder emails to order actions, resend order emails section ( available for Woocommerce 3.0.0+ )
* updates to deposit calculations interface in admin order area ( based on product deposits and taxes/fees/shipping handling settings)
* fixed an error with refunded orders in order management admin page

16/04/2017 version 2.0.4

* compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.3
* product editor and bulk editor compatibility with woocommerce 3.0.* CRUD
* Woo Subscriptions compatibility : deposit calculation now applies on sign-up fee and ignores recurring subscription fees.
* Featured : added option that allows user to choose when to collect fees (either with deposit or second-payment)
* fixed a bug with incorrect deposit amount when changing order total after it becomes already partially-paid
* fixed a bug with email templates
* added filters 'woocommerce_deposits_cart_deposit_amount' and 'woocommerce_deposits_cart_second_payment_amount' allowing overriding of deposit and second-payment amounts in cart/checkout
* fixed a bug with some emails failing to send due to empty body error
* some improvements to "update outdated orders" tool

10/04/2017 version 2.0.3
* Deposit status row removed from order received and email templates because of a bug with woocommerce caching, it still is viewable from myaccount page
* Implemented wc-deposits-legacy classes for backward compatibility
* replaced all product/order meta updating functions to use woocommerce 3.0+ CRUD
* fixed a bug with variations product not working
* updated email templates to be fully functional with woocommerce 3.0

1/04/2017 version 2.0.2
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0
* Feature : added gateway compatibility enhancement section to settings (with a single option currently)
* updated translations

29/03/2017 version 2.0.1
* Compatibility with Woocommerce 2.6.14
* Feature : added option that allows user to choose when to collect taxes (either with deposit or second-payment)
* Feature : added option that allows user to choose when to collect shipping (either with deposit or second-payment) , please note that shipping taxes are collected with taxes
* Feature : added option to use basic radio buttons for deposits in product pages,helpful in cases where there are multiple deposit buttons in the same page or when there are css conflicts
* Tweak : deposit & remaining fields won't display in cart / checkout/ emails if there is no deposit in cart /order
* fixed a bug  of some orders displaying incorrect price amounts
* fixed a minor display bug with order editing page
* fixed a bug which caused partially-paid orders to get cancelled if making second payment fails
* fixed a bug that caused "pay" button to display to customers even if second payment is disabled by admin
* fixed a compatibility bug with woocommerce bookings that caused fatal error to occur when trying to access bookings
* fixed a minor bug wih decimal separator in admin order editing area
* added compatibility with Payment Gateway Based Fees
* Improved compatibility with Woocommerce Bookings and Woocommerce Appointments
* Feature : added options to change deposit button colors
* updated translations

2016.03.29 - version 1.6
* Fix stock reduction not working in rare cases.
* Don't modify order totals after order completion.
* Overhaul of the order editor logic.
* Fix "Amount Paid:" and "To Pay:" in contextual situations.
* Fix order totals with WooCommerce 2.5.
* Fix email templates with WooCommerce 2.5.
* Support for Composite Products. You must add a deposit percentage to at least one component.
* Don't hide any items in order editor.
* Hide `Remaining Amount` on final payment.
* Fix an issue with emails and the remaining amount.
* Fix a rounding issue.
* Fix a bug with WooCommerce Bookings.

2016.01.20 - version 1.5.1
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5.
* Generate unique order numbers based on order status. (Better compatibility with gateways)
* Fixed bug with variable products and Booking System PRO.
* Fixed translations having the wrong file names.
* Misc. UI bug fixes.

2015.06.02 - version 1.5
* Added new translations: Arabic, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish.
* Added bulk editing.
* Added WooCommerce reports.
* Added new email templates: partial payment emails to the customers now contain a payment link.
* Added the option to prevent customers from making the second payment.
* Added stock reduction options. (On deposit/full payment)
* Extra filters to control items passed to the gateway.
* Change 'Paid Today:' to 'To Pay:' in the cart as well as the checkout page.
* Set explicit price on line items on second payment.
* Fixed typos in email description and the admin interface.
* Fixed stylesheet priority.
* Fixed WooCommerce detection in multi-site configurations.
* Fixed calculation of order total when manually creating new order.

2015.03.01 - version 1.4.2
* Fixed issue with deposit metadata handling.
* Hide everything without a remaining amount from the second payment.
* Fix WooCommerce colour selection.
* Changed 'Paid Today:' to 'To Pay:'

2015.02.12 - version 1.4.1
* WooCommerce 2.3.x compatibility.
* Fixed missing translations.
* Fixed a potential rounding issue.
* Fixed order editor bug preventing setting the remaining amount to 0.
* Removed redundant price suffixes.
* Fixed rare bug in the enumeration of variable products.
* Restore deposit/price range upon clearing variable product selection.
* Don't display 'per item' for products sold individually.

2015.01.02 - version 1.4
* Applied coupon discounts will now subtract from the remaining amount rather than the deposit amount when appropriate.
* The 'Paid Today' and 'Remaining' fields are now displayed after 'Order Total' in the cart totals.
* Manually marking orders with a deposit as complete clears the remaining balance.
* Only enqueue front-end scripts and styles on product pages with deposits enabled.
* Fixed tax display option always activating.
* Fixed misc. translations.
* Fixed deposit button CSS and expanded gradient browser support.
* Added minimum-maximum deposit display for variable products when a percentage is used.
* Added dynamic client-side deposit display for variable products.

2014.11.03 - version 1.3.2
* Fixed product tax display. (Since tax is always collected upfront)
* Added the option to add taxes to the deposit for purposes of display.

2014.10.31 - version 1.3.1
* Fixed PayPal cart issues with partial payments.

2014.10.29 - version 1.3
* Added 'Partially paid' order status.
* Added editable deposit fields in the order editor admin back-end.
* Added the ability for the customer to pay the remaining amount.
* Added email hooks for the new order status.
* Added additional security checks.
* Fixed conditional payment gateway disabling logic.
* Fixed initial status for the deposit switch.
* Fixed order-specific currency display in order admin view.
* Fixed order-specific currency display in emails and the checkout page.

2014.10.25 - version 1.2.1
* Fixed a security issue.
* Updated totals display in the 'my account' page.
* More small fixes.

2014.10.24 - version 1.2
* Added the ability to change the button text for the deposit options.
* Added the ability to select the default deposit option when adding to cart.
* Fixed links in custom messages in the add-to-cart form.
* Some small fixes.

2014.10.22 - version 1.1
* Added the ability to disable specific payment gateways when there's a deposit in cart.
* Added the ability to disable all deposit functionality site-wide.
* Added the ability to show custom messages in the add-to-cart form.
* New site-wide settings tab in the WooCommerce settings.
* A number of small fixes.

2014.10.16 - version 1.0
 * First Release.

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin from the The Developer ( voodooattack ) website. Thank you.
Download = WooCommerce Deposits – Partial Payments Plugin-[Updated].zip

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