

Download WordPress Guest Posts Nulled


What it does

The WordPress Guest Posts plugin allows WordPress based sites
to accept articles submissions from visitors in an easy way, without the need to
register an account for each of them.
With a simple setup the plugin will provide a set of powerful features to your guests
giving them access to features very similar to the ones that you, as site owner, have in your
administration interface.


We did our best to make your job to use our plugin as simple as possible by providing
documentation, examples and interactive support.

The package has a documentation available both inside the archive you will download
and also here.
This document will describe everything you need for a basic usage.

If you want to see a set of advanced features that give you a higher level of customization you can
browse the advanced documentation.

You could as well download this short video
that shows in a few easy steps how you can use the WordPress Guest Posts
plugin from installing it up to publishing posts submitted by your visitors.

You can also have a look at our demo site
where you can test all the features provided by this plugin.

We also provide support through item comments so if you have any question, suggestion or opinion please feel free
to let us know using the discussion board available here

Why use it?

According to the latest stats available
at the moment we are writing this description there are more than
70 million websites powered by WordPress, so maybe we can’t think of
all the reasons you might want to use our plugin, but we will list a few, the ones
we considered when we decided to build this tool:

  • Your site is a news provider and might benefit from reporting by witnesses to important events
  • You consider that guest posting is an effective SEO technique
  • You post creative work by any author that meets your standards
  • You want to have a realistic image on your reader’s opinion, more than just by what can be said in a comment

If you are taking into consideration any of these reasons or any other until now
you had (a least) two main problems this plugin solves this way:

  • You don’t have to create user accounts for the potential owners.
    Especially relevant if you expect a lot of posts and/or from anyone.
  • You don’t have to receive articles via email and after that spend the time to
    style them in the WordPress editor – you can do it directly in your administration area.

Main features

For a complete list of features you can refer to the above mentioned
advanced documentation
or you can test the demo site,
but we will also list here some of the main advantages that make our plugin a smart choice:

  • Simple setup: you just install the plugin and paste the shortcode [osd_guest_posts] in a page
  • High level of customization: with the set of options available in the plugin’s settings page you can
    fine tune everything from how your form looks to how it works.
  • Email notifications for you and your authors on important events like
    when an article is submitted, approved or rejected.
    Everything from the notification content to the decision if the notification
    is sent is also customizable.
  • Visual editor similar to the one you have in your administration area available to the guests.
  • You can enable an automatic “author box” that appends some details about the writer
    to the article content.
  • Security: the content is secured following the WordPress recommendations.
    Also you can prevent spam submissions by using the popular recaptcha form
    (without the need to install a separate plugin).

We are also very interested in your feedback, trying to keep the package useful to site owners.
Three main features added in the version 1.1.0 were in fact suggested by customers:

  • Accept tags for articles
  • Allow guests to fill in values for the custom fields you use on your site
  • Allow you and your users (if you want to) to pick a registered user to
    show up as the post author.


We are very proud that we already received some flattering reviews from our customers
and we would like to share excerpts from the ones that made us feel appreciated:

“Everything works perfect [..] i am happy with your very usefull plugin”

“I really like your powerful product”

“I actually search some like your product in the web, but really your solution is the most complete.”

“I have recently bought this plugin, so far settings seems great”

Note: we decided to keep the identity of the authors undisclosed but if you recognize your affirmation
here and you want to be acknowledged or you want us to link to the page where you are using our plugin
please let us know using the contact form and we will. Also, if you are not comfortable with us
sharing your statement we are open to removing it upon request.

Keep in touch

You can be sure to get our updates as quick as possible through one of these channels:

  • Our Facebook page
  • Our blog
  • You can also follow us here, on Code Canyon

[eltd_button size=”huge-full-width” type=”outline” text=”Download & Demo Links” custom_class=”#” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” link=”” target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Demo = WordPress Guest Posts
[eltd_button size=”huge” type=”” text=”Full Live Demo” custom_class=”” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-laptop” link=”″ target=”_blank” color=”” hover_color=”” background_color=”” hover_background_color=”” border_color=”” hover_border_color=”” font_size=”” font_weight=”” margin=””]

Kindly Note: We update new contents like WordPress Themes, Plugins, PHP Scripts everyday. But remember that you should never use this items in a commercial website. All the contents posted here for development & testing purpose only. We’re not responsible for any damage, use at your own RISK! We highly recommend to buy WordPress Guest Posts from the The Developer ( OSDNetwork ) website. Thank you.
Download = WordPress Guest Posts-[Updated].zip

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